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Correction: Lieberman & 'Stay the Course'
NY Times By Jennifer Medina October 24, 2006 Senator Joseph I. Lieberman has used the phrase "stay the course" several times in discussing the war in Iraq in recent years, echoing a key phrase of the White House, contrary to an article published today in The Times. The article used a database to analyze hundreds of Mr. Lieberman's war-related comments since 2001. It pointed out that Ned Lamont, the Democratic nominee for United States Senate, frequently criticized Mr. Lieberman for being a strong supporter of the Bush Administration&'s "stay the course" policy on Iraq, and said that in the statements reviewed the senator never actually uttered that phrase. In fact, Mr. Lieberman has used the phrase at least half a dozen times over the last two years, during a presidential debate and in several television interviews — including several instances that were covered in The Times database. As recently as November 2005, upon returning from a trip to Iraq, for instance, he said on CNN&'s American Morning that he agreed with the administration&'s view that it was necessary to "stay the course." "I agree to the extent that we have to stay the course of the policy we chose in overthrowing Saddam and helping the Iraqi people become free, which will really make us a lot more secure and set the terrorists back," Mr. Lieberman said, adding that some of the war tactics should change. The original article noted that the database, which included more than 300 Iraq-related comments since the Sept 11 terrorist attacks, could not be comprehensive. But five of Mr. Lieberman&'s "stay the course" references were, in fact, included in the database, and should have been mentioned in the article. It is unclear why the phrase did not come up when the database was checked before publication. The same search on Tuesday, after readers complained, yielded the correct results. Mr. Lieberman used the phrase several times in 2004, saying during a presidential primary debate in Iowa that January: "We have to stay the course in Iraq now and continue to build a stable, modernizing, democratizing country there." After losing his party&'s presidential primary, in April 2004 Mr. Lieberman said in a televised press conference that he blamed his loss on his support for the war in Iraq and praised the Bush administration&'s policy. "I thought the president gave the strongest case that I can remember him giving about why we went in and why we have to stay the course," he said then. "We&'ve got to adopt a strategy of success. A defeat will create chaos in Iraq, chaos in the Middle East, and will embolden the terrorists in a way that will endanger our future and our children&'s future." Mr. Lieberman also made his support for the president clear during an interview on CNN&'s Larry King Live a month later, saying "the president&'s right." "It&'s been a lot harder to achieve it than we hoped it would be," he said of America&'s mission in Iraq. "But we&'ve got to stay the course and finish the job." In July, Mr. Lieberman used the phrase again on Fox News&' "Hannity & Colmes," saying of the president: "What I&'m most happy about is that he said that he will stay the course in Iraq until we finish the job and the Iraqis are in control of their own destiny." Aron Pilhofer contributed reporting. Note: This is an advance version of a corrective article to be published Wednesday in the newspaper and on Commentary: |