Impeach Bush--Index 83
Conservatism destroyed the GOP, not Bush. Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and the endless lies put out by GOP propgandists allowed the GOP to get away with countless lies. Now those lies can't be hidden from the public anymore. Our government debt soars, inflation is soaring, the courts are worthless, bankruptcies are soaring, foreclosures are soaring...and this comes after republicans said tax cuts fix everything. Tax cut don't fix anything. They only create massive long term debt and endless future tax increases. August 12, 2008 The occupation had destroyed their infrastructure, their economy and their way of life. Why are we still there? Because we have cowards in Congress who don't want to do their jobs. They want another vacation instead. August 10, 2008 Just like the US, Iraq is becoming a welfare state. Almost every state in the Union now gets more from government than it pays in. We can't wait for our next tax cut, rebate check or stimulus package...and every penny is it is borrowed from the next generation. Do we really want to destroy Iraq the way we've already destroyed our future. The US debt is almost $10 trillion. Most of that debt was created during periods of massive tax cuts. August 1, 2008 President Carter said "conserve." The conservative party said "no." That's how we got into this mess. Had conservatives followed the Carter model of conservation and renewable energy, OPEC wouldn't control our economy. It's not like this hasn't happened before. It happened under Nixon and under Carter. August 10, 2008 It's highly likely the case against Ivins is still so weak that it'll be impossible to prove he did anything. What we know for sure is the US government housed the anthrax that was used against US Senators and then the government tried to blame al Qaeda. In reality, the government was fully aware the anthrax was made in the US (in Texas originally) and misinformed the American people about that fact. August 11, 2008 The carnage in Iraq is caused by the US occupation. The anti war side got it right again. August 7, 2008 August 10, 2008 How is this possible? We have a criminal in the White House, incompetent SOBs on the Supreme Court and in Congress. The destruction of the US as we knew it continues. Impeachable OffenseAugust 5, 2008Impeachable Offense August 5, 2008 August 10, 2008 July 31, 2008 Let's look at the facts. When a store in Quebec tried to unionize, they closed it down. Wal-Mart Crushes Union by Closing Store. Wal Mart's biggest problem is it thinks were all republicans - that is they think we can't Google. August 1, 2008 Wal Mart is making record profits. Giving their workers a piece of the pie means less money for their stockholders and CEO. So of course Wal Mart hates Democrats. Wal Mart could learn a lot from Henry Ford. He knew his workers would buy a car if he paid them enough so they could afford one. August 1, 2008 Let's look at the facts another way. The anthrax originally came from Texas. It was housed on a US military base. It was then sent to people all over the country without anyone being to trace it back person who sent it even though it was housed on a US military base. A guy is found dead and the case is closed. I smell cover-up. August 1, 2008 The Pentagon is sending injured soldiers back into battle. Does anyone still think they give a damn what they're doing to these soldiers? August 5, 2008 Nearly the entire media pushed the link between Saddam and 911 even though there was absolutely no evidence supporting their lies. When the media is so willing to lie to us, who's there to protect us from the lies of this White House? Impeachable OffenseAugust 5, 2008 August 5, 2008 Republicans have never been known for their intellect. They voted for Reagan twice and Bush twice. This alone proves their dumber than a doornail. So now we have McCain lying in an ad, an ad he approved. Will he lie like Reagan and Bush if he's elected? There's plenty of evidence he will. July 26, 2008 It's still not official but it's highly likely we're in a recession. This points out another truth. Tax cuts don't work. If they did, we wouldn't be in our second recession in less than eight years. July 31, 2008 When conservatives say they're the party of less government, what that means is less for us, so there's more for them. July 31, 2008 Is McCain still singing "bomb, bomb Iran?" IMO, anyone who jokes about killing innocent people is sick. July 28, 2008 July 28, 2008 Our own Revolutionary War tells us much about war also. George Washington quickly learned that citizen soldiers needed to return their homes and businesses so he was forced to ask the Continental Congress to begin the process of buying soldiers to fight our war- which is what they did. Even noble causes can't go on forever...people need to put food on the table..and they want to return to some sort of normalcy. Bush's "War on Terror" only created more enemies because the US military killed tens of thousands of innocent civilians and their families quickly joined the insurgency. Impeachable OffenseJuly 30, 2008 July 30, 2008 July 28, 2008 Rove waits for his pardon while Pelosi waits out the clock so no one will ever accuse her of doing her job. Impeachable OffenseJuly 31, 2008 July 30, 2008 Does Cheney care about our troops? Hell no. July 27, 2008 July 28, 2008 The Fed has two choices - protect the economy from Bush's incompetence or not. So far Bernanke is defending Bush's failure. Watch how fast that changes after Obama is elected. Look for massive interest rate increases within days after the election. July 29, 2008 The media is so afraid of being called "liberal" that