Impeach Bush--Index
May 25, 2008Impeachable Offense May 23, 2008
May 23, 2008 May 24, 2008Impeachable Offense May 23, 2008 May 22, 2008 Republicans support the war, our troops and vets as long as they're getting their taxes cut and it doesn't cost them anything. Will someone tell them to go away? Impeachable OffenseMay 22, 2008 May 22, 2008 May 22, 2008 May 22, 2008Impeachable Offense May 20, 2008Impeachable Offense May 22, 2008 May 22, 2008 Wouldn't it be great if the lobbyists who kept McCain's campaign alive asked for their money back. He'd have no choice but give it back. May 21, 2008 The anchors of some of our major news networks let Bush's rants go unchallenged when Bush himself is talking with North Korea. The blind idiocy of some news anchors, men like Brian Williams of NBC is worth nothing and never forgetting. He and other accept known lies and hypocritical statements made by Bush and they refuse to challenge them. May 21, 2008 May 21, 2008 May 18, 2008 The Bush White House argued Iraq and Iran don't need nuclear power because they have oil. They lied. An impeachable offense. Impeachable OffenseMay 17, 2008 This website documented how the FBI refused to participate in war crimes and in fact the FBI Director ordered his people to stay away from the torture chambers the CIA and military had set up. Impeachable OffenseMay 21, 2008 Far too many pseudo journalists are afraid of telling the truth about the war crimes committed by US soldiers. How can we (the US) have credibility when so many are blinded by pseudo patriotism. Back in the real world, real commanders in the ground in Iraq allowed their troops to commit war crimes and violate the rules of war. Impeachable OffenseMay 16, 2008 May 14, 2008 Nothing pisses off a conservative more than "equal rights." Their party can create massive debt and they don't care. Their party can take us to war for no reason and they don't care. Their party can spend decades talking about abortion and doing nothing to end abortion and they don't care. Their party can talk about balancing the budget and failing but they don't care. But equal that'll get them worked up. Morons. May 15, 2008 The media exposed another gross crime against our vets and the VA won't release the name of the psychologist. We have's in the article below "Norma Perez." The May 16, 2008 "Support our troops" was never public policy but it worked great to quiet all opposition - especially in the media. Impeachable OffenseMay 16, 2008 May 16, 2008 Once again we see the intellectual dwarfism of conservatism. Conservatives finally accept the basic fact that global warming is real - real enough to kill polar bears but then they turn around and say this fact shouldn't be considered when we talk about global warming and green house gases. Are these people really that dumb? May 15, 2008 With each passing day we learn of another crime committed by the Bush White House. It's clear the Democrats have their own plan...let Bush and his war destroy the GOP. In the mean time the war and Bush are destroying the reputation of the United States. Cowards. Impeachable OffenseMay 14, 2008 May 14, 2008 There's sweet irony in the GOP collapsing after it followed the wishes of the Wall Street Editorial Board. In this case, we had blind idiots leading the blind. Thank god all Americans aren't as dumb or pig-headed as the Wall Street Journal. May 15, 2008 The death of the GOP can be directly attributed to conservatives (especially conservative Christians). Bush gave them everything they wanted and it didn't work. May 14, 2008 California's budget deficit has risen from around $13 billion to $15.2 billion under Schwarzenegger. The media talking heads who pushed his candidacy will never point out he failed miserably. How could he succeed? He cut taxes. May 14, 2008 Just so you understand how stupid it is to cut taxes. This stimulus package will create massive new debt that we'll pass to the next generation. It's not a tax cut, but instead a tax increase. Deficits are unpaid taxes PLUS interest. May 13, 2008 Yet another hole in the once shining armor of conservative tax cuts. If tax cuts worked, wouldn't we have $9 trillion of surpluses instead of $9 trillion of debt? May 13 2008 Reagan left office with a falling dollar and so will Bush. They also have one other thing in common - an explosion of debt under their watch. While some will try to defend their legacies we should recall Reagan and Bush couldn't have done anything if they supported conservative principles such as balancing the