Impeach Bush--Index 43
An Impeachable Offense
The Arab countries are stronger now than any time in my lifetime. They have the power to stop the fighting in Iraq (and Islamic Fanaticism) in exchange for the US forcing Israel to return land they won during previous wars. It should be interesting to see what the US response will be.
The FBI also issued over 30,000 "national security letters." As the US slips deeper and deeper into fascism; Congress, the Courts and the Media seem utterly oblivious. An Impeachable Offense
The GOP can't manage the government or win wars. At some point people are going to start wondering if it has any value whatsoever. While it's easy to blame Bush (it's become a national past time), the GOP congress was equally responsible for cutting taxes during a time of war.
The Iraqi government doesn't seem to have a problem with creating an exit strategy and timeline for ending the occupation, why does the US? On top of that it's increasing clear "the surge" is really a mechanism to replace foreign troops with US troops. According to previous press reports the UK will send home about 3000 troops within months.
Part of the problem is an incompetent Commander in Chief, but a good chunk of the problem rests with the US military. They've been asked to fight a small group of insurgents and they're losing. Blame Bush all you want, but every one of his generals need to be fired too.
A new law was needed to stop convicted criminals in congress from getting pensions? Why were they getting pensions in the first place?
US corporations have gotten used to record profits AND tax cuts. It appears their CEOs don't think they can survive without corporate welfare. Maybe it's time to find for them to find new CEOs.
Polls show neither Bush nor the Democrats have a plan for Iraq. The only way to create this illusion is to censor what the Democrats say and all the networks did just that.
Ms. Thomas is only partially correct. The media lost its way during the Clinton years when it became part of their lynch mentality. The media trumped up GOP talking points and called it news. News about a fake threat to our national security was easy after they published so many lies about President Clinton and didn't lose their jobs.
I bet Gates will eventually support an attack on Iran, either by US forces or by Israeli.
If Bush threatens to veto a single Democratic piece of legislation, they should cut off all spending for his war. Bush can't play nice. Dems shouldn't either.
Clearly we need enough Democrats in office to overturn anything the right wing wants to stop. But first we have to have Democrats who have enough balls to force Bush into a show down of some sort. If he vetoes what they want, they should deny him money for his war. Two can play at that game.
Bush is satisfied being president of the republican party.
Gallups polls show the outgoing GOP congress had only 11% support.
Rice can't answer questions posed by Democrats or Republicans in Congress, but she easily answers softball questions at Fox. No wonder she loves Fox. The woman is delusional if she thinks Fox does news.
Now we can better see why Rice loves her "Fox guys." They don't ask hard questions. An Impeachable Offense
Not only did he look scared and defeated but the entire speech was uninspirational. The man who used fear to govern is gripped by it. The "malaise" speech will go down in history as one of the worst war time speeches in US history.
Is there anyone working for the president who isn't a crook?
Will Bush sign the legislation? God knows he never pushed the previous GOP congress to pass the recommendations.
We learn a lot here. First, tax cuts don't trickle down. Second, corporate profits are driving the economy, not personal wealth. Finally, we can safely assume these numbers throw into doubt the accuracy of the unemployment numbers the government puts out. With so few jobs created and a growing population, the real unemployment numbers must be soaring. Obviously the government stops counting the unemployed after they lose benefits - which is a farce. An Impeachable Offense
What does this say about Bush? He put forward nominees he now thinks aren't qualified so he accepts their withdrawal. On top of that, one of these bastards supports torturing POWs - which is a violation of the Geneva Conventions and the War Crimes Act.
Cold blooded premeditated murder is called "aggravated assault" in the US military. It's time to get rid of military courts and judges that make a mockery of our legal system. The world is watching.
The resignations continue to pile up and most resignations are a result of ethical or criminal charges.
An Impeachable Offense
A few short months ago the GOP supported Bush 100%. It's amazing what an election does to a party. The media considered their blind obedience to lies to be one of their strong suits.
The surge is supposed to be temporary but McCain will only support it if it's sustained, therefore he doesn't support the Bush surge. Watch how the media let's him get away with lying to their faces.
The Times lays out reasons to impeach Bush, then hides behind demanding the Dems do something to fix what he's done. The Times, like all other newspapers in the country should call for Bush's impeachment.
The media rushed to push the latest White House spin while it ignores more gross violations of the Constitution. What will it take for the media to figure out they are part of the problem?
Bad policy can't be fixed with new people.
Once again because this White House lacks "thinkers" they couldn't see the inevitable. Terrorism is getting worse because of Bush policies, not better. It's time to ponder what appears to be the obvious - is this White House trying to create more terrorism? The answer is "yes."
With China making strong alliances in Africa, I suppose it's a good idea to find a few puppets we can exploit (as we always do). The Chinese have a different approach. They treat the Africians as if they're equals. The US never learns.
I'll make another prediction. If the US allows Israel to attack Iran, republicans in congress will turn against Bush and impeachment will become inevitable.
Bush used fake intelligence to take us to war. The GOP used fake science so they wouldn't have to deal with global warming. Their reality is based entirely on beliefs, not facts.
Almost every day now we hear of a resignation or firing. What took them so long? Are they preparing for impeachment? Probably.
Two-bits says he spends more time in jail than those guilty of war crimes in Abu Ghraib. If generals weren't interested in career advancement over everything else, they'd have opposed this war from day one. They look like a bunch of cowards because they are. These are the same type of military leaders who couldn't get a single armed plan in the air on 9/11 until after the attack was over.
The reader should be aware that previous news reports said morgues in Iraq were full so people were burying their loved ones in their back yards. It's highly likely the number reported here is too small.
American Catholics don't care what the Vatican says (the Vatican was strongly against the war - calling it unjust and immoral) but it's worth noting at least a few religions stand for something even if the faithful refuse to listen.
The military says the review board gives the prisoner the right to make his case, but in reality the prisoner isn't even allowed to see the charges against him. It's time for the Supreme Court to get off its lazy ass and rule this law unconstitutional. An Impeachable Offense
Gen. Shalikashvili is only partially correct. Forcing gay Americans to lie about their sexual orientation was never morally justifiable. While it's nice to see he changed his mind on this issue, it seems easier now that most in the military already support openly gay soldiers. How about doing the hard things once in awhile - instead of going along?