Impeach Bush--Index 61
It seems self-evident that Bush and Cheney felt guilty for missing the obvious signs before 911 so in a fit of guilt and madness they seemed to have given themselves power to break our laws and then justify this lawlessness because of their previous failures. Clearly, none of these extraordinary abuses of power would have been necessary if Bush and Cheney had done their jobs BEFORE 911. Bush, Cheney and Gonzales should be impeached, removed from office and forbidden from holding positions of honor within our government. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 2-9, 2007 issue Experts within the government knew they were violating the Constitution and the Geneva Conventions and they didn't care. Here we are years later and the war on terror has become such a weak supposition that we've spent years fighting in Iraq instead of years fighting so-called terrorists. The courts sat idly by while Bush/Cheney decimated the Constitution. The pro war, pro torture pundits supported these gross violations. An Impeachable OffenseJune 25, 2007 We have a lot of impeachable offenses to deal with this week so here's a sample of what's going on. June 25, 2007 I'm looking at what the courts did to "protect us" from Bush. The judge in this articles says he did nothing except give them advice on how to protect their backsides. Where are our leaders? Where are the men of character and integrity? Where are the judges who swear to protect the constitution from all enemies? An Impeachable OffenseJune 24, 2007 So the guys who mishandle intelligence were afraid someone else would catch them so that's why they didn't want anyone else watching them? If the Congress wanted Bush or the Cheney exempted from the law they would have wrote it into the law. Does it get any simpler than this? Impeach these pricks. An Impeachable OffenseJune 23, 2007 So the US Supreme Court knows the Bush White House is breaking our laws. What will it do...roll over as it has in the past or actually order Bush to follow the law? An Impeachable OffenseJune 22, 2007 June 22, 2007 Long after the "war on terror" is exposed as a bigger farce than the war in Iraq the Court will have to explain why it failed to defend us from the Bush presidency. An Impeachable OffenseJune 23, 2007 Powell had a legal responsibility to inform Congress that Bush and Cheney were violating US laws, the Geneva Conventions and the War Crimes Act (all impeachable offenses). Instead he did nothing; much like the courts, the congress and the media. Where have all our leaders gone? The courts may eventually begin the process of undoing what Bush and Cheney did but it'll be long after they leave office. One thing is certain; if we had a Democrat president the Court would have put up every obstacle it could come up with. An Impeachable OffenseJune 24, 2007 Rule #1, torture POWs in the US. When Rule #1 is discovered apply rule #2. Rule #2, torture POWs in other countries (especially the EU). When the courts learn of this torture and ban it apply rule #3. Rule #3. Move POWs to Guantanamo Bay and torture them. When the public become outraged apply rule #4. Rule #4, move POWs to Afghanistan and torture them to your hearts content. During all these gross violations of Geneva Conventions, the War Crimes Act and US law where is the US Supreme Court? They're taking cases on jesus bongs and faith based religious programs. Personally, I'd support putting bunnies in robes and letting them make decision vital to protecting our way of life. At least then we wouldn't have to pretend they have sapience. An Impeachable OffenseJune 22, 2007 The new republican credo should be something like this; "when it doesn't work, spend more money on it." Tax cuts didn't result in balanced budgets but they kept on cutting taxes. Abstinence program don't work, but they don't care because they think they do. Now it looks like voucher programs don't work either. Give them points for increasing the size of government while claiming to be fiscal conservatives. At least they're good at something - lying. June 22, 2007 If you're in Washington DC in the near future see what you can do to wake the jack-asses on the Supreme Court. The Constitution (like the reputation of the US) lay in ruin. An Impeachable OffenseJune 22, 2007 The law is the law. Have you noticed an increase need for this White House to explain why it can break the law and have you also noticed the Supreme Court doing nothing about it? Passing new laws doesn't work because they'll just break them, so where in the hell is the Court? An Impeachable OffenseJune 22, 2007 June 19, 2007 Clearly the "war on terror" has to now be consider as ill conceived as the war in Iraq. If our federal buildings were threatened by terrorists NO ONE would be talking about cutting funding. The "fact" that Bush is asking for funding cuts adds an additional piece of proof to the supposition that the "war on terror" is a joke. June 21, 2007 Under the Geneva Conventions an occupying power is responsible for security. We destroyed their government and we're occupying their country. We have a legal obligation to keep them safe and we have failed. Excuses don't work...the law is the law. An Impeachable OffenseJune 20, 2007 After 911 the congress gave Bush whatever he wanted. He could have easily changed the NSA law using the legal authority provided by law created by Congress. Instead, he chose to break the law. An Impeachable OffenseJune 26, 2007 June 21, 2007 The military is now accepting criminals and grandpas. It's also forcing amputees to return to duty. Who's