Impeach Bush--Index 58
Conservatives in the GOP know the war is lost and know the surge isn't working but they're still supporting the war. They don't have what it takes to govern and with any luck they'll be thrown out of government because they're cowards and liars. May 27, 2007 The US government bans any and all speech from Hezbollah and other groups they consider to be terrorists. This banning of news keeps the American people in the dark about what's really going on in the Middle East - that is the government forces the media to be pro Israel no matter how many atrocities it commits. Israel is accused of war crimes, but that too is mostly banned from US network news. May 16, 2007 May 18, 2007 May 27, 2007 Why did the CIA hold send false information to the Brits and why didn't they correct the information until now? The US Supreme Court needs to get off it's ass and protect the world from the monsters in this White House and their CIA. An Impeachable OffenseMay 28, 2007 May 23, 2007 There is virtually nothing the Democrat leadership can do to restore my trust. They've betrayed our constitution by failing to impeach and they've betrayed the voter who wants this war to end. It's time for new leaders; Pelosi and Reid are too inept to understand the Iraq war destroyed the Bush presidency, decimated the GOP and is now taking down the Democratic Party. When the Democrat polls fall as low as Bush's, they're realize just how screwed they are and by then it'll be too late. May 23, 2007 The American people told this congress what we want - end this war. Instead of doing their jobs, they're trying to protect their collective asses from a Bush smear campaign. If that's the best they can do they deserve being in the minority again. May 24, 2007 A republican House and republican Senate would have given Bush the same why do Democrats pretend to be the opposition party? The was is and always has been based on lies. Democrats who support this war funding are legitimizing that lie....and they will suffer the wrath of the voter in state primaries. May 24, 2007An Impeachable Offense May 24, 2007 Bush has spent the last four years LOSING the war in Iraq and what's the Democratic response...give him more money so he can continue to lose the war. Dems should seriously consider going home. After they've given Bush what he wants they have no value whatsoever and everyone of them MUST be defeated in state primaries. May 23, 2007 Bush will wait until Congress has a recess than appoint this jackass as a recess appointment. Dems will do nothing as he takes constitution power away from them because impeachment is off the table. May 23, 2007 At some point in the very near future we have to ask ourselves if there would be any difference if republicans ran the government. When you give voters a choice between voting for a republican and a republican, they'll vote for a republican. May 21, 2007 May 21, 2007 Since the Iraqi president thinks things are good enough for him to leave his country and enter a "fat farm" maybe someone in congress will vote to stop this madness. Don't bet on it. May 21, 2007 May 23, 2007An Impeachable Offense May 23, 2007 Maybe if Bush screws up another oil rich country in the Middle East we'll see gas prices hit $6 a gallon. May 22, 2007 If anyone was still under the delusion that we have a two-party system, they know the truth now. There is only one party - the pro war party. May 22, 2007 When congress votes to give Bush more money for his war, remember what this is really about - killing children. May 23, 2007 May 22, 2007An Impeachable Offense May 21, 2007 May 19, 2007An Impeachable Offense May 18, 2007 Once again we learn that Democrats who supported war are unfit for high office. Let history damn them but in the mean time let's make sure they don't get power. May 21, 2007 Since being Commander in Chief is too taxing maybe Bush should consider resigning. May 15, 2007 May 20, 2007 May 21, 2007 Is impeachment back on the table yet? An Impeachable OffenseMay 19, 2007An Impeachable Offense May 20, 2007An Impeachable Offense May 19, 2007 Carter is seldom careless so I'm not sure what he's up to. He may have wanted this story to have legs (last longer) and by saying he was careless it's headline news for another day. People will continue to think about what he said..."the worst in history" long after this story dies down. May 21, 2007 Increasing it's looking like anyone in government who supported war was either pandering or too delusional to ever be president. While some claim it was Bush's fault (that he lied), the reality is the UN inspectors told us there were no WMD and Congress still didn't undo the "use of force" resolution." With the release of these new documents senators