Impeach Bush--Index 70
The same Democrats who voted to condemn free speech are the same Democrats who refuse to force the GOP to go along with tax increases to pay for the cost of war. Cowards. September 22, 2007 Raise taxes $3,860 per second and see how fast support drops to zero - most likely within one day. As I've said before, make the GOP pay for their war and they'll run away from it as fast as they can. September 20, 2007 After Betraeus lied to Congress and after Congress condemned speech they don't like, the carnagein in Iraq continues - this time, caused by private contractors. September 23, 2007 September 20, 2007 The media spent more time and energy on than it did on the Petraeus report. Even the US Senate got in the act. Poor babies. September 19, 2007 September 21, 2007 If the military had won the war within days of weeks they wouldn't have to make excuses for their failures. It's really that simple. September 20, 2007 Another Bush and Petraeus lie exposed. An Impeachable OffenseSeptember 21, 2007 Will the Senate take time out of its busy schedule to condemn illegal arms sales to Iraqis or does the Senate only condemn free speech by fellow Americans? An Impeachable OffenseSeptember 22, 2007 So Democrats are pissed at Do they have any idea what they've done? Are they so far up Bush's ass that they can't see they've pissed off millions of people. Within the first few hours after the Senate vote MoveOn collected $500,000. On the second day they were expected to raise $1 million more. September 21, 2007 Can the US Senate be pulled away from its busy schedule of condemning free speech to pass more funding to bury the war dead created by their war? September 20, 2007 The mercenary hired to protect US diplomats in Iraq can just as easily be hired to kill those diplomats. September 21, 2007 After more than four years of war, the US still can't claim victory, but if we challenge the general in charge (or call him a liar) the US Senate will condemn us. It seem the US Senate is trying to create enemies within our borders instead of fixing the mess they created in Iraq. September 20, 2007 The US has lost control over its own destiny as Republicans cut taxes and created the largest accumulation of debt in human history. The US has to borrow money from China to pay its bills because we're giving tax cuts to the rich. Prior to the Reagan Revolution the US debt stood at $900 billion. Now the Treasury Dept. is asking Congress to increase our debt ceiling to $10 trillion. Conservatives are intentionally destroying the future of the country and when one of them gets up and says anything, about anything, they need to be put down as being too stupid and too immoral to talk about important issues. September 10, 2007 September 21, 2007 Will the US Senate take time out of its busy schedule to condemn the military for losing so many weapons and causing so many deaths or will the Senate condemn again? An Impeachable OffenseSeptember 20, 2007 The evidence appears to be overwhelming. Blackwater is a criminal enterprise. Does the US government look the other way (as with so many other atrocities) because we don't have enough troops and no one in congress has the courage to demand we reinstate the draft so there are enough troops? On the other side of the coin, is anyone tracking the number of mercenaries killed in Iraq? It seems the US military can easily create the illusion of fewer US military deaths by simply hiring others to do the hard work for them. An Impeachable OffenseSeptember 21, 2007 I'm not sure which is more appalling. The GOP pretending to be offended (by the truth) or the Democratic Response which didn't exist. Either way, we have a lot of senators who will never be listened to again. When free speech is condemned by the US Senate our democracy is doomed. Soldiers and their families died so the people of Iraq could be free. They died in vain. In the US, free speech is condemned. How will the Iraqi government respond to our government condemning free speech? September 19, 2007 We had military personnel torture, murder and rape POWs at Abu Ghaib, we had an Attorney General lie under oath and we even have private security firms like Blackwater slaughtering innocent civilians and none of these incidents received a Senate condemnation. But when expressed its right to free speech, the Senate felt it necessary to condemn them and their right to speak freely. This is what happens when cowards populate the Senate. Every senator who voted to condemn MoveOn is unfit for office and in my case this means two Democrat senator will never get my vote again. September 20, 2007 The GOP still refused to support our troops and the Democrats let them get away with it. Good grief, how much more ammo do the Republicans have to give Democrats before they use it? September 20, 2007 The GOP wasn't satisfied destroying their majority