next, the mentally ill? June 21, 2007 Now that centrists and conservatives within the Democratic Party see their vote for more war funding has turned the nation against their party too, what will they do now? It's highly likely they'll do what they've always done...repeat the same mistakes and blame Iraqis for the mistakes they made when they supported a war that was based entirely on known lies. Readers are asked to recall that the CIA said Saddam wouldn't use his weapons of mass destruction (assuming he had any) unless the US first attacked him. So what did the US do? We attacked him. Every person who supported the war (in congress and the media) is a bumbling idiot. The CIA said there was no threat, period. June 21, 2007 This article is exceptionally long but it's well worth the read. If you only have time to read one article, read this one. It's now clear Bush, his senior military commanders and Rumsfeld were aware of torture at Abu Ghraib long before CBS broke the story. Collectively they lied to Congress and the American people. Each person still working for the US government who knew about the torture and did nothing to stop and/or lied about it should be impeached (including all military officers) if it's legally possible to impeach someone in the military. An Impeachable OffenseJune 25, 2007 Michael Moore claimed (in his movie) that the bin Laden family was allowed to fly out of the US shortly after 911 and the government denied it. Now we know the government was lying. June 20, 2007 Every institution has to work with 'limited resources' so they use their money wisely. Not the US military. They waste money on projects that aren't based in any scientific principle. They spend because they have too much money. The GOP will claim the military was gutted under Clinton (with their help since they wrote the spending bills) but the military always has enough money for idiocy. It's time to really gut the military - maybe then it'll learn how to fight wars and win them. June 21, 2007 Will pro war and pro torture Democrats win another one and completely destroy what's left of the Democratic Party? June 19, 2007 With each passing day the war on Iraq and the war on terror are being exposes for the farce they've always been. Another 80 POWs are about to be released. Historians will wonder why the Supreme Court sat on its ass and did nothing while the government kidnapped and held people without cause. History will also condemn the military commander in both Iraq and Guantanamo Bay. Have we ever had a group of generals so out of touch with reality? June 19, 2007 The greatest military in human history can't win this war - no one can. In all wars, someone wins and someone loses. The longer we try to keep this stalemate going the worse things get. Someone must win, someone must lose. June 19, 2007 This is one of the few resignations that seemed to have happened without a cloud of criminal or ethical violations. How did he do it? However, this budget director, like all budget directors of republican presidents are failures. The Bush debt exceeds $3.1 trillion, almost twice as much as any president in history (Reagan had the previous record debt - $1.6 trillion). June 19, 2007 Bloomberg ran as a Democrat and governed as a Democrat. How else could he win in a very liberal city like New York? If anyone thought he was a republican they were dupped. Personally, I think candidates who change party ID should be required to do so before the next election, not in mid term. All such party changes are a slap in the face of those who vote for the party, not the man. June 19, 2007 Now that polls show Democrats are in the sewer they may sum up the courage to impeach agency heads that broke the law. If Bush thinks the laws are wrong, why did he sign them or challenge them in court? Imagine this court hearing...Bush signs a law and then tells the court he's not going to obey it because he disagrees with it. The justifies would laugh uncontrollably. Knowing the current Democratic leadership, Bush could shit on their collective faces and they wouldn't do anything. An Impeachable OffenseJune 19, 2007 Bush and his commanders have one thing in common; they don't know how to win a war against a country with no army, navy or air force. Maybe we should give Iraq an army, a navy and an air force so we can defeat them. June 17, 2007 Destroying the integrity of the Justice Department and our system of justice should be grounds for impeachment and removal from office but Democrats don't have what it takes to humiliate the GOP into supporting the "the rule of law." June 18, 2007 We know two absolute truths; first, Rumsfeld knew about Adu Ghraid and refused to brief congress and/or Bush and failed to fire him after he failed to inform congress and himself about the grave war crimes committed by US soldiers. An Impeachable OffenseJune 17, 2007 Democrats took ownership of this war when they refunded it. They can't argue Bush is an incompetent commander in chief because only a fool would give an incompetent commander in chief more money to fight his wars. So now that Democrats own this war they're responsible for the genocide that's taking place - genocide is a war crime. As for the US military - they're equally guilty of war crimes. An Impeachable OffenseJune 18, 2007 A few years ago lying was considered wrong. Today the bunnies in the GOP lie like children who've never been disciplined. There's not a lot new here; Reagan lied about cutting taxes and balancing the budget, Bush lied about cutting taxes and balancing the budget and every conservative in