Impeach Bush--Index 30

July 12, 2006
An Impeachable Offense

Bush grants some rights to Guantanamo POWs
Defense and Justice Department lawyers stressed that the prisoners in military custody were not being granted prisoner-or-war status. Such status would entitle them to trials under rules similar to military courts martial with rules on evidence and access to counsel.

The lawyers also said the new rules did not apply to the few dozen high-profile prisoners, such as alleged Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who are being held by the CIA at secret locations.

July 12, 2006
An Impeachable Offense
When a president can lie to our faces we know our democracy is in grave peril.

Novak confirms Rove was one of sources in outing CIA agent
In his latest syndicated column released Wednesday, columnist Robert Novak revealed his side of the story in the Plame affair, saying Mr. Rove was a confirming source for Mr. Novak's story outing the CIA officer, underscoring Mr. Rove's role in a leak President George W. Bush once promised to punish.

July 11, 2006
Rape Victim 14, Five Soldiers Charged
FIVE US soldiers have been charged in a rape and multiple murder case that has outraged Iraqis, with documents showing the rape victim was aged 14 - not over 20, as US officials have said.

Days after a former private, Steven Green, was charged as a civilian in a US court with rape and four murders, four serving soldiers were charged with the same offences, the US military said in statement on Sunday. It did not name the soldiers.

July 9, 2006
Rule 3 of republican politics; always make things worse than they were (deficits, terrorism, nuclear standoffs? etc.).

No Bilateral talks with N. Korea violated agreement - caused nuclear standoff.
Washington has refused to sit down with Kim one-on-one (the '99 missile pact was contingent on continuing negotiations). And on July 4, Kim fired off a total of seven test missiles in one night, in his own menacing fireworks display.

July 8, 2006
If you're new to politics, you need to know a few rules. Rule #1: Republicans always think they're victims and Rule #2, their victim hood is always based on lies.

Larry King Lets Laura Bush Lie To Him
By now you may have heard that during her interview with Larry King, First Lady Laura Bush lamented to her host that newspapers refuse to put good poll numbers for her husband -- that would be the President -- on their front pages. She said, "when they're good don't see them on the front page."

Throughout the Bush Presidency the major papers have been more than happy to put good polls for Bush on their front pages. Just for the fun of it, let's scan a list of articles from the New York Times and the Washington Post trumpeting good Bush poll numbers. Every single one of these was featured on the front page:

July 7, 2006
The Bush White House didn't do anything to stop these crimes. More republican family values. Break the law and blame someone else for it. Pathetic.

GOP phone jamming defendant may say he believed gov't authorized it
CONCORD, N.H. --A former telemarketer charged in a scheme to jam Democratic phone lines may argue that he believed his actions were authorized by the government or the national Republican Party.

Shaun Hansen, of Spokane, Wash., is accused of paying $2,500 to have employees at Idaho-based Mylo Enterprises place hundreds of hang-up calls to phone lines offering voters rides to the polls on Nov. 5, 2002. Among the contests decided that day was the close U.S. Senate race in which Republican Rep. John Sununu beat outgoing Democratic Gov. Jeanne Shaheen.

Three others have been convicted for their roles in the scheme, including James Tobin of Bangor, Maine, President Bush's former campaign chairman for New England. That, along with phone records showing key figures in the phone jamming had regular contact with the White House as the scheme unfolded, has prompted Democrats to suggest the administration was involved.

July 9, 2006
Budget deficit may drop this year
Democrats and many independent budget analysts note that revenues have barely climbed back to the levels reached in 2000, and that the government has spent trillions of dollars from Social Security surpluses just as the first of the nation's baby boomers are nearing retirement.

The increase in tax receipts looks good because the past five years looked so bad. Revenues are up but have lagged behind economic growth.

July 11, 2006
British Spy: Bush amplifying the messages the terrorists are trying to convey
The former British spy chief told the conference that it was a "strategic necessity" that the US held to its "best traditions" because it was easier to recruit agents if they believed they were acting in a "good cause".

