Impeach Bush--Index 71
It's clear the "war on terror" has more to do with PR than national security. When will the media and the Democrats figure this out? An Impeachable OffenseOctober 9, 2007An Impeachable Offense October 7, 2007An Impeachable Offense October 6, 2007 October 7, 2007 October 7, 2007 It's always been a war of choice and a political tool to be used against Democrats. It has nothing to do with our national defense. Make the GOP pay for their war and they'll stop supporting it. An Impeachable OffenseOctober 3, 2007An Impeachable Offense October 4, 2007 October 5, 2007 October 5, 2007 First we had Haditha, now we have a second slaughter of innocent civilians. As always the military will drop most of the charges in exchange for testimony and then reduce the charges to almost nothing as they did after the Haditha massacre. An Impeachable OffenseOctober 2, 2007 Why doesn't the military let a jury decide? A simple truth is once again exposed. The US military can't investigate itself. An Impeachable OffenseOctober 4, 2007 September 27, 2007 October 3, 2007 October 3, 2007 October 1, 2007 Bush calls Afghanistan one of his successes. He lied and the media ate it up. An Impeachable OffenseOctober 2, 2007An Impeachable Offense October 2, 2007 October 2, 2007 A conservative publicantion that takes on the distortions of truth of Petreaus. While he says he didn't lie, logic proves otherwise. Not only isn't the general not exploiting his so-called surge by asking for more troops but if he really was successful he'd be calling for all our troops to return home. Regardless of how we look at it, Petraeus is a Republican shrew, who's more interested in his politician career than his soldiers. An Impeachable OffenseOctober 8, 2007 October 2, 2007 So what are Democrats doing? They're giving Bush what he wants and now their starting to blame Democrats for being cowards. I hope the media pick up on this fact. October 2, 2007 October 2, 2007 September 29, 2007 September 29, 2007 September 28, 2007 September 28, 2007 September 28, 2007An Impeachable Offense September 30, 2007An Impeachable Offense September 24, 2007 Geez, this is where were at under Clinton. It seems the Clinton approach works after all. September 28, 2007 This vote once again proves was telling the truth and Betraeus was lying. If the surge worked, all our troops would be coming home and most Senators wouldn't have voted to divide Iraq. Congress needs to do the following; admit the surge failed. Admit Betraeus lied to them. Admit that Bush mismanaged the war. Admit Bush (and Betraeus) can't be trusted to win the war and then stop funding the war. September 26, 2007 What will Democrats do about this crisis? We already know. They'll have more hearings, whine about Bush mismanaging the war, give him more money so he can continue to mismanage the war and then go on vacation. I have no idea why Democrats in congress bother getting up in the morning. September 27, 2007 Will the Democrat leadership force the GOP to vote for or against Rush Limbaugh? Of course not. It's not their way. They want Limbaugh to beat them up and they want the GOP to beat up their allies. In fact, they help Fox, Limbaugh and the GOP beat up on their allies. September 27, 2007 The Military Times Poll shows that about 70% of the military wants to withdraw and of course there are over 20 retired generals want us to withdraw. Limbaugh is simply doing what he always does. He's lying. He also knows Democrats are too weak to care about how much he hates our troops. Will Republicans join with Democrats and condemn Rush Limbaugh like they did Of course not. Hell, Democrats won't even ask them to condemn Limbaugh. Dems will do what they always do. Nothing. They look weak because they are weak. Why would anyone vote for a Democrat? September 27, 2007 How long can the Democratic leadership stay on message and inform an entire generation that Republicans are irresponsible? One minute? I've come to the conclusion that Democrats hate winning elections. There's no reason they can't destroy every Republican senator and congressmen with the debt they created, but they wont. Instead, they side with Mitch McConnell, condemn and give him a big enough boost in the polls that his reelection is all but assured. When modern day Democrats see a Republican on life-support, they rush to his defense. They're pathetic. September 24, 2007 It is as it's always been. Bush got up and denounced how our vets were being treated by him, then he appoints someone who doesn't fix the problem and for the most part the media ignores another Bush lie. An Impeachable OffenseSeptember 26, 2007 September 25, 2007 Congress supported the 'surge' and the surge failed. So they condemn for telling the truth. We live in very odd times. September 26, 2007 The US Congress is passing laws that violate the US Constitution and their condemning speech they don't agree with. Who are our REAL enemies? An Impeachable OffenseSeptember 27, 2007 September 25, 2007 Betraeus cooked the books, lied to Congress. called him on it and the US House and Senate condemned them for daring to speak the truth. Good grief. An Impeachable OffenseSeptember 25, 2007 September 25, 2007 September 24, 2007 The Family Research Council is an extremists right right wing gay hating group. IMO, anyone associated with it is very sick. September 25, 2007 September 23, 2007 Note how the media uses a right wing organization to defend the WH position even though the member it quotes isn't a scientist. It seems some in the media think being fair and balanced means they need to put out known lies also. Shame on the AP. It's rapidly becoming worthless. Another Bush lie, another impeachable offense. An Impeachable OffenseSeptember 27, 2007 September 25, 2007An Impeachable Offense September 26, 2007An Impeachable Offense September 25, 2007 September 23, 2007 September 24, 2007 This independent has no reason to vote for a Democrat. September 25, 2007 There are so few good senators left but in normal times I'd say any senator who votes for this nominee is an enemy of our Constitution. The problem we have now, is most senator are enemies of the Constitution - starting wars for no reason, staying in those war when their lies are exposed, condemning speech they disagree with etc. September 24, 2007 September 20, 2007 September 22, 2007 September 23, 2007 Another day, another corrupt soldier. But the US Senate says we can't condemn them or else they'll condemn us. September 24, 2007 September 22, 2007 Raise taxes on faith based groups so they're not taking our money and see how long they beg for more government handouts. posted September 23, 2007 posted September 25, 2007 |