Impeach Bush--Index 64
July 17, 2007 The Pentagon knows there's no justifiable reason for the US to be in Iraq so its primary mission is to insure the war profiteers make a profit. July 17, 2007 July 17, 2007 We didn't need more proof. We already knew the CIA said Saddam wouldn't use his WMD unless we attacked him and we already knew the UN inspectors couldn't verify a single word of Bush's bogus intelligence. The al Qaeda link was also known to be fabricated. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 18, 2007 The WH and military tried to tell us civilian deaths were falling in Iraq, but that's because the military banned ambulances from picking up the dead. By any standard what the WH and military told us was a lie. One of the articles of impeachment against Nixon was he lied to the American people. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 16, 2007 July 16, 2007 July 13, 2007 July 16, 2007A Possible Impeachable Offense July 16, 2007A Possible Impeachable Offense July 16, 2007 July 16, 2007 The Bush debt is about $3.1 trillion or almost twice as much debt as Reagan created. Conservatives think an economy based nearly entirely on the government borrowing money is a good economy. They are fools. Since the Reagan tax cuts just 26 years ago our national debt increased from less than one trillion to almost nine trillion. And since the Reagan debt we haven't been able to pay back one penny of what Reagan borrowed. Anyone who thinks this is success is an idiot. The UN inspectors disarmed Iraq (not the US) so giving the US credit for something the UN did in the 90's is silly. July 16, 2007 At some point the military should simply stop following Bush's silly orders. Clearly his argument for war was always based on lies or bad intelligence. How many military careers have been destroyed by this war? Is it worth it? July 16, 2007 John Dean exposes how corrupt the Bush White and the GOP have become. It's good to see real Republicans attacking the lawlessness in this White House and this congress. July 13, 2007 Most Democrats in Congress could care less about the crimes Bush has committed. They're more interested in keeping power than the Constitution. Pelosi should be forced to resign for failing to do her job. July 12, 2007 We have criminals in the White House and cowards in the Congress. Who needs enemies? July 16, 2007 For years the US government, including the military have been saying the biggest attacks come from al Qaeda. Like puppy dogs the media lapped it up. Now we know the truth, just as with 911 most insurgents come from our allies in Saudi Arabia. July 15, 2007 posted July 17, 2007 MRAPs are 1970s technology and the US still doesn't have it? We spend more than any country in the world on the military and the soldiers still don't have basic equipment. Since requests were repeatedly made and denied this is an impeachable offense. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 17, 2007 It doesn't seem to matter who the Speaker is, they're all corrupt. Pelosi should clean out the intelligence committee or resign. July 16, 2007 July 14, 2007 Oil and gas prices were falling - that's unacceptable. So Bush orders the surge and prices reach all time record highs. Ah, all is well with the world again. July 13, 2007 July 14, 2007 July 15, 2007 July 17, 2007 July 13, 2007 July 13, 2007 When the WH released Ms. Wilson's name to the media (in order to destroy her career and stop her husband) they argued it was clear the air. In reality they successfully deceived the media and the American people about Mr. Wilson and the war raged on. The WH could have released the truth about Tillman's death within days, but chose to withhold the facts because it hurt their cause - the truth always does. The same is true with the threat to Air Force One on 911. The Secret Service knew a call regarding AF1 was a mistake on 911 but the WH let the lie about the threat to AF1 continue for weeks. This WH has given us no reason whatsoever to trust anything they say or do and yet the media spent years letting them make excuses every time they were caught lying. