Impeach Bush--Index 47
If terrorism is so bad, why do we fund it? An Impeachable OffenseAn Impeachable Offense
February 22, 2007 Why isn't anyone in the government being held accountable for these crimes against a fellow American? Where were the courts? (Granted it's a little late now but the courts were fully aware something was very wrong with this case for many years). Our court system failed to stop the criminal acts of the Bush White House. The only recourse is impeachment and removal from office. Then we should seriously think about impeaching the Supreme Court. An Impeachable Offense
It appears many of our generals no longer trust their commander in chief.
Articles of Impeachment
I don't know who to blame but it seems obvious there are two groups that hate US soldiers; the US military and the Republican Party.
How many times has Bush said things are getting better? How many times has he lied? An Impeachable Offense
The rot within the Marine Corps appears to be systemic.
I'd be curious of anyone in the press is going to go back and check to see if the new AG used this fake terror data in sworn congressional testimony. An Impeachable Offense
The leaders of the world are making changes we'll have to adapt to. It wasn't so long ago we were doing the leading and other were doing the following.
Here's the deal. The US buys oil from Iran, then they use our money to build weapons - nothing wrong with that, we build a lot of weapons also. So when our money is being used to build up Iran why don't our politicians make nice with them instead of antagonizing them? I'd like to see a grown-up in the White House soon. With any luck it'll be someone who knows it's just as easy to make friends as enemies. Just a few years ago we had friends all over the world. Do we have any left?
"The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it." There is no invading army and there is no rebellion, therefore suspending habeas corpus is unconstitutional. The problem is we have an ass in the White House, many members of Congress and some courts that use the constitution for ass wipe.
Conservative are only interested in the Constitution when their party isn't destroying it. In this case, a conservative writes that Congress doesn't have the authority to micro manage a war. But in the real world, the war was based on lies and the only reason we're still in Iraq is because it's in Bush's best political interests to stay there. We have to first accept the fact that Iraq was never a threat to our national security and then accept the fact that Bush spent years lying about that threat after he knew it wasn't true.
This is what happens when Congress and a President sits on their ass for six years. It's time to hold them accountable. With each passing day there are going to be fewer and fewer republicans - the party destroyed itself.
Even Democrat supports have to admit their party has no stomach for a good fight. Cowards? Perhaps a bit too strong, but what else do we call people who check the polls before taking a stand on anything? The GOP polls only their base, while Dems poll what most Americans want. When does leadership come into the equation?
Why didn't McCain state his objections to Rumsfeld when it would have made a difference? Can they find a weaker candidate?
The US military had a 61% increase in spending and it's still getting its butt kicked (in a country that has no military). Our health care is a disaster. We're now rated 37th in the world and with each passing year we're falling further and further behind the rest of the world.
If we look in major political magazines like US News, they state categorically that Iran is funding Iraq. What is their evidence? They have none. They simply regurgitate the latest White House lies into a news story even though our top generals say it's all a lie. Speaking of US News, the same issue says the deficit is going down and they say Bush has created hundreds of billions of dollars of debt. Either the folks at US News are delusional or they're uninformed. The Bush debt now stands at $3 trillion, not hundreds of billions.
If we don't impeach this crook, what will the future say of us? They will call us the generation of cowards. An Impeachable Offense
The US Marine Corps remains a ceasepool of criminals, liars and thugs. It's time to clean house - from the top down.
The GOP is stuck. They can either rebuke Bush or defend his failures. Being cowards, they chose instead to stop debate so they don't have to do either.
It's good to see there are still a few people willing to resign in order to expose most lies put out by the Bush White House.
Yet the Pentagon keeps on giving contracts to Halliburton. If I were in charge I'd press charges against their directors and CEO and throw them in jail, not give them more contracts. An Impeachable Offense
An Impeachable Offense An Impeachable Offense
Bush's war never had anything to do with National Security. It's about padding the pockets of party donors - war profiteering. An Impeachable Offense
An Impeachable Offense
I'm listing this as an impeachable offense because the Bush White House knew there was no accountability last year and chose to do nothing about it. At some point, they must be held accountable. An Impeachable Offense
Rice has a long history of forgetting and/or never getting it right. She was in charge of intelligence during the two largest intelligence failures in US history - 911 and WMD. For these failures (and many more) she was rewarded with the job of Sec. of State. What does it take to be considered a failure in this White House?
Another day, another never stops.
Is there anyone working for Bush who ISN't a criminal? An Impeachable Offense
Murtha knows the military better than any member of congress. If anyone can do it, he can. Will Pelosi let him? An Impeachable Offense