Impeach Bush--Index 62
The author was an associate deputy attorney general under President Ronald Reagan. June 27, 2007 June 29, 2007 It's official, the people of Texas aren't well. June 25, 2007 The Constitution Receives Another Reprieve.(Supreme Court flips)In case you missed what happened, go to this link Army officer says Gitmo panels flawed Here's a snip from the story and the sworn affidavit: His affidavit, submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court and released Friday, is the first criticism by a member of the military panels that determine whether detainees will continue to be held. Lt. Col. Stephen Abraham, a 26-year veteran of military intelligence who is an Army reserve officer and a California lawyer, said military prosecutors were provided with only "generic" material that didn't hold up to the most basic legal challenges. Despite repeated requests, intelligence agencies arbitrarily refused to provide specific information that could have helped either side in the tribunals, according to Abraham, who said he served as a main liaison between the Combat Status Review Tribunals and the intelligence agencies." June 25, 2007 The only superpower that seems to be gaining ground is the EU. June 25, 2007 June 27, 2007An Impeachable Offense June 25, 2007 June 26, 2007An Impeachable Offense June 28, 2007 Not only did Saddam not have WMD, but our intelligence agencies said if he had them he wouldn't use them against us unless we attacked him. In other words, even if we assumed the worse case scenario, Saddam was never a threat to the US. An Impeachable OffenseJune 25, 2007 Another win for the good guys. June 28, 2007 When Bush and/or his cronies get up and talk about all the Iraqi military and police personnel we trained...they're lying. An Impeachable OffenseJune 27, 2007 It seem this right wing court isn't extremist enough for Scalia. Surely this court has failed to protect the constitution from the blatant crimes of the Bush White House so now they're giving corporations the right to free speech and denying basic rights to individuals, such as the right to petition their government. June 28, 2007An Impeachable Offense June 27, 2007 June 6, 2007 June 27, 2007 After spending years telling us "terrorism" is the biggest threat facing the country, Bush still hasn't given government agencies directives on how to do their primary mission. The war on terror is a joke - there are people who hate us, but that's nothing new. What different is this WH convincing the country that can or should kill every person who they think doesn't like us (without a jury trial of course). An Impeachable OffenseJune 25, 2007An Impeachable Offense June 25, 2007 June 26, 2007 When the GOP held the majority they said a lot of things and did none of them. What the GOP says is irrelevant - they can't be trusted on any issue. What they do is more important than what they say since the two are not compatible. June 26, 2007 Threatening a government employee used to be considered a crime but when you can buy politicians (and they can all be bought) law is irrelevant. In fact, its far worse than this. The US Supreme Court recently ruled that corporations and unions have the right to "free speech" (campaign contributions). Our founding fathers gave rights to individuals, not collectives but the courts don't care what the Constitution says. June 25, 2007 June 26, 2007 The media is first and foremost lazy. So if they want easy stories they have to give money to those who are in power. Dems are in power so they get the money. Did the media give to the GOP when they were pushing GOP lies about WMD and White water? Who cares. They were pushing GOP talking points instead of facts anyway. If the media had done its job we wouldn't be in Iraq and we wouldn't have $9 trillion of debt and THEY wouldn't have spent years chasing after phantom scandals during the Clinton years. June 25, 2007 Another self-evident truth: Liberals didn't take us into a war that was based on lies and liberals didn't support that war shortly after the war started and the lies were exposed. However, conservatives and centrists supported the war before and after the knew it was all a lie (no WMD). This pro war, anti truth stance is now considered the "center" We're screwed. The media refused to listen to the 156 members of Congress who opposed the war from day one. Instead they listened to only the majority - a majority that was 100% wrong. Secondly, we have to deal with another reality. We have almost $9 trillion of debt. We didn't get that debt because we were overtaxed but instead because we were undertaxed. Every tax cut proposed by either party was based on verifiable lies. Lies the media failed to expose. June 22, 2007 |