Impeach Bush--Index 41
The GOP and some in the press would have you believe WMD was all a mistake. Poppycock. Bush supported putting UN inspectors in Iraq and then ignored the FACT that they couldn't verify a single word of his worthless intelligence.
Dems may just as well concede control of the Senate to the GOP. Dems can't buy votes (and souls) of senators like the GOP can. With the GOP conservative spending spree and the largest accumulation of debt in US history finally coming to an end, it's best to stay with the party that panders. Lieberman would rather side with those who govern irresponsibly - so be it. Let him go! Lieberman faces two problems; first, there's no way he can win reelection as a Democrat and Reid recently said the filibuster is coming back, which means Reid undercut the Gang of 14. Lieberman was a member of the Gang of 14 - a group dedicated to giving republicans whatever they wanted. Two GOP members of the Gang of 14 were defeated and Lieberman was forced to become an Independent to stay in congress.
Any other class of people would have been fired. Why does the military keep known criminals?
Big time losers: Harry Reid, Bush, and John McCain.
Dobson is a known liar. What more needs to be said?
My opinion of Powell remains unchanged. After the UN inspectors proved US intelligence was worthless, Powell remained Bush's biggest cheerleader. An honorable man would have resigned and hopefully stopped the war before it started. It's safe for Powell to be against the war now. How courageous is that?
The odd part is some uninformed people still think Reagan was a conservative. He created $1.6 trillion of debt - more than all the previous presidents before him combined and he never balanced the budget once. Reagan was an LBJ conservative - a big spender.
It's time for the bible nuts to stop lying. Every marriage in the entire bible was a civil ceremony, yet religious bigots say marriage was created by God. If marriage was so sacred in biblical times, why didn't Jesus marry anyone? Why didn't other rabbis?
The GOP consistently believes in bankrupting our future so the current generation can have all it wants. Their solution to every problem is to pass the buck and the debt to the next generation.
It seems like only yesterday when I supported Israel 100%. Never again. In the US, the UK and Israel, slaughtering innocent civilians is ok as long as you get weak-mined people to think it has something to do with terrorism. Israel, the UK and the US are their own worst enemies - creating more terrorism in the name of fighting terrorism. When will these children put away their war toys and start acting like men?
We live in a very strange time. In 2004, US voters were forced to choose between a pro war republican and a pro war democrat. Not much of a choice if you ask me. UK voters are in the same predicament. UK conservatives strongly supported the Iraq war and now they're going to be rewarded for being wrong. What's a voter to do? No matter how we cut it, history will damn the US and the UK for the war in Iraq. So, we need to move on with new leaders - leaders who didn't support the war.
Two quick points; Mr. Minns lied when he said the breakup was sanctioned by the Anglican hierarchy. Why do people follow known liars? IMO, people who need to believe known lies and follow known liars should be allowed to leave their Church. Who wants them?
McCain can't even get the easy stuff right. McCain is both for and against torturing POWs, for and against the war in Iraq, for and against the Baker report. Whatever position you have, McCain has it too, no matter what you believe. We don't need another spinless, intellectually weak nut who panders to the right wing. We need a president.
When the Pentagon speaks about national security issues, it's safe to say we can ignore them because they lie.
The UK was certain Saddam had no WMD, which means the US was certain. They shared intelligence and they lied to us. There will be elections in two years and politicians who don't support impeachment and removal have to be removed from office with our votes. History must show that we don't reward liars and cowards.
I can't imagine a republican politician doing the right thing so clearly they won't remove Bush from office. But the House can impeach him and tarnish his already failed legacy further. Allowing this criminal to go unpunished in not an option.
With a criminal in the White House, we're making a list, checking it twice to see who naughty and who's nice. Reporters and politicians won't poo-poo impeachment must receive our wrath.
How do you take a solution and turn it into a problem? Vote for republicans. I voted for my last republican a couple years ago. I hope everyone has learned their lesion too.
The Bush debt stands at $2.9 trillion, a hair shy of three trillion dollars over six years. No previous president or previous congress has been this inept.
I don't have to be reminded Bush failed as commander in chief. We knew that on 9/11. A president is finished when his spokesman has to remind you he's commander in chief six years after he's elected. It would be better if this White House closed up shop and went home for the next two years.
Since Bush wants more money, Democrats should force him to raise taxes and pay for it. Imagine for a minute a $2 trillion tax increase. What little support there is for the war would end over night. If you support war, support tax increases - otherwise, shut up.
If I were a betting man, I'd bet Obama is going to run and he's going to win the presidency. The hapless wonders who took us to war for no reason have to value.
The US military appears to be fighting two unarmed countries and losing. The need for more troops isn't the answer. Instead, the answer lies in better men running the military. Recent polls said 90% of soldiers fighting in Iraq believe Saddam had something to do with 9/11. Obviously this is incorrect. We have a bunch of brain-washed idiots in the military.
How do republicans remain republicans in the face of so much failure - I don't know. Snow comes fro Fox News where not knowing what you're talking about is a prerequisite.
The Bush White House has a long history of censuring the truth. If the past is any guide science will continue to deuterate under the new rules.
No more marines should be sent to Iraq until they figure out why so many of them are corrupt. Almost all the scandal in Iraq involved marines. Coincidence? I don't think so. There's something wrong with the Marine Corps.
One of our biggest problems is the unwiliness of the media to report the lies put out by the right wing lie machine, including Rush Limbaugh and Fox. Pathetic reporters give Limbaugh a voice on their shows on top the endless hours of hate he spews. Good reporters destroy him.
It hard to tell which is worse, the US becoming more like the former USSR or the USSR becoming more like the US.
Which law did Congress pass that allows the government to decide which American can travel outside the US? We're sounding more and more like the former USSR than the US.
Fiscal conservatives in the GOP over the past six years gave us the largest accumulation of debt in US history - $2.9 trillion and counting.
Dems hold more seats than the Republicans since the 1943-1945 congress (246 republican - 188 democrats). Clerk of the House
In 1991 the US went to war with Iraq over Kuwait. The central reason being Saddam would invade Saudi Arabia after Kuwait and then control a majority of the oil in the Middle East. Now we learn the Saudis support Saddam's Sunni - which leads us to believe Saudi Arabia was never afraid of Saddam in 1991 and that war was a joke - a joke until it caused 9/11.
You can read Senator Smith's comments on the war here.
When being lazy is rewarded with reelection, congress will be lazy. It's that simple.
When did lazy become fashionable?
Big losers - the 26 Democrats who voted for the Military Commissions Act, all of whom should be targeted for defeat in the next election.
We have the laziest congress, president and Supreme Court in history. What do they all have in common? They're all run by conservative republicans.
Proof once again that more guns are not a solution. I wish US politicians would accept this truth. Maybe some day.
Long time readers of this site knew most of what was missed by the media in the article below.
Taking impeachment off the table is the act of a very weak Speaker.
The GOP created over $2.9 trillion of debt. It's safe to say there are NO fiscal conservatives in the republican party today.