"Dedicated to exposing the lies and impeachable offenses of George W. Bush"

Americans Want Congress Hearings on Iraq War
Angus Reid Global Monitor
December 15, 2006

- Many adults in the United States believe their legislative branch should review several aspects of the coalition effort, according to a poll by TNS released by the Washington Post and ABC News. 53 per cent of respondents think Congress should hold hearings on how the Bush administration handled pre-war intelligence, war planning, and related issues in the war in Iraq.

Pre-war speeches by U.S. president George W. Bush mentioned specific chemical agents, such as mustard gas, sarin and VX nerve gas as banned substances allegedly secured by Iraq. State secretary Colin Powell assured the United Nations (UN) Security Council in February 2003 that Hussein possessed biological weapons.

The final report of the Iraq Survey Group—presented to the U.S. Congress on Sept. 30, 2004—concluded that Hussein's regime did not possess chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, and had not implemented a significant program for their development. 52 per cent of respondents believe the Bush administration intentionally misled the American public in making its case for war with Iraq.

The coalition effort against Saddam Hussein's regime was launched in March 2003. At least 2,937 American soldiers have died during the military operation, and more than 22,200 troops have been wounded in action.

Earlier this month, Democratic Georgia congresswoman Cynthia McKinney—who was defeated earlier this year in primary election—introduced legislation aimed at impeaching Bush for misleading the American public over the need to invade Iraq, spying illegally on Americans, and failing to hold vice-president Dick Cheney and state secretary Condoleezza Rice accountable.

Democratic California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi—who will become House speaker when Congress reconvenes in January—has said she would not support any motion to bring sanctions against Bush.

Polling Data

Do you think Congress should or should not hold hearings on how the Bush administration handled pre-war intelligence, war planning, and related issues in the war in Iraq?



Should not


No opinion


In making its case for war with Iraq, do you think the Bush administration told the American public what it believed to be true, or intentionally misled the American public?

Dec. 2006

May 2006

Intentionally misled the public



Told what it believed to be true



No opinion



Source: TNS / Washington Post / ABC News
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,005 American adults, conducted from Dec. 7 to Dec. 11, 2006. Margin of error is 3 per cent.

Original Text
