Impeach Bush--Index 37
The military wouldn't be calling for Rumsfeld resignation if things were going well. We've been in Iraq since March of 2003 and we still haven't won. Clearly the current leadership is incapable of leading the military; from Rumsfeld, Cheney to Bush, they have lost support from the troops.
I'd be curious why he resigned. Was it because he's gay? married? having an affair with a gay man? the hypocrisy? No matter - another life (and family) nearly destroyed because of lies. When will religions find a way out of this mess.
Where are our national cowards on this issue? Where are Limbaugh, Bush, Snow, McCain? A republican blames the troops for the mess in Iraq and the media doesn't consider it headline news. Notice how the GOP controls the media; hook, line and sinker.
I wonder how many on this list advertise on right wing shows like Rush Limbaugh and FOX.
When the election is finished the media will ignore the fact that over 1000 subpoenas were issues under Clinton. They will do what they always do - attack Democrats.
The media is no longer mudding the water with GOP spin. Global warming is real and it's good to see they're no longer doing the Democrats say 'this' and Republicans say 'that' kind of crap. Gore was right. Maybe someday the media will admit he told the truth and admit Bush, the GOP and the media did not.
I don't spend a lot of time on congressmen or senators who screw up, but this one looks pretty bad. It looks like a coverup. It reminds me of the Catholic Church scandal. Crimes were committed, then money was paid to silence the victims.
Foreign militants have moved back into Afghanistan but the carnage continues. What a mess.
Bush was never the President of the United States. He and Rove think he's president of the republican party. The real kicker? Bush PROMISED to work with Democrats and he broke his word. Voters rewarded him and his party with reelection. It seems the GOP and its supporters have no standards for those they support other than being partisan liars.
Foreign militants have always been a very small fraction of the problem in Iraq. But according to Bush they were responsible for most of the carnage. Now we have them leaving Iraq and the carnage is still going up. Will the media demand answers from Bush?
Evangelical support of the GOP agenda has harmed the US, the GOP and the evangelicals. I hope they're all satisfied.
All the right wing blowhard are self-destructing. Just a few months ago one of them attacked the wives of 911 victims. They're shameless.
Shortly after the US invaded Iraq we instructed the new government to stop counting its war dead. As far as I know this is the first time Bush acknowledges the US isn't tracking the number of people we kill. The reason is simple. We kill far more innocent civilians than enemy combatants and it's better to have no numbers than defend that number.
At some point we have to stop blaming Bush and Rumsfeld. The generals on the ground seem to have their fingers up their asses.
I watched NBC Nightly News last night for the first time in months. I was amazed how much they sanitize the news. US deaths today, xxx. Iraqi deaths, yyy. No details, no real news. Why doesn't NBC fire Brian Williams? Is it because he makes bad news sound not so bad?
If it looks like a war crime it probably is.
It seems obvious - the US uses depleted uranium in its weapons. Therefore, US soldiers are subjected to a "hazardous substance." It seems like Canadians know to stay away from US weapon drops, but what about the citizens we're supposed to be freeing?
By any standard the GOP is the minority party. In fact, if you look at the first graph, republicans have been the minority party since Bush was elected in 2000.
Time and time again Marines are charged with crimes. There's something seriously wrong with the Marine Corps. What's taking Congress so long to investigate and stop this nonsense?
A little education goes a long way.
I find it odd we're still debating "equal rights." How would conservatives or Catholics feel if we banned their marriages? It's easy to see why it's so wrong. What some states have done to gays in the name of religion is both immoral and unChristian.
The US has used "waterboarding" that's a well known fact Behind the scenes, CIA Director Porter J. Goss -- until last year the Republican chairman of the House intelligence committee -- has gathered ammunition to defend the program. After a CIA inspector general's report in the spring of 2004 stated that some authorized interrogation techniques violated international law, Goss asked two national security experts to study the program's effectiveness." Vice President of
If Democrats think Americans are informed on these issues, they're screwed. Dems will have to start education the American people on day one. God knows the media hasn't done its job of educating Americans. Foley, Katrina and Iraq brought down the GOP. Now we need to bring down Bush and the neo con movement.
It's good to see the GOP base is opposed to the GOP in congress. But look at what this man wants. In the face of the largest accumulation of debt in human history, he wants more tax cuts for the rich. The GOP will be the minority party for a very, very long time.
Most Americans still don't know Bush has amassed massive new powers. The reason is two-fold; the media and the Democrats have been very quiet for years. The truth is our constitutional system is under assault. Bush signs laws and then notifies congress he'll ignore those same laws. When Dems get power, they'll have to take down Bush, but first they'll have to explain why they didn't do anything about his abuses earlier.
Let's face it. The US media would have allowed Snow and Bush to get away with these lies if it weren't for blogs. What did this country do before blogs?
I don't buy it. A Google search shows numerous examples of Lieberman using the words "stay the course," including a video at YouTube. The NT Times is either lying or incompetent.
I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. CNN and NPR will gladly show us footage of real assassination attempts against US presidents (Reagan in 1981) but not a fictional movie? Good grief. We shouldn't forget CNN also banned anti Bush and anti War ads in 2003, along with Fox, Viacom and CBS (and others). Censorship is alive and well.
This is why the media should never be trusted. ABC has a reporter who they know lies and they don't fire him.
Look how easy it was for the government to imprison what appears to be an innocent man BEFORE 9/11. With the new laws we have now, this man wouldn't have access to a lawyer, the courts or the truth.
The GOP has been using fearmongering and warmongering since 9/11 and we finally have voices in the media calling them on it. The other media - the brain dead type consistently tell us Democrats are weak on defense. They fail to mention that Bush and the GOP took us to war for no reason and you can't be weaker than that.
One key reason is the GOP congress made it harder for individuals to file bankruptcy so borrower (banks) let had very low standards because their risk was low. It should be noted the GOP didn't make it harder for business to file for bankruptcy. If anything, they made it easier for the rich to stay rich no matter what.
We have to wonder why more soldiers haven't been court marshaled. Is it because the evidence against them remains hidden and/or classified?
Tenet and Blair had no idea how gullible the US media was. After they learned how easy it was to roll the media, rolling the American people was a breeze.