"We need to think very carefully about long-term strategy. If we don't hold to the moral high ground in the medium to long term it will much more difficult to conduct a successful counter-terrorist strategy.

July 7, 2006
An Impeachable Offense
The SS has become Bush's private Gestapo. If we ever have an elected president again, heads will have to roll.

Secret Service Sued Over Anti-Bush Protest
The class-action lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court contends that police acting on orders from the Secret Service used unreasonable force to move some 200 people peacefully protesting against the Iraq war in Jacksonville while allowing pro-Bush demonstrators to remain standing on sidewalks.

July 6, 2006
The people who say they "support our troops" don't want their taxes raised to pay their way. Slackers.

Budget woes force Army bases to cut services
FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas - A diversion of dollars to help fight the war in Iraq has helped create a $530 million shortfall for Army posts at home and abroad, leaving some unable to pay utility bills or even cut the grass.

July 4, 2006
CIA disbands bin Laden unit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The CIA has disbanded a unit set up in the 1990s to oversee the spy agency's hunt for Osama bin Laden and transferred its duties to broader operations that track Islamist militant groups, a U.S. intelligence official said on Tuesday.

The bin Laden unit, codenamed Alec Station, became less valuable as a separate operation as counterterrorism operations eliminated top al Qaeda operatives and the movement's focus shifted more to regional networks of militants, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

July 8, 2006
Agent who led Bin Laden hunt said it was wrong to disband the unit
The man who led America's hunt for Osama bin Laden has said the CIA was wrong to disband the only unit devoted entirely to the terrorist leader's pursuit - just at a time when al-Qaida is reasserting its influence over global jihad.

Shutting down the Bin Laden unit squandered 10 years of expertise in the war on terror, said Michael Scheuer, who founded the unit in 1995 and arguably knows more about Bin Laden than any other western intelligence official. He believes the unit was dismantled because of bureaucratic jealousies within the CIA, and that the closure delivers a further setback to a pursuit that has been squeezed for resources for the past two years.

July 8, 2006
Navy Web site posted personal records and 100,000 Social Security numbers
Personal records for every Navy and Marine Corps aviator or aircrew member who has logged flight hours in the past 20 years have been posted on a public Navy Web site for the past six months, compromising more than 100,000 Social Security numbers, the Navy Safety Center announced yesterday.

July 3, 2006
Worst Dollar Decline Since 2004!
Foreign central banks and foreign investors own close to $2.5 trillion in U.S. bonds and countless more in other U.S. assets.

Close to two thirds of our government's budget deficit is financed by foreigners.

As the dollar falls, the price of oil will soar. Period. And we can already see that happening right now. Just last week ...

This is not a one-time event. It's the same trend we've been seeing for over three years. And, it's the same trend you're likely to see in the months ahead. No change in policy; no change in surging energy costs.

July 9, 2006
Marines reminded of rules that call for protection of noncombatants
SAN DIEGO — Even before the investigation of the killing of 24 civilians in the Iraqi town of Haditha is complete, the Marine Corps has taken action, stressing accountability and sternly reminding officers that they must investigate all civilian deaths.

The investigative report, by an Army general, will be highly critical of officers for not investigating the Nov. 19 incident in which Marines from Camp Pendleton allegedly stormed into houses and killed the occupants after a roadside bombing killed a fellow Marine.

July 9, 2006
Corruption rampant in Iraqi govt, says US inspector
BAGHDAD, July 9 (Reuters) - Corruption is rampant at "every level" of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's government, with Iraqi graft inspectors calculating that at least $4 billion has been pilfered from state coffers, a top U.S. official said.

The Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction will report to the U.S. Congress this month that corruption remains "a very huge challenge to the government of Iraq", Ginger Cruz, deputy inspector general at the oversight agency, told Reuters in an interview in Baghdad on Saturday.

