Impeach Bush--Index 50
April 20, 2007 If republicans really cared about this country they'd be calling for Bush's resignation also. It was his White House that subverted the Justice Department. April 20, 2007 April 18, 2007 No matter how many times the topic comes up and no matter who speaks on the issues the media refuses to ask Americans the basic question; "should Bush and Cheney be impeached for lying about intelligence when they took us to war?" The Pentagon recently said the intelligence they created was bogus. What more proof do we need? April 18, 2007 There's little doubt the war in Iraq was hatched by neocons and Haaretz (a Jewish publication) explores the role of Jews in that decision. One of the commentators, Charles Krauthammer says Americans are more willing to sacrifice now than during Vietnam. He's insane. During Vietnam we had a draft and tax increases. Today we have no draft and tax cuts. We have a culture of conservatives who think increasing debt ceiling limits isn't the same as passing tax increases. They're all morons. Where is the sacrifice? No taxes. It's easy to say you support something when it costs you nothing and you have nothing to lose. Does Krauthammer have family members in Iraq. I bet not. posted April 21, 2007 April 18, 2007 Imagine for a moment Bush and Cheney going before Congress and having to defend their war in Iraq, deficit creating tax cuts, a corrupt Attorney General, failures at FEMA, failures in the intelligence agencies, failures in the war in Iraq, failures are Water Reed etc. It's what our democracy needs....accountability. God knows the press has been in very deep slumber. April 20, 2007 There's a certain amount of iron to all this. GOP senators have no problem asking the AG to resign because he's incompetent, but few in government dare tell the president to resign for the same reason. Why is that? April 20, 2007 April 20, 2007 April 19, 2007 We have a lot of polls to look at so here there are. Things look good from Democrats on many fronts but most Americans still don't see them doing much. If they want to extend to lead in the next election they have to get on the ball. There's only a few months before the next election cycle gets into full gear and when that happens, nothing will get done. April 19, 2007 April 19, 2007 April 17, 2007 April 19, 2007 Over three thousands civilian deaths since the surge started. Nasty. April 14, 2007 Democrats who voted for Alito and Roberts are equally guilty. When there are enough Dems to stop a filibuster in the Senate we can put our energy into getting rid of weak Democrats who vote for the conservative agenda. The Dems who voted for Alito and Roberts are listed in the left hand Column of this Impeach Bush website. The life of the mother is meaningless to these right wing fascists on the court (and the Democrats who helped put them there). April 18, 2007 April 17, 2007 Obama will be the next president. With all the money the Clinton's raised during their eight years in office they should be old pros at this, but the new comer beat them. I can't imagine a scenario where Clinton would win the nomination...and if she did, I wouldn't vote for anyone. Senator Clinton waited until after the polls turned against the war before she had the courage to speak out against it. Her vote for the war was forgivable but her support for the war after it was known it was based on lies is unforgeable. April 15, 2007 People who get their news primarily from the morning news shows, Fox and network news score very low. The corporate owned media has done a very good job dumbing down the country. The networks, working with Fox are leading the way in creating a population of uninformed idiots. If you want to know what's going on, you have to move away from network news and Fox News. April 15, 2007 April 17, 2007 April 15, 2007 April 16, 2007An Impeachable Offense April 16, 2007An Impeachable Offense April 15, 2007 April 15, 2007 April 15, 2007 April 14, 2007 April 14, 2007An Impeachable Offense April 15, 2007 Bush screwed up so another institution needs to be gutted. We've heard that song before -first with intelligence, then disaster relief, then... The problem is Bush, not Walter Reed. Besides, we're broke...we can't afford any new hospitals. We have $8.8 trillion of debt already and republicans aren't willing to raise taxes to pay for anything. April 15, 2007 Real wages adjusted for inflation peaked in 1972. Wages rose substantially during the Clinton years after falling sharply during the Reagan year but even after the huge growth in wagers under Clinton we never regained the lost wages under Reagan. Since Bush has been in office wage growth has been nearly dead in the water. (source: Economic Report of the President 2007). April 15, 2007 After being told the US was going to be attacked what did Bush do...he passed tax cuts. An Impeachable OffenseApril 16, 2007 Will the media ever grasp the scope of what Bush has done in Iraq? Four million people displaced because Bush went to war for no reason...and they still let him get away with it. April 16, 2007 In my opinion the gun nuts had a chance to show us what they're made of after 911. They could have joined the military (by the millions) and we'd have all the troops we could possible want. The fact that they refused to fight for their country tells me they don't believe in the Second Amendment. Gun nuts are hypocrites who should stop hiding behind the Second because they like playing with guns. April 17, 2007 April 15, 2007 Abstinence programs were a way for Bush to spend tax dollars to reward religious nuts for their vote. The fact that there were no facts supporting the program is irrelevant. The religious right exists for the sole purpose of generation money - either from individuals or government. Now that the program doesn't work...will Bush ask for it to be dismantaled? Not a chance...making government fail is what he does best; first on 911, then with WMD intelligence, then FEMA and Katrina, then the military, then Walter Reed, then.... The sad fact is that after Bush fails (after 911 and Katrina) entire agencies are forced to close down and new agencies are created. It never occurred to the media or the GOP that the problem wasn't government but the man mismanaging the government. When we get rid of Bush most of our other problems will go away also. April 16, 2007An Impeachable Offense April 16, 2007 April 15, 2007 GOP candidates will talk about cutting taxes instead of dealing with real problems like global warming. For whatever reason they seem utterly incapable of living with the real world. When Bush passed his tax cut in 2001 we already had $5.7 trillion of debt. When confronted with this enormous problem, what was his solution...create more debt with a tax cut. In 2000 and 2001 the US media let him lie us about surpluses, deficits and balanced budgets. He later developed a flair for lying about everything else; from the number of stem cells lines available for research, to a fake threat to our national security (using fake intelligence). While Bush was lying to us, the US media remained in a deep slumber. April 15, 2007 Wolfowitz personally saw to it that his girlfriend received a massive pay raise but it's all an honest mistake? In what world do these people live in? Oz? An Impeachable OffenseApril 14, 2007 We've now entered an era of overkill. Nearly everything that's coming out of this White House either proves they lied under oath or committed crimes. But, regardless of how heinous the crimes, the Democratic Congress refuses to put impeachment back on the table. An Impeachable OffenseApril 13, 2007 Democrats are doing everything in their power to run out the clock so they can say there's not enough time to impeach. The reason is simple - they supported a war based on lies and impeachment will expose their under bellies and utter incompetence. In the mean-time Bush continues to get away with breaking one law after another as they sit back and do nothing. Vote for Democrats if you think criminal behavior should be rewarded. April 13, 2007 April 13, 2007 Rove admits he deleted email. The RNC admits they deleted email. The White House admits it deleted email and it's highly likely some of these email were official presidential papers protected by law. But, now we're being asked to believe it was all a mistake. I'm the first to admit this is the most mistake-prone administration in history. In fact I'm sure most Americans have concluded this entire White House is filled with babbling baboons. But, when we have countless "mistakes" and all these mistakes violate the law, is becomes a pattern - a patter of criminal behavior. Besides, they always tell us ignorance of the law is never an excuse. This WH always has excuses, but it never has a valid defense. An Impeachable OffenseApril 13, 2007 April 13, 2007 911 and the war on terror are campaign slogans for the GOP and nothing more. Every story you hear or read about terrorism is a free ad for the republican party. The media can't help itself. They know it's all a lie but they can't stop themselves. April 13, 2007 We desperately need a congress that cares more about individuals than special interest groups that help rewrite bankruptcy laws. April 13, 2007 |