it'd rather be called "liars" and "incompetent." July 28, 2008 July 22, 2008 Since McCain supports the war in Iraq and doesn't support tax increases to pay for it, then he also supports the Bush debt. So, the only people who'd vote for McCain are people who support passing mountains of debt to their children because they're too childish to pay for what they're spending. I'm listing this as an impeachable offense for a few reasons. First, recently Bush said he'd cut the deficit. That was lie. He cut taxes instead. And secondly, because Bush promised to balance the budget every year of his presidency but when faced with massive deficits, he didn't increase taxes to pay for his war, he cut taxes. The Bush debt now stands at $3.8 trillion and it's rising fast. No president will be able to undo what Bush and the GOP did when they set out to bankrupt our Treasury. Impeachable OffenseJuly 29, 2008 Since we know McCain is lying about Obama and we know he helped Bush lie about WMD, the only people who'd vote for him are people who don't care that their government is lying to them. July 28, 2008 We've spent hundreds of billions going to war with Iraq twice and hundreds of billions rebuilding what we blew up. I think it's time we spend our money on us. What do you think? July 28, 2008Impeachable Offense July 28, 2008 July 30, 2008 It's understandable. After Reagan and Bush 41 left office the deficit and debt had more than tripled while the GOP defended deficits and debt. Then, for a few short years (the Clinton years) they saw the err of their ways and said we needed to balance the budget. Then the GOP got power again and balanced budgets were ignored by everyone. The only time fiscal conservatives are interested in balancing the budget is when they're out of power. July 28, 2008 July 28, 2008 July 28, 2008Impeachable Offense July 29, 2008 The media sat back and did nothing while the Bush White House turned our government into a recruiting ground for conservative inaptitude. While much of the damage can be done, the reputation of the media law in ruin. Can it ever redeem itself? Not in my eyes. They've lied about everything from Whitewater to WMD, and then praised Bush for being strong after he failed on 911. Impeachable OffenseJuly 29, 2008 How much ink and time do you think the (previous) pro war networks, cable and other news outlets will give the disasters caused by their pro war rhetoric, demagogue and propaganda? July 28, 2008 In 2001 (prior to 911) the media had wall-wall coverage of gossip about a Gary Condit, a Democrat. Will the media do the same with Stevans even though he's been indicted? Not a chance. July 29, 2008 The job of the FDA is to pande to us, not the drug companies. Impeachable OffenseJuly 27, 2008 But wait. McCain and Bush say their "surge" stopped the slaughter in Iraq. That's a lie. We paid the insurgents not to fight against us. Impeachable OffenseJuly 25, 2008 July 20, 2008 Big Oil tells us they need tax cuts so they can explore for new oil. They lied. They're using their record profits to buy back stock instead. Shame on them for lying. Shame on Congress for believing them and not holding them in contempt. July 22, 2008 Impeachable Offense Obama's approval rating is higher than Bush and McCain combined. In fact, Obama's approval rating is 23% higher than Lieberman. June 29 – July 3, 2008 Ford pays its CEO even when he fails. Where's the incentive to succeed? July 25, 2008 July 25, 2008 Destroying a "free press" isn't what the military or journalism should be about. The Bush White House and it's propaganda machine didn't want Americans to see the cold hard truth about this war so the war was sanitized for your protection. Impeachable OffenseJuly 26, 2008 July 22, 2008 July 15, 2008 July 22, 2008 July 18, 2008 July 23, 2008 July 25, 2008 When the previous governor was recalled there was talk of balancing the budget. That never happened. Once again the problem seems simple...Americans want their government to do things but we've come to understand that we don't have to pay for it. This nonsense started under Reagan and the problem won't go away until we identify that Reagan's ideas were wrong for the country. On the national level we now have nearly $10 trillion of debt. Most of it was created under Reagan and Bush 43 - two fiscal conservatives. July 25, 2008 Bush's war in Iraq was supposed to make the Middle East a safer place. He was wrong. Can the US stop Iran or any other country from gaining technology it sees in it's best interest, especially with Israel armed with nuclear weapons? No, so why bother? Since we let Israel have nukes, we can't morally object to Iran having them. July 26, 2008 These are two new banks that were not the list of possible bank closures, which was released earlier this month. July 26, 2008 Either the Navy officer is uninformed or he lied under oath. Either way it's now on the record, a legal record, that the fourth plane was shot down. Is it doesn't seem like anyone cares. July 22, 2008 Addington didn't believe in the Constitution, neither did Cheney or Bush. But what about Ms. Mayer? She sat back and watched her boss take Addinton's advice and violate the Constitution. Why hasn't she been disbarred yet? Impeachable OffenseJuly 18, 2008 We give them our money when we buy their oil and they invest in US businesses. Not a bad deal if you're in the Middle East, but does US business want to depend on them for oil and money? July 18, 2008 July 19, 2008 GOP candidates aren't supposed to know anything about the economy. Reagan and Bush 41 were clueless, Bush 43 continued the policies of Reagan - tax cuts, lots of spending and mountains of debt. July 20, 2008 |