July 8, 2006
Even conservatives can see these threats are a joke, but not the media.

NYC Tunnel Plot Just Online Chatter
"The so-called New York tunnel plot was a result of discussions held on an open Jihadi web site," said Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer and contributor to American Conservative magazine, in a late Friday afternoon conversation. Although Giraldi acknowledges that the persons involved -- "three of whom have already been arrested in Lebanon and elsewhere -- are indeed extremists," their online chatter is considerably overblown by allegations of an actual plot.

July 7, 2006
Fooled Again: The GOP Prophets of Doom
You can always tell when it's campaign season. Suddenly, all kinds of terror plots across the US are getting foiled, and groups of suspicious men meeting in skanky Florida warehouses are arrested and accused of working in tandem with Al Qaeda.

And so conservative Republicans are at it again, this time covering their real intentions of occupying the Middle East, controlling oil distribution in the area, and transferring taxpayer funds into the hands of greedy government contractors and the financial elites under the thin patina of terrorism. And it'll work, too, because as long as we remain afraid for ourselves and our families, we'll gladly vote in our dear leaders again, and let them trample all over our rights without so much as a peep.

July 9, 2006
An Impeachable Offense

Congressman: failure to disclose the intelligence activities to Congress may be a violation of the law
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration was running several intelligence programs, including one major activity, that it kept secret from Congress until whistle-blowers told the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, the committee's chairman said on Sunday.

Rep. Pete Hoekstra, a Michigan Republican who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, said on Fox News Sunday he had written a four-page to President George W. Bush in May warning him that the failure to disclose the intelligence activities to Congress may be a violation of the law.

July 7, 2006
Repeat after me: Gay soldiers are bad, Nazi's are good.

Neo-Nazis infiltrating the US military
"Neo-Nazi groups and other extremists are joining the military in large numbers so they can get the best training in the world on weapons, combat tactics and explosives," said Mark Potok, director of the center's Intelligence Project.

July 8, 2006
US navy sonar use causes whales to beach themselves
In her ruling, US District Judge Florence-Marie Cooper said there is "considerable convincing scientific evidence" that the high-intensity mid-frequency sonar, which the navy uses to detect quiet submarines, can kill and injure whales and other marine life.

July 8, 2006
US marines negligent in Iraq massacre investigation
WASHINGTON (AFP) - Top US Marine Corps officers in Iraq reportedly failed to properly investigate allegations that their own troops killed 24 civilians in the town of Haditha.

July 7, 2006
Gallup: Almost Two-Thirds Want Iraq Withdrawal
NEW YORK  A new Gallup poll finds that roughly 2 in 3 Americans urge a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, with 31% wanting this to start immediately.

July 8, 2006
North Korea: Bigger threat under Bush
At his news conference, Bush took pains to counter a question based on intelligence information that North Korea has expanded its nuclear weapons capability in recent years. When a reporter cited such reports. Bush declined to dispute the basis of the question, but challenged the reporter: "Can you verify that?"

"We don't know -- maybe you know more than I do -- about increasing the number of nuclear weapons," Bush said.

In a series of congressional hearings last year, top U.S. intelligence officials, including then-CIA Director Porter Goss, testified that North Korea's nuclear capability had increased since 2002, when intelligence assessments estimated it possessed one or two nuclear weapons. Goss in the Feb. 16, 2005, congressional appearance said: "They have a greater capability than that assessment. ... It has increased since then."

July 9, 2006
Flip flopping amateurs

Bush offers bilateral talks with N. Korea
U.S. envoy Christopher Hill was in Seoul on a tour of regional capitals to coordinate the international response to the North's test-firing of seven missiles on Wednesday. The tests caused an international outrage but also division over whether North Korea should be punished.

