Impeach Bush--Index 60
June 19, 2007 The problem with today's Army is they didn't anticipate anything out of the ordinary - that's why they're losing a war in a country that was disarmed. I doubt this nation has ever had so many incompetent generals and civilian leaders. The generals let Bush take us to war for no reason, they let him lie about why we were there long after his first lies were exposed, they allowed him to destroy the reputation of the United States by torturing POWs and they allowed him to destroy the military and the National Guard. Who needs enemies when we have generals. On the bright side many of the pro war nuts who took us to war within the White House ,including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs are gone. June 14, 2007 I have a different take on what's really going on. The Catholic Church under this pope and under his predecessor looked the other way while its priests rapped children. The lawsuits are costing them a fortune and they need as much money as they can get so they're looking for excuses for Catholics to stop giving to other organizations. Personally, I think anyone who still gives to the Catholic Church after what they did has questionable moral values. Priests, bishops, cardinals and popes had to know their criminal behavior was costing them a fortune but they still refused to report these criminals to the police. June 14, 2007 Two very good numbers are coming out of this poll. The # who say there should be no funding and those who support keeping the current restrictions has been cut in half (10% and 15% respectively). The religious right have lost all power. June 15, 2007 June 66/15/2007 , 2007 June 13, 2007 Everyone now knows it's a disaster in Iraq and this story might sound like piling-on, but the pro war nuts in the GOP and the Democratic Party have to exposed for what they are...liars. June 12, 2007 Now that the centrists and conservatives in the Democratic Party had their way with more funding the war will someone please tell them to "shut the fuck up?" June 12, 2007 A very extensive list of scandals on one page. If the media reported just one scandal a day it'd consume 190 days. June 14, 2007 June 12, 2007 June 7, 2007 Here's an interesting take on the immigration issue. The author uses emotion, 911 and terrorism to make his point (which is fine considering his circumstances) but is it logical? For generations Americans have accepted illegal aliens - they work(ed) for many working in government or seeking work in government. It's said most major restaurants would have to close without illegal aliens and then there's the cheap food we've become accustomed to. Is cheap labor, food and profits worth the risk? June 2, 2007 June 11, 2007 The damage to the US presidency and the bankrupting of our Treasury will last for generations. Global polls show they don't hate us because of the war per se, they hate us because a majority voted for Bush AFTER they knew he lied about war. The problem isn't just within the presidency or the US government, the problem is the American people. We have become a nation of idiots; supporting the troops when we know the troops are in a war based on lies and supporting tax cuts when we have trillions of dollars of debt. These are not the actions of sane people. June 12, 2007 There is real science which said global warming is real and there was fake science that said it wasn't. There was real intelligence which said there were no WMD in Iraq (including from the UN inspectors) and there was fake intelligence manufactured by the Bush White House. Now we have to deal with more fake science again - this time masquerading as religion. June 10, 2007 Can the Democratic Party be shamed into action? An Impeachable OffenseJune 11, 2007 June 11, 2007 If the war on terror and Iraq are so damn important to conservative voters why doesn't the conservative network spend more more than 6% of their time talking about it? The war on terror and the war in Iraq are a joke. Is Fox the first to realize we've all been had? (not likely - Fox knows they have nothing to gain from telling the truth). June 11, 2007 For all practical purposes the war is already winding down. Few Americans believe we can win the war and even fewer think the war was worth fighting in the first place. The legacy of the pro war nuts is; they took us war for no reason, they couldn't admit they were wrong even after the government said there were no WMD and they lost the war. None of them are fit to be president. June 10, 2007An Impeachable Offense June 8, 2007 It's good to see there are still some judges who honor their oath of office. It's too bad Congress, the Supreme Court and the White House don't do the same. An Impeachable OffenseJune 11, 2007 Do Democrats sit up nights thinking of ways to look weak? June 8, 2007 In 1993 when this unconstitutional and immoral law was passed (a law that created two standards - separate and unequal), centrists and conservative Democrats joined with conservative Republicans to destroy our troops ability to win a war in the Middle East. A decade later we're still suffering from that vote. Centrist and conservative Democrats pander to the GOP base and the GOP panders to the GOP base. What about the rest of the country? June 8, 2007 There are still many Democrats who think they're get reelected if they act like republicans. That's what they did during the 90's when they lost power. They deserve to lose power again. The GOP was able to pass legislation that destroyed the constitution and there wasn't one Democrat in the Senate who filibuster their laws. We must learn one important fact from all this, there is only one party - the pro war party. June 9, 2007 This trial proves one unequivocal fact; there are more terrorist in the CIA than in al Qaeda or at a minimum we can't seem to arrest, try and convict as many terrorists as we have in the CIA. An Impeachable OffenseJune 9, 2007 There are 10 republicans who said Gonzales should resign so if anyone thought a republican says what he means and means what he says he's still delusional. The GOP also knows Reid can be rolled so why should they piss off their base even if it's the right thing to do? June 12, 2007 When the Democrat leader in the Senate has an approval rating on par with Scooter Libby you know we're in trouble. Americans have divided themselves into two camps; pro war and anti war. The pro war side will never support Reid and the anti war side was betrayed. That leaves the centrists - all 19% of them. Democrat strategist think Americans want centrists but that's simply not true. Centrists gave Bush more funding for his war and he's finished. Dems need a new leader - a liberal. Will they learn or will continue to pander to the DLC (the republican arm of the Democratic Party. June 8, 2007 Inspector Generals are supposed to protect us from lawlessness, but in this White House the inspector