Impeach Bush--Index 49
March 13, 2007 The corruption within the Bush White House expands to every part of the government now. It will take generations to undo what they've done. An Impeachable OffenseMarch 13, 2007 March 13, 2007 March 13, 2007An Impeachable Offense March 14, 2007 The central problem is no one is willing to raise the taxes to pay for the war or for veterans benefits; in other words, no one favors the war, not even the commander in chief. An Impeachable OffenseMarch 14, 2007 March 12, 2007 March 2007 The first soldier wounded in Iraq is gay. What would Pace have us do with gay soldiers who give their lives and limbs to defend our country....treat them as sub-humans? or show them just how must bigotry and prejudice exists in the US military? Pace probably doesn't know that around 70% of soldiers are ok with gays serving in the military and a huge chuck already know soldiers who are out. It's time for this Neanderthal to retire. March 13, 2007 Let's see what we do this with moron. First, Pace supported a war for no reason; a war that killed tens of thousands of innocent people. Then he supported military personnel who tortured POWs in Guantanamo Bay and Iraq. Then he supported generals that ignored abuses of veterans. But, in the face of all these gross violations of human dignity, he thinks gays are a problem? The man is not well. March 13, 2007 It appears we have a consensus; the US and British governments approved gross violations of the Geneva Conventions, including torture. The only remedy is impeachment and removal from office. March 12, 2007 I maintain that you can't be a republican and a Christian. Evangelicals knew Bush was torturing POWs and they voted for him anyway. If they didn't know, there's no excuse. Either way they're damned. Where were evangelicals when their votes would have counted? March 12, 2007 The era of Bush is exactly the same as Reagan. They were both uninformed idiots who borrowed money and gave it away. If anyone still thinks Reagan was responsible they need therapy. With $3 trillion of debt under Bush and $1.6 trillion under Reagan it's impossible to say either of these men were fiscal conservatives. They were big spenders and the party loved them for it. March 12, 2007 Bush and Rove poll their conservative base and the base wants a pardon. There will be a pardon. It's only a matter of timing. The sad thing is the republican base has been wrong so many times, on so many issues that the opinion of the base is worthless.
Criminals in the White House, the Justice Department, the CIA, the FBI, the Military...why hasn't Bush been impeached yet?
An Impeachable Offense An Impeachable Offense
The solution is simple, force republicans in the House and Senate to raise taxes and pay for the war. The war will end within 24-hours. Obey is a twit. He knows he can't pass a new resolution to end the war and he knows Bush would never sign the resolution even if it passed both chambers. So instead of doing something that forces the issue, he'll support meaningless resolutions that have no chance of changing anything. It's time for him to go.
It's insane to consider Fox a news channel. It's GOP propaganda and should be ignored by all thinking people. Fox was wrong about Whitewater, WMD, the war in Iraq, surpluses, deficits, tax cuts and so much more. People who want to be dumb watch Fox and nothing Dems do will get them to stop.
Every day the media pushes Bush's war even though the war's been lost for over a year. I'm not sure why it's still a story. It's time to move on and expose the lawlessness throughout the entire Bush White House. The people who say they support the war, don't. Ask them to pay for the war and watch how fast they run away from it. But of course the media is too stupid to ask this basic question of war supporters or Bush. An Impeachable Offense
There appears to be one absolute truth. Every conservative in the Bush White House is corrupt and incompetent. The media still hasn't grasped this concept. They're still talking about Bush's war in Iraq - a war that was based on lies. They still can't bring themselves to accept the fact that their entire industry is an enabler to his corruption and ineptitude.
There is zero support for this war. We know this because no one dares raise taxes to pay for it, or reinstate the draft so we have enough troops to win. Not even Bush supports his war (no taxes, no support). He knows his party will bolt if they're forced to pay for his war so he passes the buck to the next generation instead. I don't know who are bigger cowards; Bush and Cheney, the GOP or the US media.
Bush has had four years to win this war and he's failed. What in gods name makes anyone think another year will make any difference? The Congress should pull all funding for the war on terror and bring home the troops within 30 days.
An Impeachable Offense
When the John Birch Society takes on the press for allowing Bush to destroy the Constitution, then you know it's bad. Where is the congress? Are they still cultivating some balls?
I firmly believe NBC and ABC (ABC was awarded the Misinformer of the Year for 2006) don't do news anymore. Instead, they do GOP propaganda.
Most liberals could care less about politicians personal lives, but when they run around the country claiming to be morally superior and/or have superior family values, they're not only liars but hypocrites. Bush has lied from the Oval Office so many times we've had enough lies to last a generation.
An Impeachable Offense
Under GOP control, our intelligence agencies fell apart and created fake intelligence, our disaster agencies didn't work and Katrina victims were left to die, our military is in shamble, unable to win a war in an unarmed country and Veterans weren't cared for. On top of that the US debt grew at historical levels - $3.1 trillion of new debt since Bush has been in office. Where is all that money going? An Impeachable Offense
Being "fair and balanced" means newspapers and networks have to employ know liars and hate-mongers. Newspaper editors need to grow some balls.
The fact that so many senators signed onto a bill that allowed the White House to appoint whomever they wanted without knowing is tells us one absolute truth. US Senators don't earn their salaries and should go home.
You may recall Bush rewrote the Presidential Papers Act without the consent of Congress. It's one of the first impeachable offenses I listed on this site in 2001. An Impeachable Offense
Two quick points; first, why is Sullivan still a conservative? They spend more money than liberals could dream of spending. They hate groups of people than fascist and they have the intellect of dried prunes. Second, why is it that so many bad people drawn to the republican party? Is it because bigots feel welcome?
IMO, these companies should be banned from having their stock traded on any exchange in the world for at least five years and they should be forced to pay billions in fines. If we can't force them out of business, we can make their lives a living hell.
What is the White House and the military afraid of...they've used terrorism to justify destroying the Constitution and the Geneva Conventions...what else are they hiding? An Impeachable Offense
Bush clearly said the Geneva Conventions didn't apply to POWs in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay. He is responsible for these gross violations of International Law. An Impeachable Offense