July 8, 2006
Bush rules out bilateral talks with N Korea
But he rejected conducting negotiations one-on-one, insisting that he needed China and other neighbors at the table so that North Korean leader Kim Jong Il did not make the United States appear to be the blockade to an agreement.

"One thing I'm not going to let us do is get caught in the trap of sitting at the table alone with the North Koreans," Bush insisted, rejecting the criticism by Democrats who say such talks would be the only way to break the logjam.

July 5, 2006
Depleted uranium: A death sentence here and abroad
And what about our soldiers? Terry Jemison of the Department of Veterans Affairs reported this week to the American Free Press that "Gulf-era veterans" now on medical disability since 1991 number 518,739, with only 7,035 reported wounded in Iraq in that same 14-year period.

This week the American Free Press dropped a "dirty bomb" on the Pentagon by reporting that eight out of 20 men who served in one unit in the 2003 U.S. military offensive in Iraq now have malignancies. That means that 40 percent of the soldiers in that unit have developed malignancies in just 16 months.

July 5, 2006
Covering Iraq: News is not accurate. It's worse.
Rod Nordland: It's a lot worse over here [in Iraq] than is reported. The administration does a great job of managing the news. Just an example: There was a press conference here about [Abu Musab al] Zarqawi's death, and somebody asked what role [U.S.] Special Forces played in finding Zarqawi. [The official] either denied any role or didn't answer the question. Somebody pointed out that the president, half an hour earlier, had already acknowledged and thanked the Special Forces for their involvement. They are just not giving very much information here.

July 8, 2006
Judicial Watch: "why an admitted felon had appointments with the Bush White House
Judicial Watch said the public has a right to know "why an admitted felon had appointments with the Bush White House." The DNC said it will aggressively pursue additional questions about visits to the White House by Abramoff and his lobbying associates.

June 19, 2006
Americans Paying More for Gas, Utilities, Food, and Healthcare
Thinking back over the past year, would you say that each of the following has;

2006 May 22-24
(sorted by "total gone up")

gone up


gone down





The price you pay for a gallon of gasoline




The amount you pay for home utilities such as heating/electricity/water




The price you pay for food and other groceries




The value of your home (asked of home owners)




Your local property taxes




The amount of money you pay out-of-pocket for healthcare/prescription drugs




The amount you pay for health insurance coverage




Your state taxes




Your federal income taxes




Your rent (asked of renters)




Your take home pay after taxes and deductions




The amount of money you are able to put away in savings each month




June 15, 2006
Remember Whitewater? Every reporter in Washington said it had to be investigated. Yet, no calls today. Moral of the of story. Republicans are immune from criminal investigations.

$3 million gain for 3 partners in 3 years
WASHINGTON -- Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert and two partners turned a profit of more than $3 million on property they accumulated and sold in just over three years near the route of a proposed controversial freeway on the western fringe of suburban Chicago, according to land records and financial disclosure reports released Wednesday.

July 3, 2006
Ex-GI Charged in Rape of Iraqi, Killings
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A former soldier discharged because of a "personality disorder" was accused in federal court Monday of executing an Iraqi family so he and other troops could rape and murder a young woman they had been eyeing at a traffic checkpoint.

Steven D. Green, a skinny, 21-year-old former private, was led into court wearing baggy shorts, flip-flops and a Johnny Cash T-shirt. He spoke only to confirm his identity and stared as a federal magistrate ordered him held without bond on murder and rape charges that carry a possible death penalty.

June 30, 2006
The Church that lacks the simplest of moral codes tries to tell others what to do. Shameless.

Excommunication Is Sought for Stem Cell Researchers
ROME, June 30 — Scientists who engage in stem cell research using human embryos should be subject to excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church, according to a senior Vatican official.

Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo, who heads the group that proposes family-related policy for the church, said in an interview with the Catholic weekly Famiglia Cristiana published Thursday that stem cell researchers should be punished in the same way as women who have abortions and doctors who perform them.

