Bush--Index 27
April 15, 2006 But keeping the tax burden low will be difficult. Last year, the federal government's spending exceeded its tax take by about $318 billion. And the retirement of the baby-boom generation starting in 2011 could cause spending on big-ticket federal retirement programs to jump. May 4, 2006 May 1-7, 2006 The two latest co-sponsors, as of Friday, were US Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL) and US Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA). "For the House to impeach and the Senate to convict a President, the public must be fully informed and convinced by credible information that a President deserves impeachment. That means gathering the facts. Rep. Conyers' bill calls for setting up a select committee to gather information to see if there is any basis for impeachment - i.e., a violation of the Constitution - or if impeachment should even be considered. With that understanding I support H. Res. 635," Congressman Jackson said in a statement released to Atlanta Progressive News. May 4, 2006 "I did not lie," shot back Rumsfeld, who waved off security guards ready to remove McGovern from the hall at the Southern Center for International Studies. May 3, 2006 The package would extend the 2003 cuts to the tax rates on dividends and capital gains, continue tax breaks for small-business investment and the overseas operations of financial service companies, and slow the expansion of the alternative minimum tax, a parallel income tax system that was enacted to target the rich but is increasingly snaring the middle class. May 2, 2006 The study, appearing in Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association, adds context to the already-known fact that the United States spends more on health care than any other industrialized nation, yet trails in rankings of life expectancy. May 3, 2006 But spokesman Scott McClellan declined to say what is wrong with the Secret Service list, why it is inaccurate and whether it includes far fewer meetings than took place. May 1, 2006 April 30,2006 May 2, 2006 Pelosi, D-Calif., requested the information in December, after Bush and his top advisers said repeatedly that dozens of briefings were held for congressional leaders. May 4, 2006 Irritation grows as residents deprived of airconditioning and running water three years after the US-led invasion watch the massive US embassy they call "George W's palace" rising from the banks of the Tigris. May 03, 2006 The London-based human rights organization made its criticism in a report to the U.N. Committee against Torture, which will start meeting in Geneva this week to consider American compliance with the U.N. convention against torture and other cruel forms of punishment. May 03, 2006 The letter, written by AP Northern New England Regional Bureau Chief Larry Laughlin, revealed that Graff, a 27-year veteran of the Vermont bureau, lost his job because he distributed the column, which was eventually pulled from the AP wire. March 07, 2006 May 3, 2006 May 1, 2006 In one case, the inspection team found that three years after the invasion only six of 150 health centres proposed for Iraq had been completed by a US contractor, in spite of 75% of the $186m (£100m) allocated having been spent. May 1, 2006 It was the first time the Bush administration had publicly disclosed how often it has used the administrative subpoena known as a National Security Letter, which allows the executive branch of government to obtain records about people in terrorism and espionage investigations without a judge's approval or a grand jury subpoena. April 26, 2006 Nearly 1,000 people gathered at Bellarmine University to hear Phillips, a former Republican strategist who accurately predicted four decades ago that the GOP would gain power as populations shifted from traditional Democratic strongholds to the Sun Belt. April 2006 "Once the U.S. occupation started, the possibility for democracy ended," stated Diamond, a professor of political science at Stanford University. "If George W. Bush and his advisers had consulted experts before the invasion," he added, "they would have been told it was a seminal mistake to enter Iraq with the model of Gen. Douglas MacArthur's occupation of Japan." April 28, 2006 The General Accounting Office report outlines how wounded soldiers are pursued for repayment of everything from paycheck errors to equipment left on the battlefield. Investigators said nearly 900 Army soldiers ran up more than $1 million in debt after they were pursued for military debts. And they said the debt was incurred by the soldiers "through no fault of their own." April 2006 April 21, 2006 Lewis Alsamari, who has lived in Britain since 1995, stars in "United 93," which premieres at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York next week. April 16, 2006 David Walker, comptroller general of the United States, said the nation's budget deficit is "large, imprudent and unsustainable. April 27, 2006 "Institutionally, the presidency is walking all over Congress at the moment," Specter, R-Pennsylvania, told the panel. "If we are to maintain our institutional prerogative, that may be the only way we can do it." April 28, 2006 April 7, 2006 The CBO estimated outlays grew 9%, and said spending for interest on the public debt, which rose by 27%, accounted for roughly a quarter of the increase. May 1, 2006 Here's a look at the situation then compared to the situation now, by the numbers: May 1, 2006 The rebuilding has been beset by mismanagement, corruption and crime as well as insurgent attacks and sectarian violence, Inspector General Stuart Bowen said in a report to Congress today. April 29, 2006 The firm was to have rebuilt Iraq's health and security infrastructure. However, an audit and interviews show it will finish only 20 of 150 planned health clinics, and nearly $70 million of medical equipment meant for the clinics sits unused. April 28, 2006 April 28, 2006 The class-action suit, which seeks an end to the collaboration it alleges, is based in part on the testimony of Mark Klein, a retired technician for the company who says Internet data passing through an AT&T switching center in San Francisco is being diverted to a secret