House Passes Resolution Condemning Advertisement
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Leslie Tennant - AHN Contributor
September 26, 2007

Washington D.C. (AHN) - The liberal advocacy group's front page ad in the New York Times referring Gen. David Petraeus as "General Betray Us" created such a controversy that the House voted to condemn it on Wednesday.

The House passed a resolution commending Gen. Petraeus by a 341-79 vote and condemning the advocacy group.

The full-page advertisement made its debut earlier this month in the New York Times calling Republicans to mobilization. President Bush labeled the ad "disgusting" and accused Democrats like Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) for being afraid of aggravating the group.

During a debate on the resolution, Rep. Jerry Lewis (CA) noted that, "Such unwarranted attacks should be strongly condemned by Republicans and Democrats alike."

"With every passing day, more American soldiers and Iraqi civilians lose their lives in this un-winnable civil war," stated Eli Pariser, executive director of Political Action. "It is unconscionable and outrageous that instead of doing the people's work and ending this war, Congress chooses meaningless and distracting gestures."

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