Impeach Bush--Index 73
December 5, 2007An Impeachable Offense December 8, 2007 It seems everyone agrees - the free market doesn't work anymore. December 5, 2007 A few weeks ago a majority of Americans supported bombing Iran even though the White House and the media showed no evidence suggesting Iran was a threat to our national security. As bad as Bush is, and we all agree he's as bad as they come, the media is as corrupt as he is. They've allowed him to lie to us year after year. An Impeachable OffenseDecember 4, 2007 November 30, 2007An Impeachable Offense November 28, 2007 December 1, 2007 December 3, 2007 December 2, 2007 December 3, 2007 November 29, 2007 December 3, 2007 November 29, 2007 November 28, 2007 Note how the judge understands the power of the Internet. He's wasn't worried about journalists or Congress attacking his decision. They've become wimps. The real defenders of our constitutional system are blogs and the Internet, not the corporate media or the lobbyist who run Congress. This White House can do almost anything because impeachment is off the table. An Impeachable OffenseNovember 27, 2007 Good point. Just about everyone knows Russert has become an incompetent buffoon. He makes Fox News look like real news. It's too bad so many Democrats still go on his show. Many intelligent people have stopped going on Fox, now they need to stop wasting their time on Russert. We know what the answer is going to be before Carville and Matalin open their mouths. Is endless spin worth our time? November 26, 2007 Iraqis have learned how to lie to the masses from the best - the Bush White House. November 26, 2007 November 23, 2007 Using this standard, Hitler couldn't be prosecuted because he was a head of state. It's a joke. We all know it. November 23, 2007An Impeachable Offense November 19, 2007 November 21, 2007 November 22, 2007An Impeachable Offense November 20, 2007 Murdering innocent civilians used to be called war crimes. These days, it's an acceptable cost of war, even when that was is based on known lies. An Impeachable OffenseNovember 18, 2007 November 24, 2007 November 20, 2007 November 21, 2007An Impeachable Offense November 19, 2007 November 19, 2007 November 15, 2007 November 18, 2007An Impeachable Offense November 14, 2007An Impeachable Offense November 19, 2007 November 17, 2007 The most notable example of US moral decline is examplimifed by how business, the media and in politics, failure is rewarded. Wall Street is posting massive losses this year and also giving out massive bonuses. Failed CEO's are being paid millions of dollars to leave companies. An in politics, the congress and president who took us to war using fabricated intelligence is still in power. For well over a decade now Democrats haven't given Democratic voters anything to vote for so a small and vocal minority took power and held on to it. According to the polls, during the 12 years of Republican rule, the GOP never became the majority party. Democratic leaders (centrist) let the minority rule. What you can do is simple. Never vote for someone who supported the war, this includes Hillary Clinton. If she's elected as our next president, we'll once again reward failure. She could have spoken out...stopped the Bush lie machine, but instead she became part of it, and in fact was its biggest supporter. November 2, 2007 November 17, 2007An Impeachable Offense November 16, 2007 November/December 2007 Issue, 2007 November 15, 2007 November 13, 2007 November 14, 2007An Impeachable Offense November 11, 2007 November 9, 2007 November 1, 2007An Impeachable Offense November 14, 2007 November 10, 2007An Impeachable Offense November 14, 2007 October 29, 2007An Impeachable Offense October 13, 2007An Impeachable Offense October 13, 2007 October 13, 2007 October 1, 2007 October 24, 2007 October 29, 2007An Impeachable Offense October 30, 2007 October 18, 2007An Impeachable Offense November 1, 2007 October 26, 2007 October 28, 2007 The media is working with Bush to convince Americans Iran has nukes but of course it's very similar to 2002 when they lied to us about WMD in Iraq. If you're still sane you see it for what it is - a lie, but if you're still part of the delusional class you still can't see it yet. An Impeachable OffenseOctober 29, 2007 |