Impeach Bush--Index 81
Some right wing nuts on the Supreme Court probably don't know that the entire fiscao at Guantanamo has been a failure. Their latest ruling on the issue was based entirely on politics and not the rule of law. Impeach the bastards. June 18, 2008 June 19, 2008 The Bush White House has no choice but to spend money we don't have to create the illusion that the economy is growing. After the largest accumulation of debt in US history the economy is still dead in the water. Tax cuts, rebate checks and stimulus packages don't work. If we want to grow, we have to do it the old fashioned way - work. With any luck the era of conservative welfare is over. Their debt making tax cuts have created trillions of dollars of debt and no long term growth. Conservatism doesn't work, it must go away. June 24, 2008 And while the rest of the world prepares for Global Warming,"we still use too damn much oil." June 19, 2008 IMO, evangelicals supported Bush's war even after they learned it was based entirely on lies. They aren't worthy of being called Americans, much less Christians. June 24, 2008 June 20, 2008 While we expected Bush and his CIA to violate the Constitution, we never expected the US Supreme Court to sit idly by and let the government torture POWs. Impeach the Court, impeach Bush. Impeachable OffenseJune 22, 2008 The GOP has spent decades smearing itself into power and after having absolute power, Americans see them for what they are...incompetent. June 21, 2008 No one is arguing McClellan is lying, they're arguing he's telling the truth - a truth, the GOP doesn't like. When will these idiots grow up? June 20, 2008 June 19, 2008 Like Reagan and Bush, it's all about the photo op, not policy. June 20, 2008 June 18, 2008 The Democrats have become so weak-kneed under the centrists that they allow known liars and criminals to stay in office. If liberals controlled the congress, the war would be over, the budget would be balanced and Bush and Cheney would have been impeached and removed from office. June 20, 2008 Bush isn't talking to the American people, he's talking to his base...the idiots who bankrupted us with tax cuts, the idiots who Iraq had WMD and idiots let him hoodwink them into thinking Iraq had something to do with 911 and the war on terror. In other words, he's talking to morons - republican base. June 22, 2008 The loony right wing still thinks global warming isn't real but they believed Iraq had WMD (there were no facts supporting war). Maybe they should stop believing in things that are untrue and learning how to think. June 18, 2008 June 19, 2008 Never forget that while these war crimes were being committed the US Supreme Court did nothing. The conservatives on the court must be impeached and removed from office. They've shamed us one too many times. Impeachable OffenseJune 18, 2008Impeachable Offense June 18, 2008Impeachable Offense June 17, 2008 While the Bush White House engaged in war crimes, the US Supreme Court sat idly by and did nothing. The conservatives on the Court need to be impeached and removed from office. A war crimes tribunal and a little torture would also to their humiliation and disgrace. Impeachable OffenseJune 19, 2008 To be honest I don't have a clue why anyone cares what McCain says or thinks about anything. He was wrong about Iraq being part of the war on terror and he, along with Bush have squandered our resources on a war based entirely on lies. So who are these idiots who still think McCain or Bush are relevant? June 19, 2008 Some how, some way, we should insure that these lawyers never make another penny. They should be in jail and failing that they must be disbarred. June 18, 2008 Saddam kicked big oil out of Iraq, we invaded Iraq and destroyed the entire country and now big oil is back. Sounds about right. No threat to our national security but there's a lot of money to be made but you first have to have a government that picks winners and losers. June 19, 2008 June 18, 2008 The GOP loses another seat. June 17, 2008 June 17, 2008 June 17, 2008 The court had to decide between two factions; the neocon view of the world in which their president has absolute power and the faction that believes in following the constitution as it's written. The minority opinion is based entirely on emotion....and fear-mongering. They are unfit. June 15, 2008 Another way of looking at it is even similar. Gun nuts say they need their gun to defend America, but after 911, they didn't join the military, they put on their hunting gear and went hunting. Democrats could have destroyed the NRA after 911. I hope gun nuts know how lucky they are. June 14, 2008 June 14, 2008 McCain, like Hillary Clinton was wrong about the war. At least the Democrats had the sense not to reward her failure. Republicans embrace failure...they did it with the Reagan debt, Bush's failures on 911 and his lies about WMD. Have they no shame? June 12, 2008 June 12, 2008 For decades the media tried to make this issue political and be "fair and balanced." The facts are not fair or balanced. The anti global warming side is the same as the pro war side. They were 100% wrong. Why does the wrong side get equal time? June 13, 2008 June 9, 2008 June 11, 2008 June 5, 2008Impeachable Offense June 5, 2008 June 11, 2008 Impeachable OffenseImpeachable Offense June 12, 2008 June 11, 2008 June 11, 2008 June 10, 2008 June 9, 2008 Bush said the US would leave when we're asked to leave. Iraq lawmakers want U.S. forces out The Iraqi government asked us to leave and Bush wants bases that will keep us there for the rest of time. Lying to the American people is an impeachable offense. Impeachable OffenseJune 9, 2008 Without doubt Pentagon intelligence failed to verify the rants and raves of nuts who supported war. Pentagon intelligence has become an oxymoron. Impeachable OffenseJune 5, 2008 Has credit card borrowing decreased because banks are charging double-digit interest rates on some cards? June 6, 2008 The difference is the Federal Reserve. In the 70s the Fed moved quickly to stop inflation. Today, it's spent the past seven years doing nothing but cutting interest rates. The government changed the inflation formula also so it's impossible to compare the inflation of the 70s with what we have today. If we were able to do so, inflation would probably be double digit. A little inflation is ok, but things are already out of control. A # of potatoes which cost about $2.00 for 10# is not over $6.00 and rising. All the rate cuts in the world aren't going to stop the inflation that hitting the economy...the only that will is a recession - a very long and very deep recession. June 8, 2008 War supporters say they support the war as long as they don't have to pay for it with higher taxes or fight in it. This pseudo patriotism led to the destruction of the US military. Impeachable OffenseJune 16,, 2008 June 10, 2008 June 16, 2008 June 9, 2008 June 10, 2008 June 7, 2008 June 7, 2008Impeachable Offense June 4, 2008 CBS was the first network or news source to report the massive increase in suicides. At the time of the report, the military denied this truth. Today, it's an accepted truth. What happened between these two events? Who knows, but clearly the Pentagon has(or had) no idea what was really going on. It had become too political. Iraq lawmakers want U.S. forces outMay 29, 2008 May 29, 2008 May 29, 2008 June 2, 2008 June 10, 2008 June 4, 2008 June 5, 2008 Bush said the US would leave Iraq as soon as the people asked us to leave. That was a lie. Now we learn, the US (under Bush) intends to stay in Iraq forever which sounds a lot like McCain. Impeachable OffenseJune 5, 2008 When we can't trust NASA, or the Pentagon, or the intelligence agencies or the president, or the Secretary of State or the courts, what's left? Impeachable Offense June 2, 2008 June 5, 2008 Why wasn't anyone fired for failing to defend the homeland on 911? June 5, 2008Impeachable Offense June 4, 2008 June 1, 2008 May 28, 2008 May 18, 2008 May 30, 2008 May 27, 2008 May 27, 2008 May 31, 2008 May 28, 2008 May 28, 2008 May 28, 2008 May 30, 2008 May 18, 2008 May 23, 2008 May 23, 2008 GOP voters have come to expect simple answers to very large problems, problems their idiocy only makes worse. We must ignore the GOP until it stops lying. May 12, 2008 |