Impeach Bush--Index 42
An Impeachable Offense
Bush will go down in history as the president who created the more debt than any other president - and he did it by cutting taxes and taking us to war with the wrong country.
Wherever they put this man he screws up. Why do they keep moving the chairs on the Titanic? Negroponte is best known for telling the UN the US wouldn't go to war with Iraq without a vote in the UN. He lied.
When Bush challenged the media to go to Guantanamo Bay to see for themselves, CNN took up his challenge, but the military took their equipment away. Bush knew about the abuse and did nothing but lie about it and hide it from the American media and people. An Impeachable Offense
Big losers: John McCain who once again proves he has no idea how to govern or build coalitions and Bush.
The decider decided to let others make all the decisions while he sat back and took all the glory of being a "war time president." Now that the war is over and Bush's poll numbers are in the dumps he figured out he has to make some decisions. Wow, give the man a cookie.
More evidence the Bush White House continues to live in a bubble. Even arch conservative William F. Buckley said the war was lost about a year ago. Where were the WH, State Department and Pentagon - sleeping?
This could be the biggest story of 2007.
Maybe government officials can be shamed into doing the right thing. I doubt it, but it's good for some reporters to catch them at their worse.
Afghanistan is lost. Over half of Afghanistan is already controlled by the Taliban. By any standard losing this much control is so little time is a military failure.
The only good thing Ford did was pardon Nixon and he spent his entire life lying about why he did it. Are there any republican leaders who think we can handle the truth while they're alive?
The media tries to pretend the problem with Bush is the nation is polarized. Not true. There are some people who simply believe things that are not true - we call them conservatives. They believed they could cut taxes, go to war with an unarmed country for no reason and spend money like there was no tomorrow AND balance the budget. They were 100% wrong. Conservatives would be hard-pressed to think of one success during the past six years. At this point in the Clinton presidency we had balanced budgets for as far as the eye could see. After the Supreme Court appointed Bush president, everything fell apart.
After the Reagan tax cut the US went from the largest creditor nation in the world to the largest debtor nation. After the Bush tax cuts the US dollar went from being the currency of the world to having the Euro overtake us. Conservatives don't know how to manage the economy.
The US created the refugee crisis in Iraq and then allowed only 202 Iraqis into the US last year. Talk about shameless. An Impeachable Offense
Gone are the days when grand pronouncements like "you're either with us or against us" were considered diplomacy or sane. At the NSA, Ms. Rice failed on 9/11 and failed when she made false claims about WMD (the two largest intelligence failures in US history). Anyone who thought this woman was capable of anything other than failure was not well.
If Democrats hadn't regained control of the Senate you can bet your bottom dollar Wallace would be heading for the bench.
Whom will history judge more harshly? People who falsely believed the tripe about WMD or global warming deniers? It doesn't matter that much, Fox News was 100% wrong on both counts.
Lieberman's been wrong for almost four years now. Does anyone still take him seriously?
The next three stories are on Somalia and Ethiopia. Bush now supports war lords in Somalia - the same people who killed US soldiers in "Black Hawk Down" and his policies are helping al-Qaeda (again). The man never learns.
Liberals attack the media when it lies (Whitewater, WMD etc.). Conservatives attack the media when it tells the truth.
When the Dems raise taxes to pay for Katrina or Bush's war, or to undo his record debt, the GOP and the media will cry foul. It's what they do.
Another glaring example of corporate welfare not doing any good. Maybe someone should think about getting rid of all this worthless welfare.
Forget about putting the cost in the budget, how about raising taxes to pay for the war and then we'll see how many right wing pro war nuts still support their war.
More broken laws - The Privacy Act.
The NY Times says everything the government redacted from this editorial had been previously reported. Is the government censoring facts that differ with their opinions? It sure looks like it, but without the redacted information we don't know for sure. It's time for Congress to take a look.
Now that the government accepts the fact that global warming is real - ice is melting in the arctic and polar bears are in danger, we can look back on all the fools who attacked 'real science' and ignore their rants in the future. This list includes just about every conservative pundit in the country.
Conservatives choose to be dumb - they choose to watch Fox and they choose to sit back and let Fox lie to them. We shouldn't feel sorry for them. We must condemn their idiocy and be loud and clear about it.
Not only does the Bush White House push fake science but so does the media. Nearly every news story regarding global warming used to carry "fake science" funded by Exxon. Exxon no longer has any credibility and neither do the media giants who spewed disinformation about the real threat of global warming.
Democrats want to ignore criminal acts by a sitting president. Can you imagine Republicans doing the same?
When has a conservative been intellectually consistent? Regardless of what one thinks of us liberals, no one can say we're inconsistent. But, look at conservatives. They say they're in favor of less government and then they spend more than any liberal could dream of spending. Conservatives are consistent in one area - they always lose wars.
The War in Iraq has one more purpose - keep the press running after non-stories while Democrats track the criminal acts of the Bush White House.
The biggest fear among military historians cited on this cite is that when the US withdraws (most like through Kuwait) the enemy will be waiting for us and it'll be a bloodbath. Most experts cited on this cite also say we must take our weapons with us, so it's time for us to tell them the way things are going to happen - if they interfere we'll obliterate them.
Very harsh, but worth the read.
Regardless of what Democrats do, history will continue to show that republicans don't know how to win wars. They lost Vietnam, Afghanistan and now Iraq. If Democrats don't shove these loses in their face, the media will say they're weak on defense for the rest of time (apparently the media thinks losing wars makes one look strong).
Some Democrats think it's possible to work with Republicans. Personally, I think it's a waste of time to even try.
Americans have the right to vote for whom they choose. This senator has brought dishonor on the Senate and American people. He must apologize or be removed from office.
There are thousands of news stories on this site and it's stories like this that make me sick to my stomach.
History will damn Bush but let it also damn those who votes to keep him in office and those who speak out against impeachment.
Is Gates so delusional that he thinks he can win this war? The war has been lost for at least a year now. Saying otherwise only makes the loser feel good for awhile longer. Gates should be forcing to Bush to accept reality instead of pandering.
Conservatives in both parties that created this disastrous and immoral policy look smaller with each passing day. Sam Nunn looks particularly bad. Bigotry always looks bad in hindsight.
Barr hated Clinton with a passion. I suppose the fact that Clinton was balancing the budget after 12 years of failure under Reagan and Bush was hard to him to swallow. Today, after seeing the GOP and Bush spend like drunken sailors (like Reagan and Bush) proves to him and (and everyone else) that the GOP has always been the party of record deficits, record spending and hate.
Cheney will be forced to say (under oath) that he ordered Libby to out Ms. Plame in order to destroy her husband, Ambassador Wilson. That should be enough to destroy any chance that Cheney can redeem himself after leaving office. Why anyone in the media takes this man seriously is beyond me.
Bigotry is alive and well in the US media today. All these idiots should be fired for utter incompetence and a loathing lack of character. Is this news, or are they all reading from the same script?