Impeach Bush--Index 72
Criminals are immune from prosecution only because the Democrats failed to impeach the biggest criminal this country has ever seen. An Impeachable OffenseOctober 29, 2007 Bush is/was able to violate the Geneva Conventions, the War Crimes Act and the rules of war because Democrats are too cowardly to do anything about it. An Impeachable OffenseOctober 26, 2007 FEMA thinks it can get away with a fake news conference because it knows the Democrats won't do anything about it. An Impeachable OffenseOctober 26, 2007 Democrats didn't bring down the liars and hypocrites in the Evangelical movement. The centrists and conservatives in their party wanted to "get along" with the people who bashed them. On the flip side Evangelicals were used by the GOP to promote hate and intolerance (in the name of Jesus Christ). They are all damned. After Bush took us to war using fabricated intelligence, they didn't condemn him but instead used their new found power to go after gays and kill gay marriage. Instead of doing what Christ taught, they became anti Christs (like many mainline Churches in the US - including the Catholic Church). Evangelicals are a political party, not a religious organization. They collapsed along with the GOP, the neocons and conservatives. It must be noted that Roe became the law of the land in 1973 and Republican presidents and congress' did nothing to undo the law - even when their party controlled the entire government. Any Supreme Court ruling can be undone by Congress but Dobson and his right wing fascist don't care about abortion, or any other issues. They care about power. If they cared about abortion they wouldn't have supported the GOP since 1973 - a party that talked the talk but never walked the walk on a subject they've been whining about so long. What is amazing is how fast they fell in line and demanded gay marriage be ended (even though no one is harmed by gay marriage). They were willing to harm gays because they could and because of this they have become the evil class. October 28, 2007 This is what happens when the entire US government become corrupt. Neither the courts nor the Congress force the White House to abide by the Geneva Conventions. While previously it was clear that "conservatism" was the problem, that assessment must now change. The entire government is corrupt. October 27, 2007 October 24, 2007An Impeachable Offense October 23, 2007 October 14, 2007 October 19, 2007 October 44, 2007An Impeachable Offense October 14, 2007 October 24, 2007 October 23, 2007 October 24, 2007An Impeachable Offense October 24, 2007 October 22, 2007 October 24, 2007 October 14, 2007 While others are busy finding excuses for why they helped Bush lie us into war, this webstite and many others documented the lies of Curveball. Where was the free press? It was in bed with the Bush White House. Back in the real world German intelligence told the CIA that Curveball could not be trusted. Yet, his words ended up in the State of the Union. At a minimum, the CIA should have tried to verify his story and Bush should have asked for verification. But, after the UN inspectors told us Curveball and the CIA got it all wrong, the Bush White House still took us to war. Judith Miller still doesn't understand the depth of depravity in this White House. In September of 2002, Tenet told Bush there were no WMD in Iraq. Bush refused to hear any of it so Tenet decided not to bring up the subject again. Bush only wanted information that supported his excuse for war. Miller still can't accept this basic unequivocal fact. October 13, 2007An Impeachable Offense October 13, 2007An Impeachable Offense October 14, 2007 The WSJ article is riddled with spelling errors but it's still readable. The German government knew Curveball couldn't be trusted and it told the US government his story was a farce, but it fit into the perceived notions of what this White House wanted - war. Using the Custom Google Search Engine on this site you can find more about Curveball here or go here. October 13, 2007 October 13, 2007 October 12, 2007 October 13, 2007 October 13, 2007 October 13, 2007 October 13, 2007 October 12, 2007 September 20, 2007 October 5, 2007 October 11, 2007 October 12, 2007 October 12, 2007 October 12, 2007 October 10, 2007 October 11, 2007An Impeachable Offense October 11, 2007 Our religious communities remain silent, our media remains almost silent and the US Congress dares not do anything to admit they've known about these gross violations of law for years and have done nothing about it. If the people could impeach the Congress and the Courts I'd support both. October 13, 2007 Is there no crime this White House commits that stills outrage and mass calls for impeachment? It took the media months to admit there were no WMD and years to admit there was a civil war in Iraq. Will it take decades for them to acknowledge the US is committing war crimes in Iraq? An Impeachable OffenseOctober 11, 2007 The same media that helped Bush lie us into a war can't say he should be impeached. Why is that? October 8, 2007 Now we better understand why impeachment is "off the table." The Democrats think power is something they've been given to abuse...just like Republicans. I won't be voting for any Democrat Congressmen or Senators for a very long time. October 8, 2007 Republicans keep telling us government doesn't work. After they're elected they prove it by being incompetent. October 9, 2007 October 6, 2007 October 9, 2007 October 10, 2007 October 9, 2007 Now we learn a little more about why US and Iraqi deaths are down. The US military stopped trying to fix the problem in Southern Iraq. Maybe they should stop fixing the problem in the rest of Iraq too. October 7, 2007 October 11, 2007 October 9, 2007 It's safe to say the Justice Department is invetigating the criminal acts of the former Attorney General. Combined with the massive debt and the endless war, what do these events say about Bush and conservatives (and others who voted for war, tax cuts and Gonzales?). October 11, 2007 The US government hired a bunch of criminals who murdered innocent civilians and it's now "thinking" about phasing out these criminals? Where is the moral outrage? The US military is now receiving more money than any time in our history and it still depends on paid mercenaries to do its job. If that's not pathetic, nothing is. October 11, 2007 We know the US government is torturing POWs and we know the US Supreme Court knows about it, and we know they're letting the government get away with breaking our laws. Finally, we know the US Congress and the media are fully aware that the Bush White House in engaged in a criminal enterprise. The problem is, no one cares. We also know a lot more about what conservatives believe. They clearly think the government has supremy over individual rights and the "rule of law." Otherwise they'd have taken the case, found the Bush White House guilty of war crimes and impeachement would have soon followed. But the job of this court is to protect the criminals in the White House, not the constitution. An Impeachable OffenseOctober 9, 2007 Americans have come to detest the Democrat controlled Congress (their approval rating seldom goes above 24% and Democrat voter disapproval rate of a congress run by their party is only 80%), but what's the alternative? Clearly the GOP can't govern and the centrists working with conservatives in the Democratic Party have all but crippled the party. The only faction that still knows how to govern are the liberals. In the primary process, all conservative and centrist (read: cowards) Democrats have to be defeated (if not during this election cycle, then during the next). Also, the election of 2010 will also be very good for Democrats (assuming they grow some balls) and if they don't get 60 votes in the Senate in 2008, it'll only take two more years and they've have a filibuster-proof senate. The question for liberals is, do we want to support a party of cowards? Finally, since the GOP is rapidly becoming irrelevant, is it time to form an alternative party? October 7, 2007 The US could have had sat down with all parties (very early on) and discussed dividing Iraq if they so wished. The US could then have helped them do it, creating buffer zones etc. But, now it's too late. The hate between the various fractions will continue until there is a winner and that means no matter what we do there will be wide-spread slaughter - kinda of like we've been seeing for the past four years. October 11, 2007 At a minimum this White House can't be trusted on issues of national security. Worse case scenario? They use this war on terror as a PR tool against the American people, the media and the Congress. An Impeachable OffenseOctober 9, 2007 October 5, 2007 |