Impeach Bush--Index 82
We need to drill, drill, we can export our oil to other countries. Does that make sense? (Only to right wing nuts who don't have a clue what's really going on.) July 8, 2008 July 10, 2008 Impeachable Offense July 18, 2008 The approval rating of Congress is at an all time low. Democrats failed to uphold the oaths of office and protect the constitution from its greatest enemy - the Bush Administration. July 16, 2008 Bush's military and Bush's contractors are killing our soldiers and lying about it. We don't need enemies when incompetence is the norm. Impeachable OffenseJuly 18, 2008 Everyone wants us out of Iraq except Bush. Maybe Bush will give in and free these people from our occupation. Impeachable OffenseJuly 16, 2008 Stopping inflation is easy...all the Fed has to do is raise interest rates. But we have assholes running things these days. Not only aren't they raising rates but we just got another welfare check (a.k.a "a stimulus package"). The stimulus packages all but guarantees we're going to have a very, very severe recession. The government should do whatever needs to be done to slow spending, not increasing it with more welfare programs. Idiots. July 16, 2008 The Bush White House and the military lied to the American people. What more needs to be investigated? Impeachable OffenseJuly 14, 2008 I'm listing this as an impeachable offense because the Bush White House drastically cut back on IRS auditors so criminals can go free. Impeachable OffenseJuly 17, 2008 July 10, 2008 McCain is the perfect conservative. He promises to spend and borrow and he promises to balance the budget. Since this nonsense began (under Reagan) we've gone from less than $1 trillion of debt to almost $10 trillion. If tax cuts work, why can't republican presidents balance the budget? July 9, 2008 A better headline could have been "The Surge Failed" or "The Media Was Rolled Again." The entire reason for the surge no longer exists...they want us out, there will be no plan to fix Iraq, we will leave Iraq and the GOP will claim victory. Idiots! Impeachable OffenseJuly 12, 2008 This is a very old story but it's getting more print in recent weeks. The first story on this scandal said there were 11 Americans killed by KBR, this one says the number keeps rising, the press remains mostly silent and the congress remains asleep at the wheel and the Bush White House does nothing to stop KBR from killing our soldiers. Impeachable OffenseJuly 13, 2008 The GOP and Blue Dog Democrats say we can cut taxes and balance the budget. All we have to do is cut spending. So, here's an idea, lets give them the same pension plan, the same salary, the same health care plan we have. Conservatives will stop asking for cuts from the rest of us and start finding fixes for all of us. July 17, 2008 Here's an off the war thought. Wouldn't it be nice if every minister, priest and pope who utters anti gay comments be given the same one year in jail sentence? Maybe then they'd stop using gays to keep conservatives in their place. July 11, 2008 The Catholic Church is very conservative and they've had decades of sexual scandals with children. Now a conservative diplomat says it's ok to have sex with children because other culters accept it. Is this a uniquely conservative problem or does the party of God hide behind God? July 10, 2008 This generation has had two periods of major bank collapses. The first was during the Reagan and the Bush years and now during Bush 41 tenure in office. Is it conservatism, or inaptitude? July 16, 2008 July 9, 2008 June 18, 2008 (posted July 15) Bush promised to clean up corrupt corporate accounting, but what do we have after seven years of Bush...more corporate accounting. July 14, 2008 July 14, 2008 ![]() Impeachable Offense Impeachable Offense July 8, 2008 Regardless of what Congress did, Bush was going to do whatever he wanted to do anyway. That's what happens when the Congress is filled with wimps. Centrists and conservatives are still controlling the Congress. Until everyone of them is defeated our Constitution is in peril. Obama has shown himself for what he really is...a worthless Bush clone - a coward! My suggestion is to stop donating to this clown. Maybe he'll learn he has to protect the Constitution before protecting his ass. Impeachable OffenseJuly 8, 2008 The Bush White House told the truth and quickly apologized. July 8, 2008
Boone's ads are very good. President Carter had it right...conserve and find new energy sources. Reagan got it all wrong (again). July 8, 2008 Maybe another deficit-creating tax cut is in order. We have nearly $10 trillion of debt - most of which was created under two presidents; Reagan and Bush 43. Fiscal conservatives always lie about the budget, tax cuts, surpluses and balanced budgets and the media lets them get away with it. July 8, 2008 Helms, like many conservatives, attacked people who can't defend themselves - people without a voice. Now, that's he's silenced, let this attack pay tribute to the era of conservative incompetence and arrogance. July 4, 2008 So where are all those "faith-based" programs that are eating up billions of dollars? There's always enough money to go to war, stay in that war long after we're asked to leave and give tax cuts to the rich, but there's not enough money to help people who need it. In fact, every major corporation