Impeach Bush--Index 48
This story comes from CNN. I put so few CNN stories on this site that I was beginning to think CNN didn't do news anymore.
The NY Times acknowledges the Bush White House is lawless but it still can't bring itself to demand his impeachment and removal from office. NY Times List of Impeachable OffensesAn Impeachable Offense
Is there no wrong the US military can't justify.
If you're wondering what happened to good journalism in this country, here's a good place to start. People who are wrong are rewarded and people who are right are not. Of course journalism has nothing to do with telling the truth, it's about ratings. A story that generates money, even if it's 100% wrong (lies) is rewarded.
Bush and the previous pathetic excuse for a congress can't complain about torture because they authorized torture against detainees. Torture now appears to be the norm and no one seems to care. Every senator who voted for torture needs to be kicked out of office ASAP.
I'm listing this as an impeachable offense because pictures and video from Guantanamo Bay shot by CNN were also destroyed by the US media. It's not a mistake when it happens over and over - it's a crime. American values include a "free press." An Impeachable Offense
The GOP didn't raise taxes to pay for their war so cuts had to be made someplace and they chose to cut programs for veterans.
Here's one unequivocal fact. The Sunday morning talk show hosts won't say a word about Bush raising taxes, but when a Democrat says we need new taxes, he'll be called on the carpet. It's how the game is played. Tim Russert (the dean of political idiocy, followed by Chris Matthews), will whine endlessly about tax increases proposed by Democrats after spending years being silent about the trillions of dollars of tax increases passed by Bush ($3 trillion of new debt = $3 trillion of unpaid taxes).
It's increasingly clear the US Army doesn't give a damn about our troops. More heads need to roll.
An Impeachable Offense
The Bush White House violated the Geneva Conventions and the Courts are protecting them from their war crimes. This District Court needs to be abolished. An Impeachable Offense
I'm thinking most gay people are more worked-up over religious people denying them their right to marry than the rants of this loon. The fact that conservatives invited this hate monger to their convention only proves they're not real Americans. An Impeachable Offense
Previously the Bush White House promoted people who failed miserably. This time, the good guys won one.
Unless you're a member of the idiot class (republicans and journalists) you probably already know Bush's war on terror is creating more terrorism. It only stands to reason. The US invaded a country for no reason, terrorized the Iraqi people with "shock and awe" and then killed (either directly or indirectly) hundreds of thousands of innocent people. All those dead people have families and human nature suggests they'll want revenge.
The media and the GOP have an almost synoptic relationship. The GOP gives the media fake news and the media runs with it. For the modern media there is no right or wrong, truth or lie. It's all about getting ratings and making money and if you have to lie and break laws to do it, so be it.
The problem is simple. Both parties are filled with millionaires in both the House and the Senate. What do they know about health care? What will they ever know? The congress is populated with the "very rich" and they'll do everything in their power to give the "very rich" more tax cuts and whatever else they want - even if they have to create trillions of dollars of more debt (just like the previous congress).
There are so few real journalists left in the country. They all more interested in towing the pro war corporate line. Real journalists would have never supported the after the UN inspectors said our intelligence was outdated and garbage.
Bush keeps saying we're at war, but then he and the media refuse to call "detainees" prisoners of war. It's time for the media to stop pushing White House spin. POWs have rights. An Impeachable Offense
For years the Bush White House lied to Congress, the UN and the American people about North Korea having enriched uranium. It was because of this lie that they broke the agreements put in place by President Clinton. Misusing intelligence to advance a political agenda is not only fraud but an impeachable offense. As stated previously, North Korea had no intention of building nuclear weapons - that is until Bush put them on his axis of evil list and created this "first strike doctrine." Within days of "first strike" being announced, N. Korea said it had nukes. Not only did they undo first strike but they showed Bush up for what he is - a coward. Bush then went to war with Iraq, a country that said it had no nuclear weapons and ignored the country that said it had nukes. The moment Bush blinked, N. Korea won this conflict. An Impeachable Offense
This is one of those case that come along once in a lifetime. No judge wants to throw away a high profile case but they should. In this case, the US government lied to the court about the charges against Padilla. It was caught lying. It then changed the charges after it was caught lying under oath and in the mean time it tortured Padilla. The fact that the government tortured Padilla is enough to throw this case out and any judge who can't see that is unfit.
I hope stories like this shame those who oppose gay rights.
I know what to do. Let's cut taxes again. Create trillions of dollars of more debt and hope that someday it trickles down to those who really need it. Everyone who supported the GOP supported cuts in poverty programs and they're responsible for this plight. I hope you're proud of the fact that the richest country on earth can't afford health care and shelter for its citizens. Christianity is dead in America.
There's almost no chance this plan will pass, even though it should but even if it did, there's a waiver built in that lets Bush get around it. In a few short weeks, polls will be done and they'll all say Democrats look "weak." Then they'll be thrown out of power for another 12 years until they grow some balls. It's now official. I can't support the Democratic Party. It's worthless.
For years republicans have been putting their spending priorities in military spending bills (a 61% increase since 2001) and of course it makes them look strong on defense. Dems will now do the same and they'll look weak on defense because when the GOP did this, no one in the Democratic Party objected.
The good general can't even win wars in countries that have no militaries. And he's only now come to the conclusion the military's capability is eroding? IMO, the US has never looked weaker and more vulnerable.
Bush is trying to teach the Iraqis how to govern without the consent of governed - just like in the US. It gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling seeing how this fledgling democracy is being corrupted by corporate America. An Impeachable Offense
Bush tried to make his case against Iran. General Pace said there was no intelligence supporting Bush's claims and Bush was forced to back down. Has a new era of diplomacy begun? We'd have to rehire all the diplomats who've resigned first.
If the military had its way there would be no free speech left in this country. You may recall a Military Times poll which showed career soldiers thought the military should tell reporters what to report (no free press). An Impeachable Offense
What word come to mind when you think about these Democrats; bold, decisive or weak? I'm thinking 99% of voters think they're weak. Americans want out of this war as soon as possible and they're doing absolutely nothing. If they can't stop this war, they should pack up their bags and go home.
I think these numbers are very conservative. The Washington Post poll says the approval rating of Congress is only 41%. Americans are not satisfied. 56% of Americans support creating new rules so Bush can't continue his surge. Support for a "six month" deadline for withdrawing troops remains at 46%. Almost the exact same it was in December 2005.
There's no doubt about it. The US Army doesn't care about its own troops. We've seen it at Walter Reed and now we see it here where they refuse to train their men properly.
Faced with unsustainable government growth what did the GOP Congress do? They passed tax cuts and an unfunded prescription drug plan while they piled another $3 trillion of debt on the next generation.
The surge is supposed to work even though our soldiers can't tell who the enemy is. In what world do these pro war idiots live in?
We haven't had this many criminals working in government since the Reagan years.
The poll also shows Pelosi has a higher approval rating than Gingrich ever had.
Prison guards are taking their orders from a TV series and not their generals. Good grief, is there no end to this insanity?