government lied about a threat to our national security. It's what they do but isn't it pathetic that so many centrist and conservative Democrats support(ed) those lies. June 13, 2007 Conservatives wonder why liberals hate the military. It's all pretty simple; they can't win wars, they can't take care of soldiers and vets, they can't tell the truth and they can't investigate themselves impartially. What are they good at? June 16, 2007 I think the question is more basic. The military needs any fool stupid enough to join and they're already forcing amputees from this war back into service etc. Why not force the mentally ill back into service? Who's next - the generation who fought WW2? I'd suggest all the Vietnam era pundits who never served their country who support this war? Let's put Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney in uniform and watch how fast they turn against this war. June 15, 2007 Due to criminal behavior the war mongers who took us to war have left, the corrupt appointees are leaving so the only people left serving Bush are the people who spin the brain dead media. Any other president, VP, AG and Sec. of Defense would have been impeached and removed from office years ago. As long as the country is leaderless nothing will change. Leadership vacuums are always filled so the only question left unanswered is "who will fill it"? - the people who took us to war for no reason, the people who corrupted our government, or those who let one or the other happen under their watch and did nothing about it? Damn pathetic. An Impeachable OffenseJune 16, 2007 Bush (and the media) hammer Democrats on increased spending and they get away with it because Democrats sat back and said absolutely nothing while Bush and the GOP accumulated trillions of dollars of debt. The utter incompetence of the Democratic leadership has been on display for years. How they got power is beyond me. In 1981, before the Reagan tax cut we had less than a trillion dollars of debt. Today, it's almost $9 trillion. During this time when the debt exploded, why didn't Democrats grab the issue and shove it down the hypocritical throats of every fiscal conservative in the GOP? June 16, 2007 CNN is utterly oblivious to reality. They say anti war members of the Democratic Party were "angry" with them after they refunded Bush's war. In the real world the PEW poll says most Americans think Democrats aren't fighting hard enough to stop Bush's war and in other polls; Reid is at 19% approval, Pelosi's numbers are dropping like a rock, the approval rating of congress is at a 15-year low and the number of Americans who think we're heading in the wrong direction is at historic levels, but CNN thinks it's only the anti war Democrats who are angry. Good grief. Do they have any real reporters left at CNN? As for the Democrats and the sorry excuse for leaders they've chosen, they continue to be a poll-driven party, never attempting to lead the nation in a new direction, but instead, constantly following the polls. They are utterly worthless. June 12, 2007 Is there anyone in this White House who has skin thick enough to be an adult? June 13, 2007 The US government can't find, jail, charge or try any terrorists but by god there are 500,000 of them out there. The war on terror has become a joke. An Impeachable OffenseJune 13, 2007 The problem isn't just in the GOP. When faced with a president who took us to war for no reason and was torturing POWs, what did our main stream religions do? They went after gay marriage as if it was the gravest moral threat facing our nation. Religions have become an extension of the hate mongering in the GOP. They should be ashamed of themselves. June 12, 2007 What more needs to be said...we can't trust even faith-based organizations any more. Up is down and wrong is right. Congress should get off its duff and force this company to pay us back. June 13, 2007 It's starting to look like Bush's strongest supporters are the Democrat leadership in both Houses. They give him whatever he wants and then wonder why their numbers plummet. June 13, 2007 June 15, 2007 June 14, 2007 When we break the law we go to jail. When the government breaks the law, nothing happens. We used to be a nation of laws, but that was a long time ago. Impeach the bastards at the FBI. June 15, 2007 June 16, 2007 When lenders get in trouble as they did in the 80's and early 90's (S&L) the government spent hundreds of billions bailing them out. When they get in trouble again be assured your tax dollars will be wisely spent bailing them out again. June 15, 2007 We knew the FBI was abusing the powers they received under the Patriot Act and the Congress reauthorized those abuses when they reauthorized the act. The Patriot Act must be abolished and if we had a worthwhile Supreme Court they'd have found it unconstitutional within days of becoming law. But the way things stand now the government can violate our rights for decades and the Court will do nothing. Individual rights can be abolished within seconds and it takes decades to get them back...does the court have any value whatsoever? An Impeachable OffenseJune 14, 2007 Oil companies gave money to Bush and members of congress who supported a war in the Middle East - a war fought for no reason whatsoever. They bought themselves a war and their record profits show it was a wise investment. unfortunately the war destroyed the reputation of the United States, the Presidency, the Bush Administration, the GOP and now it's destroying the Democratic Party but by god they made a lot of money doing it. June 13, 2007 |