Impeach Bush--Index 45
Will republicans support a tax increase to pay this bill? Not a chance.
An Impeachable Offense
The Bush White House commits a crime, then withholds the information from congress, then classifies their crimes so no one can talk about it. Is this how a democracy is supposed to work? An Impeachable OffenseAn Impeachable Offense An Impeachable Offense
This White House is losing case after case in court - most recently the EPA lost a case in which they decided it was ok for business to pollute. Since this WH can't be trusted with faithfully executing our laws, there's only one recourse - impeachment and removal from office.
Fake war intelligence, now more fake science. It's time to call these neocons what they are - fascists. An Impeachable Offense
An Impeachable Offense
An Impeachable Offense
Now that a majority of Americans wish the Bush presidency were over, Senator Clinton attacks him. I prefer leaders, not followers.
McCain is a classic conservative; big spending, war-mongering, liar and hypocrite. He should be the prefect candidate for the religious right.
An Impeachable Offense
The Canadian Government has confirmed the US sent Arrar to Syria to be tortured in violation of the Geneva Conventions and the War Crimes Act of 1996. For all practical purposes Bush is now a war criminal. An Impeachable Offense
We desperately need uniform national gun laws. The State of Florida is breaking its own laws. What does that say to criminals (and our children)?
Israel reminds me a lot of the Bush White House. No matter how many times they get caught lying, breaking the law or just thumbing their noses at us, the Congress looks the other way.
The Bush White House swore to faithfully execute the laws of the land. Instead, they've become criminals - breaking laws faster than courts can stop them. Where in the hell is Congress? An Impeachable Offense
In my opinion the biggest mistake was blowing up the entire country in what was fondly called "Shock and Awe." When a country isn't capable of functioning anymore, civil war becomes more likely. Shock and Awe was a made for TV war and was waged for the sole purpose of terrorizing the Iraqi people into US submission.
Americans are simply tired of all the excuses for war and excuses for why we're losing. Democrats have to stop enabling Bush and stop his war.
An Impeachable Offense
Regardless of which side you fall on, it's worth remembering the media follows the polls more than any other group of people in the country. When Bush's numbers were high, they treated him like a god. Now . . . .
The Bush legacy...
The military started investigating Abu Ghraib in May of 2003 -with only one officer being charged.
Court documents are being deleted by the government without the consent of the court. If the Courts are too cowardly to do their job maybe the congress will step in and stop these gross violations of the separations of powers. An Impeachable Offense
Russert is a GOP enabler. He lets them lie to the nation.