Impeach Bush--Index 66
August 9, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 12, 2007 August 11, 2007 August 10, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 11, 2007 The US healthcare system is rated 37th by the World Health Organization. August 12, 2007Republican Criminals August 10, 2007 This site can verify that Frum has taken credit for the "axis of hatred" line which was later turned into "axis of evil" so we'd appear to be in holy war. Ex-Speechwriter Recounts 'Axis of Evil' dated January 14, 2003, from the Washington Post and End of the Neo-Cons dated November 5, 2006, from the Toronto Star. August 11, 2007 Another very disappointing article from the Times. They say the war in Afghanistan was a "good war" but never say how they came to this conclusion. The Taliban didn't attack the US and even the FBI's most wanted list information on bin Laden doesn't say a word about him being responsible for 911. So, why was this war a good war and why was fighting a war without first using diplomacy is reasonable approach? When the Times gets their nose out of Bush's ass they'll see everything he did in Afghanistan was wrong. Attacking countries for the acts of individuals within that country is insane. Using that logic, the US should have attacked the state of Florida because the terrorists who hit us on 911 trained in Florida (ie: Florida harbored terrorists). August 12, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 11, 2007 The Economist nails it. Conservatism failed because they got what they wanted and it didn't work and/or Americans rejected it. The same can't be said about 1994 when liberals wanted health care reform and Democrats ignored us. August 9, 2007 August 9, 2007 August 10, 2007 In most US courts, if you're present during a crime you're an accomplice. In the military, you can coverup the crime and still go free. August 9, 2007 Is there anyone left at Guantanamo? Are any of them guilty? An Impeachable OffenseAugust 9, 2007 Just about everyone who knows anything about American politics knows our finances came into disrepair after the Reagan tax cut which created more than $1.6 trillion of debt - more than all his predecessors combined. Blaming Congress is acceptable only in that they passed the tax cuts that have bankrupted us. August 10, 2007 I'm listing this an impeachable offense because it proves once again that Bush is simply lying to us. The UN has been in Iraq since 2003 and now the violence is so bad they're forced to leave. Two pro war reporters recently came back from Iraq and said things are going well and we can win the war. They have shit for brains. An Impeachable OffenseAugust 8, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 7, 2007 August 8, 2007 August 8, 2007 We already know republicans hate the US and now we know democrats hate it just as much. August 7, 2007 This is by far the most incompetent White House operation in US history and since republicans reward failure (Bush was rewarded with reelection after he failed) it seems logical that others who fail should also receive rewards and bonuses. It's what conservatism is all about - rewarding failure. Besides, what will democrats do about it? This is by far the most pathetic congress is US history. August 6, 2007 With each passing day we see the script the media's been reading from is falling apart. Both the military and political solution is Iraq has fallen apart. They need a new script or a new lie. August 7, 2007 US military commanders couldn't defend the homeland on 911 and they can't win a war against a defenseless country (Iraq). We're damn lucky we don't have a Soviet threat to deal with or they're get their asses kicked on that front also. August 9, 2007 By now you know the script. When the political solution is falling apart they claim the military solution is working. When the military solution is falling apart they claim the political solution is working. They think we're that dumb. August 6, 2007 The nice thing about being a conservative these days is opinion is supreme, which also means they never bother themselves with the facts. WMD, Whitewater, deficits, debt etc. In fact, the average GOP voter will vote for a republican no matter how many times that republican lies to his face. Reagan promised to balance the budget, but in eight years never proposed a single balanced budget. GOP voters still think that liar is worthy of their adulation. August 6, 2007 Democrats raced to pass a piece of "Bill of Rights" busting legislation which gave Bush more power but they won't race to impeach or censure the SOB because they're just as bad as he is. Dems need new leaders. This pathetic group of democrats is just right of Hitler. August 6, 2007 The same delusion that led to republicans voting for GOP candidates who were wrong about the war is now in play with democratic voters. The democrats are just as bad as republicans and are unworthy of our respect or a big "D." August 6, 2007 August 5, 2007 So we had the tools to track weapons we give to other countries and Bush got rid of those tools. Now the weapons are being used against US soldiers. An Impeachable OffenseAugust 6, 2007 I have an easy solution. Every pro torture pundit, every pro torture CIA agent, every pro torture journalist and congressman and politician should be subjected to torture for at least a few months. They should be denied reprive and access to lawyers, family and the all rights under the Geneva Conventions. Then they should be put to death. An Impeachable OffenseAugust 13, 2007 We've endured decades of politicians saying they can balance the budget, cut taxes and run the government efficiently. They're all liars. Americans have to stop voting for liars. It's that simple. August 2, 2007 Our heroes - and defenders of the Constitution. August 1, 2007 Even the courts say Bush is a criminal. What more do we need? An Impeachable OffenseAugust 3, 2007 During the past 26 years we went from having $900 billion debt (before Reagan) to almost $9 trillion of debt today. And Wall Street thinks it needs a tax break? August 3, 2007 Let's face it. The war in Iraq is good for Israel and Lieberman is the Senator from Israel. August 1, 2007 August 3, 2007 July 31, 2007 A SP takes years to do his job. We already know what we need to know and even if a SP is appointed Bush will refuse to let his aides testify. Where was the media when Bush's numbers were at 70% - when we needed them? July 31, 2007 July 31, 2007 July 31, 2007 July 30, 2007 July 28, 2007 July 30, 2007 July 29, 2007 Excellent article. If you only have time to read on article, read this one. July 22, 2007 July 30, 2007 More proof the US engaged in illegal torture. All these abuses took place because the US Supreme Court closed its eyes. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 29, 2007 July 28, 2007 July 28, 2007 July 28, 2007 American tax dollars have been subverted to push a conservative ideology which seems intent eliminating truth and the expansion of government propaganda. We can't trust government intelligence or scientific reports because they're tainted by ideology. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 29, 2007 |