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U.S. soldier in Iraq gang rape gets 90 year sentence
Yahoo News/Reuters
November 16, 2006

FORT CAMPBELL, Kentucky (Reuters) - One of four U.S. soldiers accused of raping a 14-year-old Iraqi girl before killing her and her family was conditionally sentenced on Thursday to up to 90 years in prison with the possibility of parole.

The sentence -- which is subject to review by a higher military authority and could be reduced -- was imposed on Specialist James Barker after a two-day court-martial. He had pleaded guilty to rape and murder and agreed to testify against others charged in the case in exchange for escaping the death penalty.

The gang rape and slayings at Mahmudiya along with the killing of 24 people in Haditha and other U.S. military incidents sparked outrage among Iraqis and calls by officials there for a review of foreign troops' immunity from Iraqi prosecution.

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