Bush--Index 38
The author is still deluded about the Contract With American which most Americans didn't know exited (the GOP base knew about it, but that's about it). 70% of Americans had never heard of the Contract. Regarding which party has the majority - clearly there are and have been more Democrats than Republicans. More people voted from Democratic Senators in 2006 and 2004 than Republican and more people called themselves Democrat in 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006. The GOP is in the minority because it's the minority party. There are even more Independents than Republicans (PEW poll).
McCain knows there's no way in hell there are going to be more troops in Iraq so it's an easy call. Will he support tax increases to pay for these troops? or a draft? No! McCain is like the rest of the pro war nuts. He's a coward.
If the US has evidence against these so called terrorists, let them show it in a court of law. Their record is dismal. They've been forced to release thousands of people who were falsely arrested. Any court can easily see these gross violations of US and International Law.
The US no longer leads the world on human rights. Even S. Africa has a better record.
NEW YORK TIMES: "The termination language, The Times said, was inserted into the bill by Congressional staff members working for Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., who is the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and who declared on Monday that he plans to run for president in 2008.
The current headline is "Insurgent activity rising in Afghanistan." The new headline doesn't sound nearly as bad does it?
What kind of message does this send? These Marines kidnapped and killed a man in cold blood and then lied about it, yet the charges are dropped to assault? Who's the military judge in this case? Get rid of ASAP.
Right wingers who fell for the notion that so-called terrorists was increasing because they wanted Republicans defeated in the poll have more egg on their face. Now, these same right wingers will claim it's all the Democrats fault.
Democrats come up with solutions, Bush says no! Will the media portray Bush as an obstructionist?
Government will endorse science over religious beliefs. It's about time.
The US still doesn't get it. Israel is part of the problem. The US media when hog wild when two Israeli soldiers were killed a couple months ago. Now we have 19 innocent Palestinians killed and it's a non-story. Does anyone still wonder why the US and Israel are so hated in around the world?
What a mess! The GOP has been cutting taxes for so long we've accumulated over $7 trillion of debt in the last 25 years. Trying to convince EVERYONE that taxes have to go up is nearly impossible. The GOP says it supports the war but they never raised taxes to pay for it. Their support of the troops was never real, it was political rhetoric.
I'm still amazed that conservatives still think Reagan was a small government republican. He created more debt than all the presidents before him combined. How conservative is that?
Scalia is unfit to hear this case. He recently said the constitution doesn't list gay or women's rights. Needless to day, the Ninth Amendment says our rights don't have to be enumerated so he's simply another conservative idiot pretending to know what he's talking about.
Republicans only support Vets who tow the party line. If you're not a republican vet, you're screwed.
Halliburton Provided Contaminated Water To Soldiers
I thought it was the Democrat Party too. It's Democratic Party. Interesting.
One can imagine Washington reporters running to their computers before they go on the air to see what the GOP wants them to say. Isn't it time for the media to stop carrying their water?
Bush says he lied and the WH tells the NY Times the decision to dump Rumsfeld was made last summer, but the media still isn't willing to call a lie, a lie. The liars that helped him take us to war for no reason haven't learned their lesion. I wish we could vote for new reporters because if we could these liars would be out of a job tomorrow.
As shown in this article there have been four previous gay pride parades in Jerusalem and no one seemed to care. Then "they" were told what to think and they dutifully bowed down and obeyed. Intolerance and hate are still welcomed in most modern religions.
If anyone still thinks Bush cares about winning in Iraq, the troops, or telling the truth they're delusion. Just a few days ago he said Rumsfeld was going to stay, and GOP pundits carried his water. He was lying and they got caught up in his lies.
I'm classifying this as an impeachable offense because Bush continues to lie about the number of people killed in Iraq. It's also an impeachable offense because an occupying power is responsible for the security and the Bush has failed to secure Iraq.
It seems the only group of people who are dissatisfied with the elections are conservative republicans who ran away from their principles faster than they ran away from Bush.
What was the GOP solution to the rising debt? More tax cuts and more increases in the debt ceiling. The GOP wasn't about solution, it was about pandering, power and making things worse. Now, are there any solutions to the debt? Most people think it's impossible to fix what they've done.
It seems obvious the culture war was based more on power grabbing and hypocrisy than true beliefs.
Recall a few months ago when two Israeli soldiers were killed. The US media went into war mode and pushed that story around the clock for days. Now we have 19 innocent Palestinians killed and it barely makes the news. Fair and balanced? Where?
It's clear the GOP was able to keep power during mid term elections by driving voters away from the voting booth. Maybe we can reverse what they've done and turn this trend around. The biggest fear the GOP has is a majority of Americans voting. It's likely we'd have far fewer republicans in office if we had a 50% - 60% turnout rate. Dems need to find a way to reach these voters.
Things have returned to normal. According to the polls Democrats are the majority party, followed by Independents and then the GOP. The GOP has been living on borrowed time since it was first elected and was never able to solidify voters to follow their agenda and/or become republicans.
Democrats have been able to capitalize of corruption from the top down in the republican party and it worked. It seems obvious Americans want corruption rooted out - which would include criminal activity by the Bush White House.
Cleaning out the swamp in the Marine Corps should be a top priority for Democrats in Congress. Almost all the scandals in Iraq involved Marines.
This article is very long but if you have time to read only one, READ this one. Regardless of your political views, you won't be disappointed. The article sums up why the GOP fell apart and the damage they have done to our future and standing around the world. Someone has to fix what they did, but first we have to know what the problems are.
The media called Bill Clinton and Al Gore liars throughout their presidencies and campaigns (with no proof supporting their claims - it was the media that lied to us about Whitewater, not Bill Clinton). Today, Bush lies to our face daily and few, if any in the media call him a liar. As far as I know none of the network news anchors have the balls to tell the truth. They fear conservatives and the ratings drop when they stop listening. In other words, the only way the networks can keep GOP voters listening is to help them in their delusions about the greatness of the GOP.
When Dems lost control of congress in 1994, the media had spent months pushing the GOP agenda and attacking Democrats for the same things Republicans were guilty of (the check writing scandal etc.). In this cycle, republicans across the board are guilty of criminal negligence and there's barely a peep from the media.
Only 16% of Americans think Congress is doing a good job, so just about everyone has abandoned the GOP. While they won't lose every seat, they should. What do they stand for - balanced budgets? Nope. After 12 years of Reagan and Bush spending like drunken sailors, the GOP congress and Bush 43 have taken up where they left off.
The GOP destroyer the presidency under Clinton. President Clinton and his wife were forced to testify under oath repeatedly. Kenneth Star's position was created by Congress and Congress used that sworn testimony to impeach Clinton, therefore congress has the power to subpoena and force executive officers to testify under oath. Now we wait to see if Democrats have the balls to do it.
In the same week a minister is defrocked for being gay, another man comes out and says he's a happy gay man. When Churches learn they can't make money off of being anti gay, they'll stop.
Democrats have to watch these court cases and if ONE judge rules in favor of Bush, that judge must be impeached and removed from office.
Using One Breath Name Republican Officials The media continues to recite GOP talking points daily - the Democrats are weak on defense. When will the media figure out there's something more than GOP spin?