budget. May 6, 2008 After nearly eight years of lying to us about the "20th" hijacker, the government finally admits it has no case and in fact, our most senior government officials were all lying. May 13, 2008 Conservative dogma holds a simple truth that has now been disproven. They believe(d) that no matter how much debt they created Americans would give them credit for a booming economy as long as they could say their tax cuts made it happen. After accumulating more debt than any president in history the economy still isn't budging. May 12, 2008 Informed people know the surge failed and instead it was the ceasefire that ended the slaughter in Iraq. McCain and Bush lied - the US media were accompalices in that lie. May 11, 2008 It's amazing how fast things have changed. Just a few months ago the US military was caught lying about killing an al-Qaeda leader twice. May 9, 2008 The GOP has become the party that defends failure. If they spent as much time doing the nations business as they spend explaining away their failures, they'd actually be a competitive party. But as it is, the GOP is about as worthless as a bowl of spit. May 10, 2008 Bush perfected the "Reagan" model. He spent like there's no tomorrow, cut taxes, lied to the American people about threats to our national security and bankrupted us with massive debt. It seems Americans have grown beyond the GOP. May 9, 2008 Can you imagine any businessman who'd support any republican after what they've done to the deficits, debt and the economy? Forbes Magazine tells us the three best post WW2 economic presidents were Clinton, LBJ and Kennedy. Why can't big business figure out the GOP is bad for business? May 9, 2008 The GOP gave conservatives everything they wanted; deficit causing tax cuts, war for no reason and a country that doesn't respect the rule of law so now the reap what they've sown over the past 30 years. RIP. May 10, 2008 It's become clear that the only reason republicans run for political office is so they can reward their friends and harm their enemies. A free market system that creates things that don't work? That's conservatism. May 10, 2008 While the media spends months talking about when Clinton will drop out and the "Wright" effect, Americans are looking for adults who live in the real world. May 19, 2008 May 8, 2008 The GOP had no problem with the Bear Sterns bail out or trillions of dollars of debt to create the illusion of economic growth. It's time to treat conservatives like 12-year olds. God knows they're incapable of being intellectually consistent. Impeachable OffenseMay 9, 2008 When a "special council" needs a "special council to investigate his crimes you know you have a problem. At some point we have to wonder if there are any decent people working for Bush. May 7, 2008Impeachable Offense May 6, 2008 May 9, 2008 Long before the MSM picked up on the housing crisis, we were there. Now it's time to see when, where and how this ends. In the mean time it's also a good time to pick up some very cheap property and make a fortune. And to think, you don't need a government hand-out (tax cut, stimulus package etc.) to do it. May 19, 2008 May 8, 2008 Government "of, by and for the people." What an interesting concept. May 8, 2008 May 9, 2008 May 6, 2008 The military has a long history of interfering in our law-making process, including previously denouncing any attempt to allows gays and lesbian to serve openly in the military. To suggest they've always obeyed civilian authority is revision. May 3, 2008Impeachable Offense May 6, 2008 May 5, 2008 This is after Bush, McCain and the Pentagon said the surge was a success. Liars! Impeachable OffenseApril 30, 2008 Thanks to the incompetence of Bush's Military that we're still in a war with a country that has no military to speak of and we no where near winning the war. Impeachable OffenseMay 4, 2008 April 30, 2008 Going all the way back to the 2004 election Bush said the Iraqi Army was well on its way to being trained and ready to take over. Another lie. Impeachable OffenseMay 4 2008Possible Impeachable Offense May 4, 2008 May 1, 2008 Bush's Pentagon told us Iran was funding Iraq's militias. Bush and the Pentagon lied. Impeachable OffenseMay 4, 2008 If you want to know why the US is so completely screwed up look at this list of pundits from the UK. The right wing has filled the airwaves with demagog while the Democrats have few household names in the top 50. May 5, 2008 May 1, 2008Impeachable Offense April 23, 2008Impeachable Offense April 29, 2008 |