July 3, 2006
An Impeachable Offense

Spy Agency Sought U.S. Call Records Before 9/11
June 30 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. National Security Agency asked AT&T Inc. to help it set up a domestic call monitoring site seven months before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, lawyers claimed June 23 in court papers filed in New York federal court.

The allegation is part of a court filing adding AT&T, the nation's largest telephone company, as a defendant in a breach of privacy case filed earlier this month on behalf of Verizon Communications Inc. and BellSouth Corp. customers. The suit alleges that the three carriers, the NSA and President George W. Bush violated the Telecommunications Act of 1934 and the U.S. Constitution, and seeks money damages.

"The Bush Administration asserted this became necessary after 9/11," plaintiff's lawyer Carl Mayer said in a telephone interview. "This undermines that assertion."

June 22, 2006
This is the article the Bush White House thinks is too dangerous for you to read. When a right wing nut says it was bad for the Times to report this story, ask him if he read it. There's a 99.99% chance he has no clue what's in it.

Bank Data Secretly Reviewed by U.S. to Fight Terror
The program, however, is a significant departure from typical practice in how the government acquires Americans' financial records. Treasury officials did not seek individual court-approved warrants or subpoenas to examine specific transactions, instead relying on broad administrative subpoenas for millions of records from the cooperative, known as Swift.

Nearly 20 current and former government officials and industry executives discussed aspects of the Swift operation with The New York Times on condition of anonymity because the program remains classified. Some of those officials expressed reservations about the program, saying that what they viewed as an urgent, temporary measure had become permanent nearly five years later without specific Congressional approval or formal authorization.

But Mr. Levey, the Treasury official, said one personhad been removed from the operation for conducting a search considered inappropriate.

One person involved in the Swift program estimated that analysts have reviewed international transfers involving "many thousands" of people or groups in the United States. Two other officials also placed the figure in the thousands. Mr. Levey said he could not estimate the number.

For many years, law enforcement officials have relied on grand-jury subpoenas or court-approved warrants for such financial data. Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the F.B.I. has turned more frequently to an administrative subpoena, known as a national security letter, to demand such records.

July 1, 2006
GIs may have planned Iraq rape, slayings
BEIJI, Iraq - Investigators believe American soldiers spent nearly a week plotting an attack in which they raped an Iraqi woman, then killed her and her family in an insurgent-ridden area south of Baghdad, a U.S. military official said Saturday.

July 3, 2006
Bush Directed Cheney To Counter War Critic
Bush told prosecutors he directed Cheney to disclose classified information that would not only defend his administration but also discredit Wilson.

June 30, 2006
If Bush can prove she's wrong, he should do it in a court of law, not the court of right wing opinion.

Guantanamo may have 30-40 'real' cases
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The Guantanamo camp may have only 30 to 40 "real" cases and the US detention center should be shut down by 2007, the president of the Belgian Senate, who headed a European inspection team there, said.

Presenting her findings in Washington on behalf of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Anne-Marie Lizi recommended the shutting down of the US "war on terror" detention center by end of 2007 because the actual number of dangerous detainees was low.

June 30, 2006
Bush banned reporters from Guantanamo Bay(an impeachable offense) and the right wing press is upset over something the Times reported that had already disclosed by the White House. Talk about a bunch of slackers.

Top falsehoods about NY Times Bush bank-tracking program
Falsehood: Times article tipped off terrorists to U.S. bank-tracking efforts

Treasury Department undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence Stuart A. Levey said, "As the formal and informal financial sectors become increasingly inhospitable to financiers of terrorism, we have witnessed an increasing reliance by Al Qaida and terrorist groups on cash couriers. The movement of money via cash couriers is now one of the principal methods that terrorists use to move funds." In 2002 and 2003, the Congressional Research Service documented terrorists' increased use of alternative money flows, including "informal value transfer [hawala] systems that leave virtually no paper trail." Further, various news outlets and independent organizations have noted terrorist organizations' hesitance to use the international banking system in recent years.