who claim they were misled by Bush are shown to have been lying. An Impeachable OffenseMay 20, 2007 This is the first story proving the Bush White House has committed treason.Their war is funding the terrorists much like Reagan did when he sold arms to terrorists in the Iran/Contra scandal. Treason is an impeachable offense. It's also fair to say the only person willing to fund terrorism against the US prior to the Iraq war was bin Bush's war has created a network of contributors. TreasonMay 16, 2007 This is the definging moment of this generation. If the GOP doesn't stop this war it will cease to have relevance. IMO, very few people still believe anything they say about anything because they've been so cowardly during the past six years. Can they redeem themselves? I doubt it. It's not in their blood to admit mistakes or take corrective action. An entire generation of republicans are unfit to govern. May 18, 2007 There are times when a certain business no longer has the privilege to exist. This is one such time. While the funding for fake science is small compared to other funding programs they were and are fully aware they have a captive audience in GOP voters and delusional talk show hosts. Exxon was and is fully aware that GOP members of Congress will push their fake science. We've rapidly reaching the point where the GOP no longer has the privilege to exist. Delusion is not another point of view. May 18, 2007War Crimes May 18, 2007 There's little doubt that if Whitman was still if office she'd be impeached for lying to congress and the American people about the air quality after 911. It seems everyone associated with this White House is corrupt. May 18, 2007 Is there really a surge or did the White House plan for the inevitable withdrawal of British troops? It's seems reasonably clear the WH knew Brown was going to pull troops out so they manufactured the "surge." May 20, 2007 "Small government" republicans looked the other way while Bush built this monstrosity. May 19, 2007 May 16, 2007 May 16, 2007An Impeachable Offense May 17, 2007 May 17, 2007 The reader may be aware that economic indicators failed to predict the 2001 recession which began in March of 2001. The numbers go down during periods of growth and go up during recessions so they're becoming as worthless as government unemployment statistics. May 17, 2007 Our troops are at greater risk of being tortured because Bush and his cronies authorized torture. An Impeachable OffenseMay 15, 2007An Impeachable Offense May 16, 2007 It's a tough call. It seems there are tests proving each type of body armor is better so someone's not doing the right tests. May 18, 2007 Bush was fully aware Wolfowitz was unethical - first by misleading us into war and then at the World Bank. Bush had to know for months that Wolfowitz was corrupt but didn't force him to resign. This simple facts speaks volumes about Bush's lack of morals. May 17, 2007 When journalists are too lazy to do their own research, are confronted with falsehoods and refuse to take corrective action, they should be fired. Lou Dobbs spreads misinformation faster than the Bush White House. May 9, 2007 The Bush White House could order the CIA to release the information. What are they trying to hide? An Impeachable OffenseMay 17, 2007 The Bush White House pushed another "faith based" unproven program and it failed. What's new? May 16, 2007 The Bush White House spent years denying global warming existed and even had their political hacks rewrite scientific papers. The media bought into it. It's also worth noting the changes in global warming reporting. Just a few months ago every global warming story had "fair and balanced" anti global warming tripe. Reporters stopped doing their jobs and instead pushed the GOP agenda. News is NOT fair and balanced - it should be accurate. May 18, 2007 The governments case appears to be based on the a childs handwriting - someone not fluent in Arabic...but that document proves he's part of al-Qaeda? If this is the best they can do, the judge should throw the case out. The previous charges against Padilla (dirty bomb) proved to be fabricated by the US government. Are they fabricating these charges? May 17, 2007 May 10, 2007 It appears Rove used the Justice Dept. to suppress votes in key parts of the country. Not only is Rove and the White House responsible, but so is the former AG. Congress should subpoena him and force him to testify. An Impeachable OffenseMay 14, 2007 May 17, 2007 May 16, 2007 May 17, 2007 The DOJ and Bush could force Rove to turn over the email. Why haven't they? Obstructing a congressional investigation should be grounds for impeachment - impeach Gonzales, then Rove, then Bush. An Impeachable OffenseMay 16, 2007 |