generals are criminals. The people who thought they were voting for a good Christian man have been exposed as being naive and/or immoral. An Impeachable OffenseJune 8, 2007 With each passing day we learn more about the idiocy behind the "war on terror." Not only aren't these people terrorists, but they're not illegal combatants or POWs. In other words, the US has been kidnapping people all over the world and holding them in prisons all over the world. This generation of war mongers has shamed us for the rest of time. They should be banned from ever holding office again. June 8, 2007 Our intelligence agencies say torture doesn't work . Why did they (the CIA) torture POWs? An Impeachable OffenseJune 8, 2007An Impeachable Offense Now that we're certain the White House, the Justice Department, the Congress and the Courts violated (or allowed Bush to violate) their oaths of office, it's time to clean house. We've never seen so many utterly immoral and worthless leaders in our history. Anyone who voted for a conservative member of the Supreme Court isn't moral enough to serve our nation. The Supreme Court had the power to stop Bush and did nothing. This lazy and corrupt Court will be damned by history. June 8, 2007 Now that all the pro war nuts that can be fired have been fired, will the Democrats, the GOP and the media figure out it's over? June 8, 2007 It seems like only yesterday that media pundits were calling Bush a "good Christian man." Today, it seems like everyone associated with him is either a liar or a crook. June 8, 2007 The war mongers that gave us Iraq want another anyone surprise. Failure breeds failure. June 6, 2007 "The United Nations nuclear watchdog chief warned on Friday against the 'new crazies.'" He was referring to people who wanted to bomb Iran. In other words the UN nuclear chief says nearly all the GOP candidates for president are crazy. This is what Bush and the propagandist in the party have done to themselves. June 7, 2007 June 7, 2007 The pro war side says there's progress in Iraq. Who do you believe...the politicians and pundits who supported this war from the beginning or the generals charged with fighting it? Lieberman, McCain and Bush should stop lying and the media should stop putting these liars on their talk shows. Imagine for a moment if the anti war side had been wrong. Would there be anyone in the media running to our side to see what we think? Pro war supporters have absolutely no credibility...but the media lets them push their lies every single day. It's time for the lying to's time for the media to stop pretending there are honest disagreements. One side lied us into war, the other side called them on it. The anti war side was right. June 8, 2007 Global polls indicate support for the US dropped significantly after Bush was reelected. US voters (assisted by liars in the media) helped Bush destroy our reputation. June 7, 2007 Why hasn't every veterans group called for his they agree with him? June 7, 2007 IMO, the media and the GOP are desperately searching for excuses as to why they supported the war. The myth-making has already begun (much like it did with the Reagan years). The reality is simple...the UN inspectors were sent to Iraq to verify Bush's intelligence. They found nothing and in fact said Bush's intelligence was "outdated" and "garbage." The media and the GOP (and many leading Democrats) allowed Bush to take us to war knowing he was lying. War supporters are unfit for high office. June 6, 2007An Impeachable Offense June 7, 2007An Impeachable Offense June 7, 2007 June 8, 2007 The problem is simple. The Bush Administration knew Americans would never support this war if they had to pay for it with higher taxes so they chose instead to do the war on the cheap...borrowing every penny and they chose to cut taxes. The problem then isn't just Bush, or the GOP, it's the American people and the Democratic Party. If Dems asked republicans how they were going to pay for the war, the war would have never started because the republican party wouldn't have supported tax increases necessary to fund the war. An Impeachable OffenseJune 6, 2007 June 6, 2007 Unless you're a US political pundit you can probably see the truth is all this muck. The US gives China money so it can arm itself (we call it free trade). We did the same with Iraq and we're still giving Iran a lot of our oil money. We give our possible enemies our money so they can arm themselves and then we throw a tissy fit when they arm themselves. If we had ONE functioning brain in Washington these problems would go away over night...all we have to do is stop giving Iraq, Iran and China our money...and therein lies the problem. We need China to finance our debt...debt created by tax cuts for the super wealthy. June 5, 2007 June 7, 2007 Is there a single Democratic consultant who doesn't think this isn't going to start happening to their party too? June 4, 2007 Bush has been below the 50% mark for over two years and still the Democrats don't have balls to take him on or take him out. Now that pro war centrists and conservatives have nearly destroyed their party maybe they'll shut the fuck up. It would help if other liberal blogs stopped enabling the leaders of the Democratic Party. June 4, 2007 Imagine for a moment if the GOP had spent as much time running this war as they spent attacking Democrats. Then imagine Democrats doing something other than rolling over and falling to the ground when the GOP attacked them. Have you ever seen two absolutely worthless parties in your life? June 4, 2007 Why didn't the Democrats filibuster this monstrosity? Because they're cowards. June 5, 2007 When the Democrats said the same thing they were called defeatists by these same republicans. Does anyone still believe anything these fools say? June 6, 2007 It's hard to tell who the enemy is - the GOP which was insistent on taking us to war using fabricated intelligence or the Democrats who let them get away with lying to us. Not much has changed except we now know the Congress was fully aware the intelligence Bush was using was bogus. June 6, 2007 Now that Democrats own this war, we need to know where they're going to find the money to help all the people harmed by their war - specifically, who's taxes are they going to raise and to pay for their war and how much money do they plan on borrowing from the next generation? June 5, 2007 The problem isn't talking points, it's the inability of Dems to create change. Now that their poll numbers are nearly as low as Bush maybe they'll grow some balls and start doing the right thing. If Democrats want to be a viable political party, they have to tell the pro war conservatives and centrists in the party to "shut the fuck up." This war has destroyed the reputation of the US, the Bush presidency and the GOP. Now it's destroyed the good will Americans had for the Democrats. Will they ever learn? June 4, 2007 |