June 29, 2006
"Truth" has rapidly become a four letter word in the media. No one dares speak it.

Stossel attacked Gore with Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity
ABC's John Stossel attacked former Vice President Al Gore and delivered a stream of false and misleading claims on global warming. Noting that Gore "implies the argument" about global warming "is over," Stossel repeatedly attempted to downplay, obscure, or deny the threat posed by human-induced global climate change, as depicted in Gore's documentary film An Inconvenient Truth. In fact, the vast majority of climate scientists agree that global warming is occurring and that human activity is contributing to the problem.

June 30, 2006
U.S. probes deaths of an Iraqi family of four
The investigation concerns allegations that at least two U.S. soldiers were involved in the rape of a woman and that one of them killed her, a child and two other adults, U.S. military sources said.

June 29, 2006
Interior Official Charged in Abramoff Scandal
Roger G. Stillwell, an employee of the department's Insular Affairs Office, was charged with a single misdemeanor count of making a false filing, according to papers filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court. Federal officials said he is expected to enter a guilty plea at a court appearance set for July 21 before Magistrate Deborah A. Robinson.

June 30, 2006
Is this the most criminally invested White House in history or what?

Homeland Security Manager Charged in Fraud
WASHINGTON — A midlevel manager at the Homeland Security Department was charged with immigration document fraud on Thursday. Court papers indicated his conduct had been questioned for years.

June 29, 2006
Since republicans in the White House and Congress are raising the debt ceiling and not taxes, it's safe to say they don't support their wars.

Cost of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to top $500 billion in 2007
The costs of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will pass the $500 billion mark next year, says a Congressional Research Service report, the National Journal's CONGRESS DAILY has reported today.

June 30, 2006
Hicks' military trial ruled 'illegal'
THE US Supreme Court has ruled that the military commissions set up by the Bush Administration to try Guantanamo Bay detainees, including David Hicks, are illegal and have to be abandoned.

The court's 5-3 ruling said that the Geneva Conventions on prisoners of war had to be applied to proceedings against all detainees at Guantanamo.

June 27, 2006
Scientists OK Gore's movie for accuracy
WASHINGTON - The nation's top climate scientists are giving "An Inconvenient Truth," Al Gore's documentary on global warming, five stars for accuracy.

"Excellent," said William Schlesinger, dean of the Nicholas School of Environment and Earth Sciences at Duke University. "He got all the important material and got it right."

Robert Corell, chairman of the worldwide Arctic Climate Impact Assessment group of scientists, read the book and saw Gore give the slideshow presentation that is woven throughout the documentary.

"I sat there and I'm amazed at how thorough and accurate," Corell said. "After the presentation I said, `Al, I'm absolutely blown away. There's a lot of details you could get wrong.' ... I could find no error."

June 23, 2006
If you're fed up with Fox lying to you, switch to NBC or ABC. Sure they lie to you also, but they have better commercials.

Fox/ABC/NBC omit missile defense deficiencies
Fox News' Jim Angle understated -- and ABC's Charles Gibson omitted -- the poor flight test record of the ground-based missile defense system that the Bush administration reportedly activated in response to North Korea possibly testing a long-range missile..

June 23, 2006
Fox makes things up and people still listen. Amazing.

Fox News hosts touted discredited WMD report
On June 21, hosts and guests on several Fox News programs hyped a false assertion by Sen. Rick Santorum and Rep. Peter Hoekstra that weapons of mass destruction had been found in Iraq, despite the network's own reporting that discredited the claim.

June 21, 2006
Have you noticed all these scandals involve Marines?

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. - Seven Marines and a Navy corpsman were charged Wednesday with premeditated murder in the shooting death of an Iraqi man and could face the death penalty if convicted.

