Impeach Bush--Index 72
January 12, 2008 January 14, 2008 January 11, 2008 January 12, 2008 January 14, 2008 January 8, 2008 January 8, 2008 January 8, 2008 January 6, 2008 August 13, 2003Impeachable Offense January 4, 2008 January 4, 2008 With any luck the era of fake science and fake national security intelligence is behind us. January 2, 2008 Great piece of journalism. Instead of talking endlessly about who's ahead and who's behind, this one nails why Obama is leading. He's not Bush. Clinton's problem is simple...she's more like Bush than Obama. January 2, 2008 The Fed races to help banks that screwed up and lost money. Why don't they let poorly run banks go bankrupt? Capitalism weeds out the weak, but instead the government helps out the weak. Does anyone wonder why we're having so many problems? The bank lobby has to be strong because their CEOs are incompetent. January 4, 2008 As long as failure is rewarded (in politics, business and the media) our problems can only get worse. Bush failed on 911 and failed again when he fabricated intelligence to take us to war. He also failed to balance the budget even once and instead created over $3.4 trillion of new debt. Were conservatives pissed? No, they reelected him. Now the Democrats are doing the same power to people like Pelosi and Reid who are utterly incompetent. If they want to be the majority party, they have to reward success, not failure. April 5, 2007 January 3, 2008 January 3, 2008 It's imperative that Americans understand that the incompetence of our generals is leading to more violence and more terrorism (or what they call terrorism). In the delusional construct of the Bush White House (and the media) anyone who defends himself is called a terrorist or al Qaeda. January 1, 2008 Obstructing a commission set up by congress used be an impeachable offense...that is until Democrats gave power to Nancy Pelosi. Impeachable OffenseJanuary 2, 2008 Obstructing justice used to be Impeachable offense...that is until Democrats gave power to Nancy Pelosi. Impeachable OffenseJanuary 3, 2008 January 2, 2008 January 2, 2008 January 2, 2008 January 2, 2008An Impeachable Offense January 1, 2008An Impeachable Offense December 23, 2007An Impeachable Offense December 31, 2007 December 21, 2007 We blamed the GOP when they had power and now we must blame the Democrats. The crimes committed by this White House are so extensive that history will damn this congress for the rest of time. December 12, 2007 The CIA is a criminal enterprise. Not only couldn't they provide us with a single digital picture of a WMD (the kind of pictures we take with our cameras during the holiday season) but now we learn they broke the law on other fronts also - including lying to congress. It's time to dismantle the CIA. Anyone who says otherwise is uninformed. Why did the CIA lie to Congress. Why did they destroy the tapes? Why did they torture? Why did they fail to take pictures of WMD in Iraq? Incompetence on this scale is something we'd normally laugh at, but now it's the norm. An Impeachable OffenseDecember 22, 2007 December 20, 2007 December 21, 2007 It'll take years to tabulate all the crimes of this administration, yet there's still no talk of impeachment. Has the Congress gone missing? or don't they give a damn anymore? An Impeachable OffenseJanuary 2, 2008 Conservatives have a knack for believing things that are not true. Maybe it's time for them to shut up and get their facts straight before they try to push their religious agenda on us. December 19, 2007 The US military is fighting in a country which has no army, no navy, no air force and it still is having a hard time winning. Thank god we don't have real enemies who have real weapons. December 18, 2007 The culture of rewarding "failure" continues. Why should the US military change when there are no consequences when it screws up? Bush was rewarded with reelection after he lied about WMD and CEOs of major corporations still receive massive bonuses after they drive their companies into the ground. When we return to what made us great - rewarding success, many of our problems will go away. December 17, 2007 It's embarrassing that the US is forced to borrow from China and it's even more embarrassing that US corporations are so poorly run (by conservatives) that they're forced to borrow from China also. December 19, 2007 Republicans allow themselves to remain delusional on many issues, including the $9.1 trillion of debt and the fact that the debt rose $3.4 trillion since Bush became president. In their world, this truth is unknowable. Another Bush lie. December 06, 2007 December 19, 2007An Impeachable Offense December 16, 2007 Under Bush's version of US democracy, everything is secret until a court rules otherwise but by the time it gets to court the damage is done. An Impeachable OffenseDecember 17, 2007 December 17, 2007 Another major foreign policy loss for Bush and the neocons. December 18, 2007 December 14, 2007An Impeachable Offense December 12, 2007 December 12, 2007 December 13, 2007 December 5, 2007 Another Bush and CIA lie. An Impeachable OffenseDecember 11, 2007An Impeachable Offense December 12, 2007 December 12, 2007An Impeachable Offense December 12, 2007 December 9, 2007An Impeachable Offense December 10, 2007 December 8, 2007An Impeachable Offense December 7, 2007An Impeachable Offense December 11, 2007 December 9, 2007An Impeachable Offense December 5, 2007 What am I missing. The White House and Congress told the CIA to save the tapes and the CIA went off half-cocked and destroyed them. We don't need an investigation, we need heads to roll. December 9, 2007 December 5, 2007 It would seem the executive branch, which includes the military doesn't seem to think it's accountable to the American people anymore. It's high time we set them straight. An Impeachable OffenseDecember 7, 2007 Few agencies in our government have a longer and more distinguished record of being wrong all the time as the CIA. The Federal Reserve comes in a close second. When we reorganize our government, ridding ourselves of the CIA and the Fed should be top priorities. December 7, 2007 December 7, 2007 |