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Recruiters Ignoring Policy On
CBS 4 Denver Rick Sallinger November 22, 2006 (CBS4) DENVER A CBS4 Investigation into recruiting by the United States Army found recruiters telling potential soldiers that it wasn't a problem if they were gay. The recruiters told people showing interest in being a soldier to keep their homosexuality to themselves. Military policy states that if a potential service member discloses that he or she is gay, they are supposed to be immediately disqualified. "We encountered one recruiter who said 'I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Is that right?" CBS4 asked the head of Army recruiting in Denver. "Well, if what you say is correct, that is not right." Lt. Col. Reginald Cox answered. "We don't condone that behavior at all." CBS4's undercover investigation found more than one Army recruiter who was willing to look the other way when a potential solider said they were homosexual. From 1994 to 2003, 9,500 members of the military were discharged for homosexual conduct. That's an average of about 2 per day. "Right now, gays are not permitted to join the military," Cox said. "But we have an obligation not to ask, and they have an obligation not to tell." "Its discrimination you know," a gay solider from Colorado told CBS4. He didn't want to be identified. "I'm serving my country; I'll die for my country." The soldier told CBS4 he's been living a lie and has been for years. "I have to hide every single thing about my personal life," he said. "I've had to make up my girlfriend just so it's believable. I wanted the opportunity to make my family proud, you know, my brother's in the military. My dad is in the military. I figured I'd be in the military too." The soldier would have to give back his bonuses and benefits if he told his superior officer that he was gay. (© MMVI CBS Television Stations, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.) Commentary: |