Impeach Bush--Index 50
March 19, 2007 All these made-for-tv wars aren't doing anything to help us lead the world. Instead, we lost the wars and we lost our technological and competitive edge. The era of endless war is over. It's time to get back to work and rebuild America and put it where it was before conservatives destroyed it. March 29, 2007 Bush and the GOP turned Guantanamo Bay into another Abu Ghraib. It didn't have to be this way...they could have followed the Geneva Conventions and none of this would be necessary. POWs have rights...and some people think they don't. It's too bad we have people on both sides of the aisles who think we can detain POWs for the rest of time...even without trial. March 29, 2007An Impeachable Offense March 29, 2007 We already know this White House is incompetent and corrupt but if you needed added proof that GOP members are congress are equally incompetent and corrupt, here it is. Hide the facts, hide the truth...protect Bush from Bush. March 30, 2007 March 29, 2007 March 29, 2007 Another "fog of war" moment. Lying to Congress and the American people. An Impeachable OffenseMarch 28, 2007 MARCH 29 - APRIL 4, 2007 This is is a tough call. US law forbids sending a person to a country where they know they'll be tortured and repeatedly that's what's happened. At some point, it's not a mistake - it become a pattern. An Impeachable OffenseMarch 27, 2007An Impeachable Offense March 28, 2007 Notice how the media still can't take responsibility for allowing the Swift Boat Lies to be spread on their networks and newspapers. When will this insanity and incompetence end? March 26, 2007 Even if we assume the military screwed up in its initial assessment, why weren't they able to adapt? In other words, they had plans for a best case scenario and when that didn't happen, all hell broke lose. The incompetence must be shared by Bush, Rumsfeld, the generals, members of Congress and the media (in that order). March 23, 2007 The agency charged with prosecuting law breakers broke the law - now they want us to let them keep the power we gave them. I don't think so. March 27, 2007 March 27, 2007 The government and the courts are now saying laws against torture, the Geneva Conventions and the War Crimes Act are irrelevant. Poppycock. When laws are broken, and laws were broken, lawbreakers must pay for their misdeeds. An Impeachable OffenseMarch 28, 2007An Impeachable Offense March 26, 2007An Impeachable Offense March 27, 2007 March 28, 2007 March 27, 2007 March 27, 2007 Gallup's headline for this story was 100% republican. "Giuliani Lead in GOP Field Shrinks as Thompson Makes Solid Debut." They don't even try to mask their preference and/or bias anymore. March 28, 2007 It's amazing how fast Americans will follow the Democratic Party when they stand for something. They pushed for a time table and now it's supported by a majority of Americans. We need more good leaders in Congress so let's look forward to 2008 and replace those who tried to stop this vote. March 28, 2007 It seems the editorial writers of the Post (like the Wall Street Journal) don't have to read their own newspapers. Which brings us to wonder why anyone should. March 27, 2007 The editors of the AP seem to think that lying about another Democratic candidate for president is in their best financial interest. Maybe someone should tell them otherwise. March 27, 2007 March 24, 2007 I can't verify anything relating this to Gonzales so take it with a grain of salt. The abuse scandal took place in Gonzales County so that may be part of the confusion, but we'll have to wait and see if major news outlets tie it to the Justice Department and the AG. March 27, 2007 March 26, 2007 March 27, 2007 March 26, 2007 It's always about choice. According to conservative theory we can cut state and federal taxes and all should be fine, but in the real world, needed programs go unfunded. Blame republicans, tax cuts, or the voter...there's plenty of blame to go around. With any luck, the era of tax cuts is over for the rest of time. March 26, 2007 March 27, 2007 Confronted with this fiscal disaster what did conservatives do? They cut taxes and created another $3.1 trillion of debt...and they want more tax cuts. March 18, 2007 March 24, 2007 Another military coverup, much like Pat Tillman. March 23, 2007 March 26, 2007 March 25, 2007 March 25, 2007 March 23, 2007 March 23, 2007 The GOP still thinks we're over-taxed even though we have 8.8 trillion dollars of debt (unpaid taxes). These are not people who live in a real world. March 25, 2007 Bush says give the generals what they ask for and all will be well. They've gotten what they've asked for and they can't even keep the peace much less win the war. March 24, 2007 March 23, 2007 Instead of changing laws, change US attorneys so your side can get away with election fraud. March 23, 2007 How did the military become populated with so many corrupt and lying generals? Was it because they helped generate conservative lies that created fake support for Bush's war? March 23, 2007 March 23, 2007 March 24, 2007 March 23, 2007 The biggest change average Americans will notice is the end of fake news. Most journalists depended on GOP spin for stories and those fake news isn't selling anymore. Journalism, like the US reputation around the world and the GOP reputation here at home is in the toilet because they've spent the past 30 years lying to us about everything from WMD to Whitewater, from tax cuts to balanced budgets. The journalists who understand they must distance themselves from all things conservative will most likely survive. The rest will go the way of the dinosaur. March 20, 2007 |