in the country employs lobbyists who's sole job is to ask for more government hand-outs. Corporate welfare goes on for decades, but individuals are forced off of welfare in a couple years. I've never meet a conservative who's Christian. July 5, 2008 July 5, 2008 July 9, 2008 If Iran is so bad, why are we selling to them. Either Bush is lying about Iran being a threat or he's a hypocrite. Since both are probably true, we know he and McCain can't be trusted when it comes to Iran (or anything else). Impeachable OffenseJuly 8, 2008 July 8, 2008 We went to war using fabricated intelligence against a country that was unarmed by the UN and after years of fighting this war for no reason with an unarmed country we still haven't won. Is the military going to try to push for more Iraq War comedies? July 7, 2008 Let's see...the Fed kept interest rates low so housing would take off and keep Bush's sorry excuse for an economy going, but now that it's all falling apart they say Congress should do nothing. Maybe they should have increased interest rates a long time ago and stopped the houseing "bubble." July 8, 2008 July 8, 2008 Bush promised to leave Iraq when the Iraqis asked us to leave. He lied to the American and to the Iraqi people. Nixon was forced to resign because he lied to the American people, yet Bush is still in office after lying about WMD. This generation of cowards that we call the Congress have shamed us for the rest of time. Impeachable OffenseJuly 7, 2008 The legacy of conservatism is trillions of dollars of debt. They'll never support Obama if he asks for tax increases to pay down what they me. They support war and a strong military as long as they're getting their taxes cut. July 7, 2008 The richest country in the world can afford tax cuts for the very rich, even if we had to borrow every penny of it (over 3 trillion dollars under Bush alone), but of course we can't afford to care for the elderly anymore. We live in an increasing sick society. Give to those to who don't need and it and take from those who do. July 8, 2008 Traditionalists think a penis should be the sole determinate of priesthood. When will traditionalists grow up. They sound like five-year olds. July 8, 2008 ALL the military experts who testified against allowing gays in the military under Clinton lied under oath. Senators who believed their lies knew they were lying. What studies did they have to prove they were telling the truth? None...yet new laws were crafted against gays using their lies. The era of idiocy has been upon for quite sometime now and it's time for these children to go away or shut up. July 8, 2008 According to conservative propaganda, tax cuts are supposed to stimulate the economy and create more jobs. Since it's not happening, their ideology is based entirely on beliefs that are wrong. It's time to remind them of this fact every time they open their mouths. July 3, 2008Impeachable Offense June 18, 2008Impeachable Offense August 2008 issue (posted July 5, 2008) Note the absence of cable news and talk radio. Cable News and Talk Radio must learn to grow up. MSNBC has potential but it still has far too much worthless tripe that they insist on calling news. If they want to be taken seriously they have to do news, not gossip. A nice way to start would be a hard-hitting review of the lies Rush Limbaugh says. A week long series pitting fact against Limbaugh's idiocy would win accolades from real journalists. 2008 The conservatives members of the US Supreme Court said that if we allowed these innocent men to be charged and tried, we'd lose the war on terror. Idiocy has no bounds. Conservatives have fallen as low as they can get. Now, we can only hope they're grow up someday, but it'll be many decades before that happens. Impeachable OffenseJune 15, 2008 July 4, 2008 July 2, 2008 June 25, 2008 The Bush White Justice Department hasn't been able to make a case in over seven years so why were they left in jail? Because the US Supreme Court sat on its collective ass for seven years. July 4, 2008 July 4, 2008 June 15, 2008 June 28, 2008Impeachable Offense July 2, 2008Impeachable Offense June 29, 2008 Things are very grave but these predictions always prove to be wrong...but what if...? Decide for yourself. Taking on extra credit - credit that's not absolutely necessary would be extremely unwise. June 28, 2008 June 29, 2008 Here's a thought. After this put this idiot to death, charge the CIA with war crimes and put their officials to death also. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Impeachable OffenseJune 30, 2008 I'm going to list this as an impeachable offense now because conservatives told us their deficit causing tax cuts would result in economic growth. That was a lie. We got the tax cuts and the deficits, but not the economic growth they promised. The Bush debt now stands at $3.754 trillion. Impeachable OffenseJune 24, 2008 We've always known pro torture nuts weren't well informed but when it comes to their beliefs harming all future warriors, they have to put in their place...and quickly! Has any other group of Americans caused more long-term harm than conservatives Impeachable OffenseImpeachable Offense June 12, 2008 June 24, 2008 The Bush White House purged the government of intellectuals and people who can think for themselves. In their place they put demagog. June 25, 2008 |