Impeach Bush--Index 53
While the media was playing around with Imus, the Bush White House was getting away with another war crime. What's more important, Imus and his three naughty words, or the US drilling holes in the leg of an Iranian diplomat? An Impeachable OffenseApril 11, 2007 This essay is very long but also very good. There are still a few places where bigotry and hate are accepted and expected; conservative talk shows, Christian Churches and Christian TV and radio shows. None of these belief systems would be around if hate wasn't an easy sell. The quote from Savage can probably be heard in 99% of all the Churches in the US. Not only do they hate gays, buy pride themselves in being able to take rights (like marriage) away from them. April 12, 2007 Bush is a good Christian man who hires people with no morals or ethics. April 13, 2007 It seems everyone associated with Bush in any capacity is corrupt. The media looked the other way as they called him a "good Christian man." The next time a candidate claims he's Christian, know he's lying his ass off. April 13, 2007 The FBI has so many documents that it takes six years to show a court what it has. How in gods name is any of this information necessary when they have an utterly worthless record keeping system and have no idea what they have? I'm listing this as an impeachable offense so I can keep my eye on it. The FBI is gathering info it doesn't need, can't possible look at and can't give the information to the court in a timely manner. Maybe it's time to shut down our courts...if it's going to take this long to learn the truth, why bother? An Impeachable OffenseApril 11, 2007 April 11, 2007 While the Bush White House was breaking the law (again) what was the media doing? They spent days talking about three words spoken by Imus instead. In their small world, those three words are more important than a president breaking the law. An Impeachable OffenseApril 12, 2007An Impeachable Offense April 11, 2007 April 12, 2007 April 12, 2007 The banking industry rewrote the bankruptcy laws that the GOP passed. Now bankers will suffer because of their short-sightedness. Soon they'll be saddled with countless homes and very few buyers. As with all things; it's becoming a great time to buy a home...wait for someone to declare bankruptcy, a bank foreclosure - then buy it for a song and a dance from the bank. April 12, 2007 April 12, 2007 April 12, 2007 I'd say there's a 99.9% chance this Iranian diplomat was tortured by the CIA. Where is the US Supreme Court...asleep as usual...totally worthless. An Impeachable OffenseApril 11, 2007 NBC has a knack at hiring and keeping complete imbeciles - conservatives. Whether it's Tim Russert or Chris Matthews, or so many others, the more they lie, the more they get paid. April 9, 2007 Democrats don't have the balls to protect our constitutional system. April 11, 2007 The war is lost and now they're looking for someone to blame. Will it be the new "war czar, the Democrats, or will they fall back on blaming the "liberal media?" April 11, 2007 Krugman is right of course, but he misses the most important part of the story. The reason the GOP gets away with lying to us is because the media depends on their lies for news stories. It's part of their "fair and balanced" coverage. The problem with the media is they think lies are news. They're not - they're lies. April 9, 2007 Liberals still haven't figured out how the press works; it's fat, lazy, rich, incompetent and because of this it wants stories handed to them on a silver platter. During the Clinton years the Tim Russerts in the media depended on GOP leaks and hyperbole to keep their shows going. Then after Clinton (BC is before Clinton, DC is during Clinton and AC is after Clinton) the media depended on White House leaks. In their world, GOP lies and spin are news. After six years the media still didn't know Pat Robertson controlled this White House. Would they have ever known about it if liberals didn't tell them? I don't think so. Liberals tried to tell them Bush was lying about tax cuts and surpluses, war and peace, WMD and the war on terror. Did they listen? April 9, 2007 Without the Independent vote Democrats are screwed. They still don't get it. In 1994 they sat back, did nothing and expected to be reelected. When they lost both Houses of Congress they blamed Clinton but of course it was their inaction that kept many of us home. Why should I vote for someone who doesn't have what it takes to end this war? or impeach this president? I'll stay home again and suggest others do the same. After another 12 years in the minority they might learn their lesson. April 9, 2007 A few months ago (when conservatives were still delusional about the war) right wingers in the media complained that the media wasn't showing us the good things going on in Iraq. It probably never occurred to their listeners that these same so-called reporters could have been in Iraq reporting back to them the good news. In other words, it was far easier to blame the "liberal media" than the cowards in the "conservative media." who were too afraid to go over to Iraq. In fact it was far easier being an idiot and believing the right wing nonsense than thinking for themselves. April 9, 2007 The media feared being called weak on defense and liberal so they allowed the US military to lie to us about Tillman and Lynch. If the media hadn't been reduced to sniveling idiots after years of lies about "liberal bias" they might have done their jobs better and stopped the war before it started. April 10, 2007An Impeachable Offense April 8, 2007 Is it a coincidence that conservatives Christians are running the most corrupt, immoral and incompetent White House in US history? I don't think so. April 8, 2007 April 10, 2007 April 8, 2007 April 9, 2007 April 9, 2007 There's plenty of money for an illegal and unjust war and there's even enough money to give the richt tax cuts. Bush and the GOP borrowed every penny needed for tax cuts and war. They could have just as easily borrowed money to help states and cities - they simply chose not to. Republicans are incapable of living in the real world...incapable of raising the taxes needed to pay for the things they say they support. Thus, they should never be allowed to govern again. April 8, 2007 April 4, 2007 Government of, by and for the people was replaced with government of, by and for George Bush. The problem isn't just Bush, or the media, it's the courts that allowed this power grab to go unchallenged. When Bush rewrote the Presidential Papers Act, he violated the powers of congress (he rewrote the law without the consent of congress). That was over six years ago and what has the Supreme Court done about it? Nothing. The Court is utterly worthless. Finally, there's an old saying; people who don't trust can't be trusted. We never seen a better example of that than Bush and Cheney. An Impeachable OffenseMarch 21, 2007 With each passing year the US is becoming more and more like Nazi Germany. An Impeachable OffenseApril 9, 2007 When US run prisons become terrorist training camps, Bush and his generals have a lot of explaining to do. An Impeachable OffenseApril 7, 2007 April 8, 2007 When faced with evil within the US government what did American Catholics do? They decided gay marriage was a bigger threat. Sheer idiocy. April 9, 2007An Impeachable Offense April 8, 2007 Anyone thinking we can afford a tax cut (or ever could) needs to look at how much debt we've created since the Reagan tax cut just 26 years ago. One trillion of new debt is not leadership - it's pandering. April 9, 2007 It looks like 1994 all over again. Dems have power and they're afraid to use it because someone might be offended. The Democratic leadership are cowards and are as guilty as Bush. Let history damn them both. April 6, 2007 April 6, 2007 April 6, 2007 April 9, 2007 April 6, 2007 Lying to the American people about a fake threat to our national security has to be the most egregious abuse of power in US history. Yet, we have a congress (and media) who seem incapable of bringing themselves to say Bush and Cheney are liars and should be impeached. An Impeachable OffenseApril 7, 2007 Bush had access to the truth and ignored it. If this isn't an impeachable offense, nothing is. An Impeachable OffenseApril 6, 2007 April 6, 2007 April 6, 2007 For someone who's been attacking this White House since it was appointed, it's almost like Christmas every day. Another day, another fallen crook. April 5, 2007 The congress let Bush get away with his surge and now what are they going to do? Let him create one new surge after another after another until he leaves office? It's pathetic. The solution is as clear as day. Force republicans to pay for this war with higher taxes and it'll end in 24-hours. April 5, 2007 |