Impeach Bush--Index 63
As I see it, every conservative in government and in the media was wrong about WMD and Iraq being part of the war on terror. They were also slow in admitting the war in Iraq is lost and they were slow in seeing that a majority are open to impeachment (a majority want Cheney impeached). Democrats need to seize the initiative and stop watching the damn polls. Those of us who were anti war and pro impeachment were years ahead of the Democratic Party. In fact, Democrats called us extremists. Now we're in the mainstream. Had Dems listened to us they'd where we are today. posted June 21, 2007 (July 9, 2007 issue) July 8, 2007 Apparently the rules apply to just the little people.
July 7, 2007 July 6, 2007 Powell supported the war before it started and long after. Does anyone really believe he was against the war? If so, he could have resigned...but apparently he wasn't that much against the war. Powell looks and acts more and more like a fool. July 8, 2007 The flip-flopper in chief, along with his allies in the media are forced to admit they were wrong again. God, that must suck. July 8, 2007 The NY Times, like most major newspapers in the country couldn't wait for the war to start. They became cheerleaders for the Bush White House even though our own intelligence agencies said Saddam wouldn't use his weapons against us unless we invaded him. That is, he was never a threat to our national security. Faced with other facts; including the failure to find WMD, the Times still continued to support the war. In fact, all our news organization feared being called unpatriotic by right wing nuts. Now their reputations lay in ruin, like that of the US. Had ONE reporter at the Times asked one simple question, the war could have been averted; that question could have been, "if you're intelligence is so good, why can't the UN inspectors verify a single word if it?" This White House let us down, so did the Congress, but so did our Churches and our media. Whom will history damn the most? July 8, 2007 She will testify or be found in contempt of Congress. Congress should find Bush in contempt if she refuses to testify.d The Congress has already established that crimes have been committed. It's even aware the Attorney General lied under oath to the Congress. They want to see if the WH also lied - and the WH is fighting the truth, tooth and nail. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 7, 2007 Even if the surge had worked, as soon as the US left or withdrew troops, the Iraqis don't have what they need to keep the peace. The surge is and always was a joke. July 6, 2007 The good guys win another one. July 6, 2007 Now imagine raising taxes by $1.4 trillion to pay for this war. Would there be one vote in the House or Senate for this war? Doubtful. July 6, 2007 Murders that took place in 2004 are only now being investigated? July 5, 2007 July 5, 2007 July 8, 2007 Slowly but surely Bush's war machine will come to a grinding halt. The judges, lawyers, courts and journalists who supported his lies long after we knew they were lies will be damned by history. We may have to have a war crimes tribunal after Bush is forced from office to cleanse our system of these war mongers and criminals. July 6, 2007 The government admits it broke the law...what more needs to be said? Hasn't this judge gotten the memo yet? The war in Iraq and the war on terror are falling apart at the seams. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 7, 2007 If Democrats had led the charge for withdrawal the troops would be home already, the GOP would be stranded for the rest of time with an albatross around their neck and they'd suffer historic losses in 2008. Democrats just threw them a lifejacket. How nice...they're protecting their political opponents after refusing to protect our troops. Note the headline "Republicans uniting" instead of "Democrats leading." July 6, 2007 Only really, really dumb people still trust US command. July 5, 2007 Faced with the twin realities that our own intelligence agencies and the majority of voters say Bush's war is creating more terrorists, what did the Democrats do? They voted to keep the war going. The Congress is filled with shriveling cowards. Cowards who were too afraid to take on Bush's lies when he took us to war and too afraid to take him on today years after his lies have been exposed and his policies are proven to be making us less safe. With a Congress like this, who needs enemies. July 5, 2007 We have generals, constitutional scholars and lawyers from every modern administration calling for impeachment. Where is the media on this issue? They continue to hide behind blaming Bush and Congress for the war they helped him get us into. It's time for the media to push impeachment - and push it around the clock, like they pushed Bush's WMD lies. Then and only then will they regain our trust and support. July 5, 2007 From this vantage point, our nations newspaper editors quickly embraced a war