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 13, 2007 As newspapers around the country catch up with us we'll see more and more abandon the war they foolishly supported. We'll try to track what major papers are saying (now that most Americans disagree with their pro war agenda). July 15, 2007 The media seems utterly incapable of understanding or stating the obvious. The mainstream was pro war when there was no evidence to support war. The mainstream was pro Bush after Bush failed to defend our homeland and after he lied to us about WMD. The mainstream didn't support impeaching Bush or Cheney just a few months ago and now polls show a majority support impeaching Cheney and nearly a majority support impeaching Bush. The mainstream is over rated. Where the country is headed is not determined by the mainstream....liberals are pushing the nation's agenda and the rest of the country is slowly catching up. We were anti war when it wasn't popular. We were pro impeachment before it was popular and we said the war was lost long before it was popular. When was the mainstream ever right? July 13, 2007 July 15, 2007 July 14, 2007 During a period of gross violations of law by the CIA, no reports....does anyone find this strange anymore? An Impeachable OffenseJuly 15, 2007 Kos is the largest and most popular political blog on the Internet. It's also a party blog - that is it's a blog that panders to party even when the party is wrong. This means it has to pander to conservative Democrats (blue dogs) when necessary. Blue Dogs will vote against the party more often than not and they're a far bigger threat to the two party system than anything Sheehan could say or do. Blue Dogs Democrats are republicans who pretend to be Democrats - they support war but don't want to pay for it with higher taxes. They want tax cuts and don't give a damn about the debt they create. Blue Dog conservative Democrats have as much value as neocons - that is none. July 13, 2007 July 12, 2007An Impeachable Offense July 12, 2007 July 12, 2007 July 11, 2007 Gonzales continues to be screwed. He could say he had no idea what he was talking about when he lied to congress or he can say he sententially lied to congress. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 10, 2007 July 11, 2007 July 11, 2007 Thank god we have free elections - the GOP is scared shitless. You can bet your bottom dollar that if GOP senators weren't up for re election they'd still be supporting this lost cause. July 11, 2007 Whom do we believe? Bush and his generals say we're winning in Iraq but the military says we're not. July 12, 2007 July 10, 2007 Our democracy is teetering on the brink of collapse because of the lawlessness in this White House. Maybe the only way it can survive is for Congress to authorize spending on a monthly basis so it can force the White House to comply with subpoenas and our laws. July 11, 2007 Bush has been fighting al Qaeda for six years now and they're stronger than they were before he was appointed president by the Supreme Court. We know al Qaeda uses Iraq to train and we know they've raised money because of Iraq. In other words, there was no al Qaeda in Iraq until after we invaded and after four years of war, al Qaeda is stronger than its ever been. July 12, 2007 Vitter said Clinton should have resigned after we learned of Monica. He should follow his own advice and resign. July 11, 2007 Bush's war on terror has created more terrorism - he knows this. But not only is he creating more enemies but his war has made Iraq into a fund raising bonanza for al Qaeda. Helping the enemy is an impeachable offense. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 11, 2007 It seems painfully clear what's really happening. After the polls for congress dropped like a bomb after supporting more war funding it became apparent the war was over. No sane congress would continue funding a war the American people opposed, so now Bush is looking for a graceful way to end his little war. The biggest problem facing Bush isn't the war, or its end per se, but what happens after the war is over. When there is no war, it's very easy to impeach and very easy to remove a president who lied us into war. In 2002 the CIA said Saddam wasn't a threat to our national security - that is, he wouldn't use his weapons unless we first invaded him. How can Bush square his countless lies with that report? The UN inspectors told us Bush's intelligence was "outdate" and "garbage" and the IAEA called Bush a liar after he made a claim about Saddam being six months away from having nukes. The lies are falling apart and as they fall, so does the Bush presidency. July 9, 2007 July 9, 2007 July 9, 2007 Bush is your typical conservative. He can't take responsibility for his own failing so he blames Democrats and liberals. It's they only thing the GOP has done well during the past 30 years. God knows they don't know how to govern or protect us from our enemies. July 7, 2007 Bush has spent years lying about the threat of terrorism and without his secrets hidden away at Guantanamo we won't know how many or his lies were in fact always lies. A president will end this war on terror and the war in Iraq - that's an absolute. So few people have been tried for terrorism that its become a national joke. In fact, far more military personnel have been tried and convicted of crimes than terrorists. July 9, 2007 Never underestimate what war-profiteers will do for money. July 8, 2007 July 9, 2007 |