Impeach Bush--Index 67
An Impeachable OffenseAugust 20, 2007 August 16, 2007 August 20, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 17, 2007 August 17, 2007 When the war was popular the media covered it. Now that it's not they don't. The war has always been about ratings, not a threat to our national security. The media is so transparently corrupt. August 20, 2007 August 13, 2007 August 15, 2007 It seems the military has found a way to keep the death toll of US soldiers down. Farm out the hard stuff to private contractors and then bury the number who die. Ingenious. An Impeachable OffenseAugust 20, 2007 August 17, 2007 August 20, 2007 August 17, 2007 August 19, 2007 August 17, 2007 August 17, 2007 August 19, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 19, 2007 August 19, 2007 August 14, 2007 August 17, 2007 August 20, 2007 If you listen to the media or the DLC they'd say most Americans are conservative, but in the real world, most Americans rejected the extremism of the GOP long ago. August 17, 2007 The government stands accused of committing more crimes. Should we throw GOP leaders into prison, keep them there for years without access to lawyers while we figure out what to do with them? An Impeachable OffenseAugust 17, 2007 It's unfortunate the government was allowed to perjure itself in court documents - making up charges, changing the charges and then dropping the charges until they could manufacture more charges. This case is ripe for appeal and any decent judge will overturn the verdict - not because Padilla is innocent but because the government is so guilty. August 17, 2007 The Bush White House has been caught lying so many times why should we trust them this time? August 17, 2007 The Office of the President of the United States broke the law again. Who cares? It's just the law. An Impeachable OffenseAugust 16, 2007 The US government falsely accused him, detained him for years without access to a lawyer, tortured him and gave committed perjury in court documents when it simply lied about the charges against him, and now that same government said he committed crimes. When the government is allowed to commit all these crimes (and more) and get away with it, our government and our court system is useless. The judge in this case should be ashamed of himself - and be banned from ever hearing another case. Padilla may be guilty of possible futuristic crimes (plans to do something) but the US government is already guilty of many crimes - including the crime we once called perjury. August 17, 2007 I have no idea why we have a congress. After Dems learned the White House lied about the surveillance act and the Attorney General lied under oath, Democrats took a vacation. Democrat voters and a majority of Americans have already turned against these fools. When will they stop defending and enabling the lawlessness in this White House? An Impeachable OffenseAugust 17, 2007 I'm listing this an impeachable offense because Bush lied to Congress and the American people when he said Petraeus would report back to Congress. Instead, it appears the White House is writing the report and Petraeus (who wrote a pro war editorial just before the election) will most likely pander to the WH than tell the truth (as he did in 2004). An Impeachable OffenseAugust 16, 2007 August 15, 2007 Did the Bush White House race to fix a problem they created? Nope. Why should they? No one seems to care that this WH acts like a bunch of children. August 16, 2007 By any standard the surge failed, but even if someone is still delusional enough to think we can solve this problem militarily, all they have to do is look at what military officers are saying - they're saying violence will escalate as soon as the US pulls its troops back. August 16, 2007 Democrat voters know their party is screwing them, which is good. We couldn't say that about Republican voters. August 16, 2007 The courts became aware of these gross violations of our constitutional rights and did nothing. The US Supreme Court could have stepped in within minutes of hearing of these illegal wiretappings but chose to remain distant and distracted. The constitution was under assault and they couldn't be bothered. An Impeachable OffenseAugust 14, 2007 August 16, 2007 The White House tried to pull another fast one and why shouldn't they? Democrats always buckle. Besides, the Democrat leadership has turned 70% of us against this congress - and 67% of Democrat voters. An Impeachable OffenseAugust 16, 2007 August 16, 2007 August 15, 2007 A certain general will lie to us, the media will carry that lie as if it were gospel truth and pro war congressmen will go on TV and tell us we're winning. August 15, 2007 August 14, 2007 When Bill and Hillary Clinton tried to reform health care, Democrats ran for the caves, did nothing and lost control of congress for 12 years. Do you think they've learned their lesson? August 15, 2007 Welcome to the New American Century. Where conservatives and the Supreme Court have taken away all your rights in the name of national security. An Impeachable OffenseAugust 15, 2007 Bush wants war but he doesn't want a draft so he has enough bodies to win the war. He also doesn't have the courage to raise taxes to pay for the war. All in all, we have the weakest president in US history - weak and a failure. August 16, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 8, 2007 The good general is playing politics, a sport he's utterly unfit to play in. He can't even win a war in a country that has military...why should we trust him to tell our political leaders the truth? Besides, if he suggests withdrawal he'll be removed from command so it's all a joke anyway. August 12, 2007 I find it hard that anyone respects a pathological liar like Rove. Are Washington types so brain dead and so immoral that a well placed lie is considered acceptable? Rove/Bush lied about WMD, tax cuts, surpluses, Iraq being part of the war on terror and everything else. Everyone accepts he/they lied so why give him/them credit. No one will give Bush credit for lying. August 12, 2007 I'm not sure why we still have a comptroller general. No one in power ever listens to him and the media mostly ignores him. August 14, 2007 The media is still far too dependent on government numbers. They need to start recording food prices on their own and then comparing them to Labor Dept. figures. The government has this incredible knack of finding excuses to adjust inflation numbers so government numbers shouldn't be trusted. August 14, 2007 August 14, 2007 August 12, 2007An Impeachable Offense August 12, 2007 August 12, 2007 August 12, 2007 Bush's $3.2 trillion dollars of debt at work for you. August 4, 2007 |