based on faulty intelligence. Our own intelligence agencies said Iraq would only use its WMD if we attacked them, therefore it was never a threat to our national security. It took years, but now some of these editors are trying to pull back from their support - they blame Bush, the Congress etc. and as usual they don't accept any responsibility for what they did. They used their powers as editors to let Bush lie to us and not call him a liar. July 4, 2007 July 5, 2007 July 2, 2007 July 4, 2007 July 4, 2007 July 4, 2007 How did we get to this point? First and foremost we have a very corrupt man in the White House. Second, we have a very corrupt and immoral republican party that cares more about power than their oaths of office and the good of the country. Thirdly, we have a pinless Congress and finally we have a Supreme Court that allowed Bush to decimate the Constitution while they sat on their asses. History will damn those who supported the war and those who opposed impeachment. Isn't it time for them to get it "right" just once? July 5, 2007 July 1, 2007 July 2, 2007 July 4, 2007An Impeachable Offense July 1, 2007 The Bush White House finally realizes it's never going to recover from their dismal economic and foreign policy failures so perhaps they're beginning the process of undoing some of the most offensive criminal acts before the next president take over. It's not that they're doing this because they've become the "Good Guys" but instead because the Supreme Court is going to dismantle every piece of Bush's war on terror, piece by bloody piece. Conservative extremists on the Court will be left defending the crimes they allowed Bush to commit and get away with. July 3, 2007 Bush has never cared what Most Americans think. He only cares about what his base thinks and his base is delusional. July 3, 2007 If Rice or Powell were heading for jail does anyone think Bush would pardon or commute their sentences? If Libby weren't a rich, white man, wouldn't he be in jail? Limbaugh and Libby are both rich white republican men who push(ed) the GOP agenda, broke the law and never spent a day in jail. July 3, 2007 When the GOP pardons criminals it's never considered a scandal. When a Democrat pardons a criminal the media (whipped by GOP hysteria on talk radio) called it a scandal. How many times did you hear this commutation called a scandal? Probably zero times. The same can't be said when it happened under Clinton. Why is that? The media clearly has two standards; one for Dems and one for republicans. In fact the GOP Congress investigated the Clinton pardons - the same pardons they now say are absolute under a republican president. The media and the GOP were and are intellectually inconsistent. Pardons are absolute and the media should have exposed the lies put out by the GOP spin machine at the end of the Clinton Administration. July 3, 2007 What are the Democrats doing to bring a timely end to the lawlessness in this White House? A few short months ago liberals who called for Bush and Cheney's impeachment were called "extremists." Now we're in the mainstream as Democrat, Republican, Liberal and Conservatives lawyers call for impeachment. An Impeachable OffenseJune 30, 2007 The Democrats could simply begin the impeachment process and everything they want would have to be turned over (only the Congress can decide what information it needs after impeachment has begun). An Impeachable OffenseJune 30, 2007 June 25, 2007 There's on absolute we've learned about the one can out spend them, period. When someone calls himself a fiscal conservative and a republican, grab your wallet...he's about to spend your money. June 28, 2007 The Bush White House maintains that it has "exclusive" power to appoint attorneys under the Constitution. That argument is flawed because the constitution requires Senate approval. June 280, 2007 Bad intelligence got us into this war and bad intelligence made it impossible to win. Every time we kill innocent civilians (daily) we create more enemies. June 30, 2007 The surge looks more and more like US replacements after Britain and Australia leave. In the real world few countries (if any) still think the Iraq war has anything to do with the war on terror. Without Iraq, there is no war on terror, so that nonsense is gradually ending also. July 1, 2007An Impeachable Offense Private contractors are answerable to no one since they don't work for the congress or the executive branch...they work for the military and god knows the military is answerable to no one as it is. Is Aegis getting intelligence from torture victims? It's highly likely. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 1, 2007 The good guys win another one. The US military thought the right to free speech was reserved to pro war they know better. Land of the ass. June 29, 2007 This lame duck can't keep anyone. This is the seventh DOJ official to resign since the Democrats started investigating the US attorney firings. June 29, 2007 |