Impeach Bush--Index 39
Give the Sunni West Iraq and give the Shiites East Iraq. Can it get any easier?
As a percentage of their population Iraq has already lost more people in their civil war than the US did during our Civil War. ANYONE who doesn't say this is civil war should be ignored for the rest of time.
A few short months ago the media and the Bush White House said the transfer of military force to NATO showed the problem was solved. In reality, the war in Afghanistan was already lost. At the time of NATO taking over, 50% of the country was under Taliban rule. Now it's over. Iraq is lost, Afghanistan is lost and Vietnam was lost. We lost all three wars under Republican presidents. During the next election cycle the media will say republicans are strong on defense. Unless you think losing makes us look strong don't believe a word of it.
This is the first article from "Smirking Chimp" (which I don't consider a news source). It's one of the few places in the country we can read alternatives to "stay the course" rhetoric of Bush and the media. One hopes the American people soon see the necessity of getting out of Iraq as soon as possible now that it's civil war.
It'll take at least six months for the experts to figure out what really happened in the last election.
A Bush "think tank?" They've got to be kidding. One good thing, the cost will remind visitors of the record debt he created.
ABC tends to have very one-sided stories. Why didn't they ask liberals for a solution? All the farmer has to do is pay a decent wage and he'll find all the help he needs.
Wages are at an all time low as a % of GDP, but GDP is growing - how can that be? The reason - corporate profits. For the first time in US history, corporate profits make up a majority of our GDP. The tax problems are a result of the Reagan/Bush 43 tax cuts. As republicans cut taxes for the rich, the pass(ed)their spending to then next generation through debt (raising the debt ceiling, instead of raising taxes).
We already sanitize the news so we don't have to see flag draped coffins and we've sanitized education so facts are either replaced or ignored because they offend certain religious beliefs (evolution etc.), now some want to ban books because the book is based on facts. Good grief, some parents need to get a life.
Big losers: John (put more troops in Iraq) McCain and all the retired generals who supported this war from day one.
The media will do everything in its power to push the Bush agenda of staying in Iraq for the rest of time. Resist their uninformed opinion.
Before Global Warming and being against the war in Iraq were popular, one man hits these issues hard - Al Gore. The media seldom calls upon the man who did the most to bring this crisis to light. Why? Because they spent years ridiculing him.
Oil companies will see the light and stop stealing from us now that Democrats are back in power.
Reagan started this vile hate towards "liberals." It was quickly picked up in daily attacks on the "liberal media" and anything else liberal. The media pushed GOP talking points and lies about Whitewater, WMD and the war on terror and they let the republican party lie to us about Kerry's and Bush's war records. The GOP and the brain dead media are part of the same monster - morally corrupt liars.
Days after pro war Lieberman lost his primary the Bush White House concocted a fake threat to our national security, then allowed the so-called terrorists to get away.
In 2006 alone, an increase from 70 deaths in one attack in January, to 90 in April to 154 (plus) in November.
The battle of Anbar (including Fallujah) will most likely be called the beginning of our defeat in Iraq. It's over folks.
People who voted for pro war candidates like Joe Lieberman (mostly republicans) have blood on their hands. Let them rot in hell.
If you're gay you can fight and die for your country ONLY if you're a seasoned liar. Telling the truth must be avoided at all cost. In fact, if slip up and tell the truth, they'll be kicked out of their job. How did forcing people to lie become right? Where are the moralists and ethicists? Why are they silent?
If our government and our people were true to the spirit of our Declaration of Independence, gay Americans would already have equal rights. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. " Imagine that - "all men are created equal." Powerful words that are ignored by the small minds that vote against gay marriage.
Americans oppose the war but the media will tell us daily we have to stay in Iraq. It's why they exist - to mislead, to lie and to distort reality. The media pushed this war around the clock. It's their war as much as it's Bush's. When we voted the GOP out of power, we also voted against the pro war media.
It's important to note that for the first time in US history, a majority of GDP (growth) is coming from corporate profits and not individual wealth creation. In other words, the GOP congress was able to create the illusion of growth almost exclusively by giving massive tax cuts to very rich corporations. The debt created by this corporate welfare was almost $1 trillion every two years ($2.8 trillion) since 2001 In fact, the economy hasn't even grown fast enough to counter the growth in government debt so we're all subsidizing corporate profits with our government debt. Capitalism pretty much ended when the GOP took power. Instead, they became the party of socialism.
The bigger question is 'why did the Justice Dept. ignore requests from senior members of the Democratic Party? Congress might investigate the criminal abuses of power within Justice.
The drug industry supported the losers. Who cares what they think?
When this war was still popular, the US used napalm on Iraqi citizens in violation of International law. Napalm burns people alive. Iraqis learned how to be war criminals from the US. Note how the US media calls it savage when the other side does it. Wasn't it equally savage when we did it?
Maybe our government doesn't work anymore because it's news when they go to work.
Under the Geneva Conventions an occupying power is responsible for security.
I've come to the conclusion that the state of Israel no longer deserves the right to exist. It appears to exist for the sole purpose of tormenting its neighbors.
After seeing how fast the US gave into North Korea after it said it had nukes (Oct. 2003), I'd be surprised if Iran isn't trying to build nukes. In fact, it would shock the hell out of me if they didn't get nukes in the very near future.
Slowly the GOP is coming to understand they lost another war. Let's hope the media stops saying they're strong on defense.
Why isn't the FBI investigation this criminal?
More evidence of the "vast right wing conspiracy.
If Bush tries to execute a "POW" after a military trial, someone should demand to know why they haven't executed guilty US soldiers since 1961.
Liberals should never let the media forget they pushed known lies about WMD and liberals were more likely than not to know they were lies. The fact that the conservative media and every conservative in the country was wrong should have significant merit also. But of course the vast right wing conspiracy doesn't care about truth - it cares about pushing GOP talking points and pretending it's news.
In 2003, members of Bush 41 cabinet warned that if Bush invaded Syria he's be impeached. From possible invasion to ally in just a few years. It's funny how elections can force change on a president who's blind in one eye can can't see out of the other.
If he goes forward with this bill, we'll see how many members of congress really support the troops and/or support this war. My guess is zero.
Since GOP voters voters for GOP candidates in about the same numbers as previous elections, the base was happy. But the rest of the country wasn't. The problem with the GOP base is there isn't enough of them to win elections (not even close). It's been clear Bush polled only the "base" and did what they wanted. Maybe he'll figure out he's not the president of the republican party.
Democrats can simply stop ALL funding for the war, which is what they should do if Bush is unwilliing to put forward a plan to win. Even the most conservative of conservatives knows this war is lost, so why should we stay?
Anyone with a shred of decency has already stopped watching CNN. What are the rest of you waiting for?
For whatever reason the military and many US Churches still propagandize known lies about homosexuality. They need to grow up and learn how to stop lying.
If US generals spent as much time trying to win the war as they spend pushing GOP spin, the war would have been won within weeks.
Anyone taking bets he'll get his sentence reduced and he'll be out of jail within months?
He's the deal. If anyone in Congress is willing to raise taxes to pay for war, go for it. See how many people support war after taxes are raised. If on the other hand, they pass spending bill after spending bill and make the next generation pay for it, then we know they don't support the war or the troops.
Turn on the TV and someone will try to tell you what to do. No facts, no evidence, no news. Just endless opinion passing as news. The American people have spoken and we want out of Iraq. The media doesn't care.
Will the conservative strangle-hold on the media finally come to an end? Bring back the Fairness Doctrine so one company can't dominate what is called news.
Never underestimate the money a conservative can waste in military spending.