Impeach Bush--Index 55
40% of troops support torturing POWs. What more do we have to say about these animals? As I see it there are three problems; overworked and corrupt soldiers, underworked and corrupt generals and a Commander in Chief who's oblivious to what's going on. The Sec. of Defense (while new) is also partially to blame. He says he has all the soldiers he needs and that's patently false. An Impeachable OffenseMay 5, 2007 May 5, 2007 This is a tough call. Did DOJ begin the investigation because Goodling broke the law or because the Congress gave her immunity so she could testify against the AG? An Impeachable OffenseMay 4, 2007 May 4, 2007 May 4, 2007 May 3, 2007 May 2, 2007 Posted May 2007 I live in a region where fish are dying by the hundreds of thousands. No one knows for sure but most likely because of low oxygen supplies caused by too much snow or not enough water after years of drought. Truck loads of dead fish are still being removed from area lakes. May 3, 2007 Americans have clearly had their fill of republican politics and they're NOT staying with the Democrats Dems have shown they not willing to take risks...not willing to do what's hard...not willing to confront Bush or stop his war even though everyone in the country knows his war was based on lies. If it wasn't so pathetic it'd be funny. May 2, 2007 May 2, 2007 May 2, 2007 We have two impeachable offenses here; witness tampering and using party affiliation to fill career positions. An Impeachable OffenseMay 3, 2007 May 3, 2007 May 3, 2007 These Christians say Christ is their savior, but forget he never said a single word about homosexuals. When faced with this basic fact they run to the Old Testament where they pull out obscure verses from Books like Leviticus that they don't even believe in. Anti gay Christians are not Christians and they should stop using the world of God to preach hate. April 30, 2007 There's little doubt that Bush, like Reagan promised to balance the budget while giving away tax cuts and promising to increase spending. Can anyone honestly say we didn't know they were lying? We were told we could afford tax cuts when we already had trillions of dollars of debt - its an argument a child might use - it was the Reagan Revolution. Instead of paying our way, we've borrowed trillions of dollars from the next generation so the GOP could give tax cut to the wealthy. Reagan and Bush both did it. The GOP glorifies Reagan and still defends Bush...but with any luck these twin failures will go down in history as the worst presidents in US history. An Impeachable OffenseApril 30, 2007 April 12, 2007 April 30, 2007 May 1, 2007 What's happened to the "home of the free? and will republicans ever stand up against this White House and demand Bush's impeachment? What the hell are they waiting for? An Impeachable OffenseApril 28, 2007 If anyone in Congress thinks they can trust Bush on any issue they're delusional. The reason he gets away with breaking our laws is simple; the US Supreme Court and the Congress let him. Congress should immediately sue Bush and ask for a hearing before the Court to stop this lawlessness. An Impeachable OffenseApril 30, 2007 April 20, 2007 May 1, 2007 It's self evident Bush's war is dragging down the Democrats much faster than it destroyed the GOP majority. Will Democrats wake up before it's too late? Not likely. Democrats think they can sit back, do nothing and get reelected. In the latest poll we learn Democrats have a 58% negative rating. Pelosi's positive rating is 30% and Reid's is at 22%. And if that's not enough to scare the crap out of Democrats, then the ratings of congress should. Congress now has an approval rating of 27%, three points above where it was when republican lost control. 99% of the Democrat/Liberal blogs are pandering to the party instead of doing their jobs and holding Democrats accountable. These liberal blogs have become a problem as big as Rush Limbaugh and Fox News were for the republicans - deluding themselves and their party into thinking everything is fine. If Murtha and Pelosi don't put impeachment back on the table and keep it there, they will doom their party for a generation (Murtha has backed away from his statements about putting impeachment back on the table - will he grow some balls before he loses power again?) April 30, 2007 Imagine for a moment if Bush had asked for a $500 billion tax increase to pay for his war. How much support do you think he'd have? Zero. It's easy to say you support the war or the troops when the cost has to be paid by our children and grand children. No generation in US history has been more irresponsible. $3.1 trillion of debt in the last six years and over $7.8 trillion of debt since the Reagan tax cut. Our biggest enemy remains the republican party - specifically, those who would bankrupt us with tax cuts that create mountains of debt. April 30, 2007 May 1, 2007 For years the EPA has been breaking the law. Instead of issuing a ruling stating the Bush White House is breaking the law, the court lets previous ruling stand...which is ok for the most part, but it continues to show how utterly worthless the Supreme Court has become. April 30, 2007 As bad as things are for Bush, they're almost as bad from Democrats in Congress. If they think they'll get reelected with these numbers they're sadly mistaken. Someone take a brick and hit them upside the head...maybe that'll wake them from the deep slumber. April 28, 2007 When all is said and done how many real POWs do you think are in Guantanomo? Five, maybe 10? Who knows, but we know the US government has released hundreds upon hundreds. In the face of the egregious violations of human rights the US Supreme Court sits on its collective ass and does nothing. Is it any wonder why the world hates us? It's come to the point where the US Supreme Court is more worthless and more inept than the Bush White House. April 29, 2007 I'd list this as an impeachable offense if I thought Democrats gave a damn. (Rice was also subpoenaed by the 911 Commission during their inquiry.) April 29, 2007 It's important to note that the top 1 percent received 21.8% of all income and the top 10% collected 48.5 percent of all reported income. During this period of massive tax cuts for the rich, the US went from having less than one trillion dollars of debt to over $8.8 trillion, which means the government had to borrow money to give it away (tax cuts). If this insanity continues, the GOP (and the Democratic Congress) will bankrupt America long before the next terrorist attack. April 26, 2007 When Iraq seized land from Kuwait the world was thrown into a tizzy. When Israel seizes land from the Palestinians there's a big yawn. Does anyone still wonder why we're hated so much. At a minimum the US should have condemned Israel, but we don't condemn the terrorists we arm with our weapons/ April 28, 2007 April 27, 2007 The war profiteers - including GE, the parent company of NBC and MSNBC was one of the primary contractors in Iraq made their profits illegally. Will the US government now demand they return their ill gotten gains or was the propaganda NBC spewed during the run up to war satisfy even the most corrupt member of congress and this White House? An Impeachable OffenseApril 29, 2007 April 28, 2007 April 28, 2007 April 28, 2007 April 28, 2007 The evidence remains strong that the war on terror is creating more terrorism. April 27, 2007 April 27, 2007 An impeachable offense because it's illegal for the government to use propaganda on the American people. An Impeachable OffenseApril 26, 2007An Impeachable Offense April 27, 2007An Impeachable Offense April 25, 2007An Impeachable Offense April 26, 2007 The subtext of this story on global warming is the complete collapse of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and GOP members of Congress who are strongly against the use of real science. The party faithful are not listening to the propaganda put out by the party any more. April 27, 2007 Anyone who's followed politics knows you can't trust anything a republican says. You have to watch what he does. Unfortunately for them...they seem to have knack for always being on the wrong side of history. Real leaders say what they believe and do what they say they're going to do. Fake leaders (pandering SOB's) don't. Reagan and Bush both promised to balance the budget. Neither of them told the truth. April 27, 2007 My personal opinion is there won't be peace in Iraq as long as we're there because the Sunni hate us. We should leave as soon as humanly possible. In every war this is a winner and a loser. Nothing we do can change this basic fact of life. All we're doing is prolonging the inevitable and prolonging their agony. April 27, 2007 It's good to see at least one surge is working for (oil man) Bush. April 27, 2007 Is there any law they didn't break? An Impeachable OffenseApril 26, 2007 |