Impeach Bush--Index 68
The only military officer charged got off with a slap on the wrist. Military justice lacks justice for the 24 women and children murdered by US soldiers. August 29, 2007 Whatever happened to "name, rank and serial number?" An Impeachable OffenseAugust 13, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 28, 2007 What gets the GOP worked up isn't gross violations of the Geneva Conventions, violations of the War Crimes Act, illegal surveillance by the White House, or lying under oath by Gonzales. What really pisses them off is one of their own being gay. Good grief, and here I thought Dems needed to grow some balls. His money will dry up and without money you can't win an election. He's finished. It's worth noting that Newt Gingrich was forced to pay $300,000 to the House because he lied under oath. No one in the GOP thought lying under oath was a problem until Bill Clinton got caught. The Gingrich fine and the admission of guilt wasn't enough to force Gingrich out of office...because he's straight and he was fooling around with another woman. Double standard? August 30, 2007 It doesn't matter what the military recommends anyway. Bush has no choice but to keep this war going as long as he can. What else would he talk about..his balanced budgets (those that he promised and failed to deliver?). And Democrats are too cowardly to step up the plate and actually hit one out of the ball park. They're afraid their fans will boo them. August 29, 2007 There's little doubt Democrats will give Bush what he wants and they won't raise taxes to pay for it. Instead, they'll do what the Republicans do, they'll increase the debt ceiling and borrow it. Where are the men and women in congress - all we have are children. August 29, 2007 The best part of being a CEO in the US these days that you get paid if you succeed and you get paid even more if you fail. The Board of Directors will pay you tens of billions just to get rid of you. The US economy remains in shambles. Average wages adjusted for inflation peaked in 1973, but the pay for CEOs has soared. August 29, 2007 For Republicans, this war was always "liberal versus conservatives" not the US versus Iraq. They wanted this war and now it's their war. Let history damn them for it. The sad part is the US has never looked weaker. We're losing a war in a country that has no army, no navy, no Air Force, no Marine Corps etc. - nearly defenseless country. Imagine if this military had to go to war with a country that's armed to the teeth. Can we blame just Bush, or isn't it long past the time to blame military commanders. After all, they told Bush what he wanted to hear regarding the number of troops needed etc. They lied in order to advance their careers and now we have thousands of dead American soldiers. August 30, 2007 The nice part of these ad campaigns is it proves the GOP failed and the only way they can defend that failure (and use money and intellectual resources to do so) is to advertise and hope people will fall for it again. It's worked in the past and it'll work in the future...will it work his time? The key is the media. If they give credence to these liars then it'll work. If they ignore them, the truth will force public policy changes. August 22, 2007 August 26, 2007 Maybe we would have won Vietnam if enough people who now say they supported the war actually fought in it - people like Bush and Cheney. August 25, 2007 The media seems utterly unaware that the WH and its supporters simply buy their support with propaganda. Fox News, talk radio and advertising bitzes are their weapons of choice - and these weapons are utterly void of facts. If the media did its job we would never spent a day worrying about Whitewater or WMD because the media would have exposed both as being a hoax. August 27, 2007 Republicans have always been proud of the fact that they can hate better than Democrats. The hate doesn't have to be based on known facts, in fact, Bill Clinton gave us balanced budgets and they still hated him. Hate is the most powerful emotion and without it, there would be no GOP. August 26, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 27, 2007 One of the key differences between the two major parties is Democrats are deathly afraid of calling for resignations, even when the person in question is a criminal. Republicans call for resignations if someone farts without their permission. August 27, 2007 August 27, 2007 It appears the only reason other crops can be farmed is if they are guarded. Farmers can choose the Taliban who will do it for free (or for a cut of the action) or they can pay someone to defend their fields. Which would you choose if you were them? August 26, 2007 The charges against Ware were based on the following; "I told him there's just womens and kids in the room," Mendoza said Tuesday. "He replied, 'Well, shoot them.'" It seems killing innocent women and children are now considered normal "laws of combat." August 24, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 24, 2007 Many of the following articles prove Bush has been lying about the situation in Iraq. Lying to the American people was considered an impeachable offense when Richard Nixon was about to be impeached. An Impeachable OffenseAugust 24, 2007 August 25, 2007 Bush could have asked for new legislation, but instead chose to break the law. An Impeachable OffenseAugust 24, 2007 August 23, 2007 August 25, 2007 August 21, 2007 August 22, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 24, 2007 August 20, 2007 August 24, 2007 August 24, 2007 On this one the Economist is simply delusional. The ONLY issue that gave the GOP power was tax cuts and in so doing we went from $900 billion of debt before Reagan to nearly $9 trillion today. Democrats haven't figured out a way to combat the idiocy of borrowing money and giving it away. Without tax cuts there would have been no Reagan presidency, without Reagan no Bush 41 presidency and without Reagan and Bush, no Bush 43 presidency. Reagan's signature issue was tax cuts...and he claimed he could increase spending, cut taxes and balance the budget. For eight years he tried and for eight years he failed. Now, we've had nearly 20 years of Republican presidents and not one balanced budget. This alone should tell the Economist why Republicans win elections - their voters are idiots. Regarding "free trade" Americans can't even buy prescription drugs from Canada because the GOP depends on the pharmaceutical industry to pay for their elections. On the other hand, Democrats have moved quickly to make free trade a reality between the US and Canada. August 9, 2007 August 20, 2007 MRAPs are 1970s technology and the US military is only now getting it. An Impeachable OffenseAugust 23, 2007 August 22, 2007 The child president and his advisors did it again. They made themselves look like children. August 22, 2007 It's worth noting that while lower courts are forcing the WH to follow the law, the very conservative US Supreme Court is making it harder for anyone to sue the Bush government. An Impeachable OffenseAugust 22, 2007 August 21, 2007 August 22, 2007 August 16, 2007 August 7, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 22, 2007 August 22, 2007 August 20, 2007 August 21, 2007 August 21, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 21, 2007 US soldiers murdered, tortured and raped POWs and no officer is being charged with those war crimes? Com'on. August 20, 2007 August 20, 2007 The end of the Cold War clearly resulted in a decline in our assets. Was that the problem? I doubt it. We could have had 10x more assets and it would have still been nearly impossible to find 19 people in the US training an attack on the US. After the attack began the US military was unable to get one armed plan in the air until long after the attack was over. I blame the US military and of course its commander in chief. August 21, 2007 I'm not sure what's going on here. The FBI still doesn't list bin Laden as being the person responsible for 911. Did he plan it? Not likely. Therefore, it's silly to blame the CIA for something that had nothing to do with bin Laden. If in fact bin Laden planned the attack (and we have no evidence to prove it) then the only logical course of action would have been to go after him, not the Taliban (the Taliban had nothing to do with 911). August 21, 2007 Excellent article. Once again it points out how Bush's rhetoric (which the news media always carries) has nothing to do with the real world. The man is delusional if he thinks he has any influence anyplace in the world. August 20, 2007 August 21, 2007 August 21, 2007 August 20, 2007 August 20, 2007 |