room. There, Mr. Klein says, the security agency has installed powerful computers to eavesdrop without warrants on the digital data and forward the information to an undisclosed place. April 30, 2006 Administration officials have said they hope eventually to transfer or release many of the roughly 490 suspects now held at Guantánamo. As of February, military officials said, the Pentagon was ready to repatriate more than 150 of the detainees once arrangements could be made with their home countries. April 30, 2006 April 29, 2006 Members from the region's 300 churches are upset American Baptist Churches, USA, has not disciplined congregations with liberal gay policies even though the denomination has a strict definition that says "homosexuality is incompatible with biblical teaching." April 29, 2006 As a declared candidate for Congress here in Vermont and a former Army officer myself, with some legal training, I hereby formally state that I support the "mutineers" if they exist. And if they are so far only rumors, only ghosts, then I hope to God that real flesh and blood American soldiers will stand against war in Iran soon. It has come to that. I will support it. April 10, 2006 In March, the Army got 5,396 new recruits, topping its goal of 5,200, the 10th month in a row it has exceeded its monthly target. But the Army partly owes its success in reaching those goals to the fact that it reduced its monthly targets for six of the first eight months of fiscal 2006. That means most of its recruiting must occur from June through September, when the monthly goals are all much higher than last year's. April 30, 2006 "There's nothing about this that I would [call] peacekeeping," he said. "We're in a fight." At least 70 U.S. troops were killed in April, the highest toll in five months. April 30, 2006 April 29, 2006 Iraq's oil could be providing relief to world markets, strained by high demand from China, the nuclear-related showdown with Iran and unrest near Nigeria's oil fields. Instead, it's not even covering its own needs. April 23, 2006 Based upon the past three months, the current targets are 36.6% Democrat, 33.5% Republican, and 29.9% Unaffiliated. These targets will be updated monthly. Previously, our weighting targets assumed an equal number of Republicans and Democrats. By way of comparison, the President's decline in support among Republicans over the past two months has had a much bigger impact on his overall ratings than our procedural change. If the President had retained consistent support from his own party over the past few months, his Approval ratings would still be in the mid-forties. April 28, 2006 April 23, 2006 "So in the fall of 2002, before going to war, we had it on good authority from a source within Saddam's inner circle that he didn't have an active program for weapons of mass destruction?" Bradley asked. "Yes," Drumheller replied. He says there was doubt in his mind at all. "It directly contradicts, though, what the president and his staff were telling us," Bradley remarked. "The policy was set," Drumheller says. "The war in Iraq was coming. And they were looking for intelligence to fit into the policy, to justify the policy." April 24, 2006 April 24, 2006 Since then, there have been at least six joint U.S.-Iraqi inspections of detention centers, most of them run by Iraq's Shiite Muslim-dominated Interior Ministry. Two sources involved with the inspections, one Iraqi official and one U.S. official, said abuse of prisoners was found at all the sites visited through February. U.S. military authorities confirmed that signs of severe abuse were observed at two of the detention centers. April 26, 2006 April 27, 2006 Exxon Mobil is the latest major oil company to report first-quarter earnings. London-based BP Plc, the world's No. 2 oil company, on April 25 said net income fell 15 percent to $5.62 billion because of higher taxes and a drop in output. Houston-based ConocoPhillips, the third-biggest U.S. oil company, yesterday said that its first-quarter profit rose 13 percent to $3.29 billion. April 27, 2006 April 27, 2006 This ordinary accommodation of both security and liberty, however, is increasingly breaking down. Inside the government, unauthorized leaks seem to be proliferating -- as an increasing number of long-time public servants decide to risk firing or even jail to bring Administration actions to light. And in response, the Administration appears poised to take ever more aggressive deterrent measure to protect itself from such disclosures. April 26, 2006 His injuries forced him out of the military, and the Army demanded he repay an enlistment bonus of $2,700 because he'd only served two-thirds of his three-year tour. April 25, 2006 April 25, 2006 It continued chewing up astonishing amounts of cash when the predicted problems bogged the work down, with a contract that allowed crews to charge as much as $100,000 a day as they waited on standby. The company in charge engaged in what some American officials saw as a self-serving attempt to limit communications with the government until all the money was gone. April 25, 2006 April 25, 2006 April 26, 2006 The move, which is being spearheaded by Democratic 527 group ImpeachPAC, shows potential in bringing serious charges against the Bush Administration, including felony treason, during a time when approval polls are at their lowest. However, it seems the idea may only be symbolic in nature, as a GOP-controlled U.S. Congress can easily squash the state-sponsored bills. April 24, 2006 April 26, 2006 April 26, 2006 "The AU is here to specifically investigate Sudan's involvement. It is evident there was a safe haven and probably logistical support provided to rebel groups," Yamamoto said, when asked about Chad's allegations of Sudanese involvement. "The overthrow of any government is unacceptable by any group or foreign authority," he told a news conference. April 21, 2006 April 22, 2006 Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Convertino, 45, and Harry Smith III, 49, stood mute to the charges before U.S. Magistrate Judge Donald Scheer in federal court. Scheer entered not guilty pleas on their behalf and freed the men on $25,000 unsecured bonds. He also ordered