by pandering to Bush but now they're intent on destroying what little is left of this country. They've already dumped trillions of dollars of debt on us and they've destroyed habeas corpus but it's all in days work. Since it's impossible to shame a modern day Republican, we'll have to wait and let history damn them. September 19, 2007 How do you beat the living daylights out of the GOP and end the war at the same time? Force the GOP to support the war by increasing taxes to pay for what they're spending. The war will stop within 24-hours. For people who track this stuff, before the Reagan Revolution our debt was $900 billion. Now, it's $9 trillion. Tax cutting jackasses did this to us and they should be banished from power for the rest of time. September 19, 2007 When the "will of the people" is ignored, Americans turn against their government fast. Good for us. This war has already destroyed the Bush presidency, the GOP and the reputation of the US. Now it's taking out the Democratic Party. Maybe they should STOP supporting it. September 19, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 28, 2007An Impeachable Offense September 19, 2007 September 19, 2007 September 19, 2007 A second U.S. Attorney US attorney is under investigation for having sex with five-year olds. September 19, 2007 September 20, 2007 Another Bush lie is always good for another in the long list of impeachable offenses An Impeachable OffenseSeptember 18, 2007 If this keeps up Iraqis will see what US justice looks like. Murderer's go free. September 18, 2007 September 19, 2007An Impeachable Offense September 19, 2007 September 18, 2007An Impeachable Offense September 14, 2007 September 17, 2007 September 14, 2007 September 7, 2007 This White House continues to rewrite history faster than it can be recorded. Lying to the American people is an impeachable offense. Lying and being cavalier about such lies reinforces the belief that this White House is amoral, inept and most of all considers this war something they can use against the media and the Democrats. If they spent as much time winning this war as defending their failures, the war would have been won years ago. An Impeachable OffenseSeptember 13, 2007 September 13, 2007 September 10, 2007 The fact that a majority of Sunni and Shia polled think it's ok to attack US forces should be enough to convince anyone the surge has failed. Nearly a majority also think it's ok for al Qaeda to attack US forces in Iraq. How did it come to pass that a sitting president can get up and lie to our faces? An Impeachable OffenseSeptember 13, 2007 September 14, 2007 September 13, 2007 It's somewhat easier to see why Democrats are letting Bush get away with his war because the war is killing the GOP. Clearly, the GOP is in very deep trouble and if Dems get a filibuster proof Senate, the GOP will be dead for all practical purposes. No one will care what any of them think - which is probably a good thing after they've done to this country. Dems can easily win elections by pointing out the massive explosion of debt created by GOP congressmen and senators; from about $900 billion of debt before the Reagan Revolution to over $9 trillion today. No party can withstand that record of failure but so far the Dems are reluctant to use it. September 13, 2007 Republicans whine about how bad government is, then they rape the government of every penny they can get. Cheney did it and now Neil Bush is doing it. Less government means less for us and more for them. September 12, 2007 There are two possibilies; either McConnell intentionally lied to congress or he had no idea what he was talking about. Either way he's unfit and should be fired or prosecuted. An Impeachable OffenseSeptember 12, 2007 September 13, 2007 Bush failed to win a war against a nearly defenseless country and now the US looks weak and our adversaries believe they will prevail. What more needs to be said? September 12, 2007 Bush says one thing, the facts say otherwise. Why does Bush lie? And why has the media let him get away with all these lies without calling him a liar? They had no problem calling Bill Clinton a liar and he never lied about anything that had to do national security or his duties as president. The media remains seriously dysfunctional. An Impeachable OffenseOctober 2007 (posted Sept.15, 2007) September 10, 2007 A commander who can't win a war in a country that has no army, navy or air force has limited shelf life. September 13, 2007 September 7, 2007 September 10, 2007 September 11, 2007 September 10, 2007 September 10, 2007 September 6, 2007 September 6, 2007 Since every conservative in the country was wrong about Iraq and WMD, wrong about tax cuts and surpluses etc. I think it's safe to say we know conservatives are hot wired to be always be wrong. They simply don't allow facts to dissuade them. September 9, 2007 September 9, 2007 |