Impeach Bush--Index 50
Now that the era of conservatism is behind us, much like communism in the former USSR, we can look forward and see if we can fix what they did. The debt created by their tax cuts will the hardest pill to swallow. How do we explain to Americans the simple fact that $8.8 trillion of borrowed money was not a tax cut and every penny of it has to be paid back? March 22, 2007 The US says it wants a stable Middle East but we're constantly overthrowing governments. Does anyone still believe the US cares about stability in the region? March 23, 2007 March 22, 2007 Conservative Jews and Episcopalians now support gay civil unions and gay ministers/rabbis. The era of hate is slowly coming to an end. March 22, 2007 March 22, 2007 March 20, 2007 March 22, 2007 March 14, 2007 March 14, 2007An Impeachable Offense March 19, 2007 March 22, 2007 It's becoming clear the 2004 presidential election was won because the GOP employed criminals to help them rig the election. Very few news organizations will cover this story, so that why I have it. March 21, 2007 Reagan broke US laws when he funded the Contras, he lied to the American people about not dealing with terrorists (he was selling them weapons) and he created more debt than any previous president. How the media fell in love with Reagan is beyond me, but it exemplifies why the simple fact that they admire failure and hate success. The same media that drools over Reagan, hated Clinton - the guy who gave us four years of surpluses. March 19, 2007 March 22, 2007 There are many flaws in this report. Take for example "shock and awe;" while it was nice TV, it was a lousy military strategy. We destroyed their roads, bridges, hospitals, clinics, waste water treatment plants and their power grids. In other words, "shock and awe" was an act of terrorism against the people of Iraq. If anyone thought we could destroy an entire country and then expect them to welcome us with open arms, they're delusional. The second problem is the US military. It can't adapt. Is this because they were lied to, or is it because they're incompetent? Polls showed US military personnel had no clue why were we over there. Blame the generals, blame the media, blame the commander in chief, but when you don't know why you're at war, how can you win.? March 19, 2007 March 20, 2007 March 21, 2007 March 21, 2007 How many senators voted for the Patriot Act and had NO IDEA what was in it? 99%. During the next election cycle we need to get rid of a lot of senators and house members. They're too lazy to govern responsibly. Democrats need to find new candidates and they need to do it fast. March 20, 2007 March 19, 2007 March 19, 2007 March 19, 2007 Every Democrat who voted for right wing judges must be held accountable. These appointees were loyal to the party in power, not the constitution. Serious research needs to be done on the appointments of Alito and Roberts to the Supreme Court. Democrats will try to run away from their votes (as Hillary has with her war vote) but we can't let them. They voted for corrupt people and they're just as responsible. March 20, 2007 The Congress uses science when it makes policy. When the science is based on political ideology, it's closer to communism than democracy. Using government money to deceive the Congress and the American people has be an impeachable offense. An Impeachable OffenseMarch 21, 2007 March 19, 2007 Bush is still doesn't have what it takes to ask all Americans to share the sacrifice and ask for a tax increase. In the mean time the US military becomes more hollow than it already is. An Impeachable OffenseMarch 18, 2007 March 20, 2007 March 19, 2007An Impeachable Offense March 18, 2007 March 18, 2007 March 17, 2007 Updated March 19, 2007 March 16, 2007 March 17, 2007 March 17, 2007 March 16, 2007 March 17, 2007 March 18, 2007 March 17, 2007 The evidence is overwhelming - the US tortures POWs. An Impeachable OffenseMarch 17, 2007 March 17, 2007 March 16, 2007 When KSM is found guilty is Bush's kangaroo court TIME will put him on their cover - and forget the trial is a farce. It's what they do. March 15, 2007 The Reagan Revolution is still going strong; since the days of Reagan our national debt has grown from less than $1 trillion to over $8.8 trillion, GOP spending is out of control and the Executive Branch thinks it's above the law. In 1981 the US budget was around $679 billion. Today, the budget is around $2.9 trillion. This massive increase in government came from people who promised less government. If Reagan or any of the republicans were right about these issue, we wouldn't have created 8x more debt than all the previous generations combined. Reagan created more debt than all the presidents before him combined and Bush has already created almost twice as much debt as Reagan. Where did the GOP go wrong? They still thinks it can bankrupt us into prosperity. March 15, 2007 March 15, 2007 March 15, 2007 What the media fails to mention is Bush's order violates The Presidential Papers Act signed by Ronald Reagan. The article should plainly say Bush is violating the law but we too many in the media who are either uninformed or too lazy to do their jobs. Reuters needs to fire most of its reporters. They're either very lazy and very dumb. An Impeachable OffenseMarch 14, 2007 Mistakes happen. Hiding those mistakes from a legal inquiry is a crime. March 16, 2007 March 13, 2007 March 14, 2007 It's time for Pace to retire. Besides every responsible Democratic President would fire his ass. March 14, 2007 March 14, 2007An Impeachable Offense March 14, 2007 March 12, 2007 March 13, 2007 |