them to surrender their passports. April 23, 2006Some In GOP: Give Cheney's Job To Rice WASHINGTON, April 23 (UPI) -- Some Republicans reportedly are urging U.S. President George Bush to replace Vice President Dick Cheney with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The Sunday Times of London says the Rice supporters believe that Bush must sacrifice either Cheney or Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in order to convince voters that Bush is ready for a fresh start. April 24, 2006 April 24, 2006 "As a retired judge, a lawyer and a veteran, I have the utmost respect for our country's laws and our commitment to civilian control of the military. Those obligations are consistent with an honest public debate about our country's leadership and U.S. policy." April 22, 2006 It is arrogant, Nixonian trampling of the law to order the wiretapping of American citizens and the leaking of national security secrets. It is the rape of the environment to enrich big business, especially big oil. And resonating with ordinary Americans most of all, it is the loss of the city of New Orleans - not by Hurricane Katrina but by the bottomless incompetence of the feds' post-apocalypse response. This is a trash presidency, founded on lies and knavery, fraud and ignorant ideological crackpottery. April 22, 2006 The allegations against Rice came as a federal judge granted a defense request to issue subpoenas sought by the defense for Rice and three other government officials in the trial of Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman. The two are former lobbyists with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee who are charged with receiving and disclosing national defense information. Defense lawyers are asking a judge to dismiss the charges because, among other things, they believe it seeks to criminalize the type of backchannel exchanges between government officials, lobbyists and the press that are part and parcel of how Washington works. April 22, 2006 April 22, 2006 April 13, 2006 April 19, 2006 That's what the Gulf Station on Old Fulton St. in Brooklyn Heights was charging credit card customers for a gallon of premium yesterday. A gallon of regular gas was no bargain, either, at $4.14 for cash or $4.26 on plastic. April 21, 2006 April 15, 2006 April 21, 2006 The US Government is now spending about $US10 billion ($13.4 billion) a month in Iraq and Afghanistan, up from $US8.2 billion a year ago, a report from the Congressional Research Service has found. April 20, 2006 The price is expected to almost double after lawmakers return to Capitol Hill next week when the Senate takes up a record $106.5 billion emergency spending bill that includes $72.4 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The House passed a $92 billion version of the bill last month that included $68 billion in war funding. That comes on top of $50 billion already allocated for the war this fiscal year. Poor Planning Could Push War Costs to $1 Trillion April 20, 2006 April 21, 2006 March 13, 2006 April 22, 2006 A CIA spokesperson refused to give details of the dismissed officer citing privacy law. But the officer has been identified in news reports as Mary McCarthy, who had worked in the inspector general's office of the agency. April 23, 2006 April 21, 2006 April 19, 2006 George Aldrich, a spokesman for Feingold's PAC, said the spike was probably related to the censure resolution as well as other positions Feingold has taken _ such as his call for a timeline for U.S. troops to come back from Iraq and his opposition to the Patriot Act. April 21, 2006 Alsamari, 30, said he may have been denied entry by the U.S. embassy in London because he served in the Iraqi army in the early 1990s. April 21, 2006 April 20, 2006 The other end of Pennsylvania Avenue fares even worse: 25 percent of the public approves of the job Congress is doing and 52 percent disapprove. About a year ago, 40 percent approved and 36 percent disapproved (29-30 March 2005). Furthermore, a 54 percent majority agrees that this is a "do nothing" Congress, including 56 percent of Republicans and 52 percent of Democrats. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld's job approval rating also hit a record low this week with 35 percent of Americans saying they approve, down from 40 percent in December and 44 percent last April. April 15, 2006 April 20, 2006 April 19, 2006 That's because he thinks they'll be facing corruption charges following investigations involving lobbyist Jack Abramoff and others. April 17, 2006 April 18, 2006 April 19, 2006 Muhammad al-Qahtani, a Saudi, was arrested after US immigration authorities refused to allow him to enter the country at Orlando airport in Florida, before the suicide hijackings. In all, the detainees on the list came from 41 countries. The largest number - 132 - come from Saudi Arabia. Afghanistan follows with 125, and Yemen is next with 107. April 20, 2006 The list of 558 people comprises three-quarters of the total number of detainees who have passed through the camp, which was set up in 2002 after the end of the war in Afghanistan. April 20, 2006 April 19, 2006 The survey, which underscores the massive social upheaval caused by rebel activity and increasing sectarian conflict, does not give the number of people killed. However, it says 15,462 people have been wounded. April 18, 2006 In questions submitted to Washington, the panel also sought information about secret detention facilities and specifically whether the United States assumed responsibility for alleged acts of torture in them, U.N. officials said on Tuesday. March 17, 2006 Spending will rise to $9.8 billion a month from the $6.8 billion a month the Pentagon said it spent last year, the research service said. The group's March 10 report cites "substantial" expenses to replace or repair damaged weapons, aircraft, vehicles, radios and spare parts. April 18, 2006 April 2006 April 19, 2006 U.S. light crude for May delivery soared as high as $72.10 a barrel, a new intraday high, up 75 cents on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Oil was off 45 cents just before the government report, and swung higher and then back down after the report's release. |