The Pentagon began investigating shortly after an Iraqi man identified as Hashim Ibrahim Awad was killed April 26 in Hamdania, west of Baghdad. Navarre did not disclose details about the incident but a senior Pentagon official with direct knowledge of the investigation has said evidence indicates troops entered the town in search of an insurgent and, failing to find him, grabbed an unarmed man from his home and shot him.

June 19, 2006
Interview: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Stolen Election
PRWeek: Your story wasn't based on any secret information, correct?
Kennedy: No, that's the whole thing. This was not a secret conspiracy. This was done openly and shamelessly. Across Ohio, there were people who did everything they could to stop this.

June 19, 2006
Corporate Contributions Shift to the Left
WASHINGTON -- Some big companies are boosting their share of campaign contributions to Democrats this year, a sign that executives may be starting to hedge their political bets after a decade of supporting congressional Republicans.

The shift includes backers of the Republican Party in the insurance, pharmaceuticals and tobacco industries, such as American International Group Inc., Wyeth, and Reynolds American Inc., according to PoliticalMoneyLine, a nonpartisan tracker of campaign contributions.

June 13, 2006
The US has a clear policy against torture. The Bush White House and the Catholic Church didn't care. During the last election they were blinded by their hate of gay Americans

Torture 'morally intolerable,' says ad signed by Catholic cardinal
WASHINGTON (CNS) – Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick joined with 26 other faith leaders June 13 in calling for a clear U.S. policy against torture and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of detainees.

June 20, 2006
Global Warming Pollution Has Doubled in 28 States
The U.S. Public Interest Research Group released an analysis of government data today showing that 28 states more than doubled their carbon dioxide emissions between 1960 and 2001.

June 23, 2006
CIA program expands Bush's power
"At some point, the Constitution can't bear the kind of continued strains that are being imposed by the demands of the fight on terrorism," said Harold J. Krent, dean and professor of law at Kent College of Law in Chicago.

"What I am worried about is that there is a potential for amassing huge databases of individuals — linked by phone records, linked by financial records — that can be kept and used without any kind of real oversight. It's frightening," Krent said.

June 20, 2006
An Impeachable Offense

Tanker Inquiry Finds Rumsfeld Was Clueless
The topic was the largest defense procurement scandal in recent decades, and the two investigators for the Pentagon's inspector general in Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's office on April 1, 2005, asked the secretary to raise his hand and swear to tell the truth.

After a Senate investigation unearthed evidence that the tanker purchase was viewed inside the Pentagon as a politically tinged bailout for Boeing, Air Force Secretary James G. Roche and his top acquisitions deputy resigned from government. Boeing's chief executive was replaced, and last month the firm agreed to pay $615 million to settle all liability for the tanker scandal and an unrelated impropriety. It was the largest penalty paid by a defense contractor.

The investigators tried a different tack. Tell us, one said, about the extent and nature of conversations with the White House about the tanker lease. The question related to the fact that in 2002 President Bush asked then-White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. to help reach a deal between the Pentagon and Boeing, which had substantial clout on Capitol Hill and was a major contributor to Bush's inaugural celebration.

July 1, 2006
U.S. soldiers face new allegations of atrocities
WASHINGTON—American soldiers are facing allegations they raped and murdered an Iraqi woman, burned her body then killed three family members, the latest in a growing string of alleged atrocities against unarmed Iraqis.

June 20, 2006
Notification upsets kin of slain GIs
BAGHDAD, Iraq - The families of the two soldiers whose bodies were found Tuesday in Iraq were upset that first word of the gruesome discovery came from Iraqi authorities.

June 20, 2006
Former Bush Official Safavian Convicted
A former Bush administration official was convicted today of lying and obstructing justice for concealing his ties to Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

A federal jury found David H. Safavian guilty of three counts of lying or making false statements and one count of obstructing justice in the first trial to emerge from the scandal surrounding the disgraced lobbyist.

June 29, 2006
Be honest. Who do you think conservatives hate more, women priests or gay priests?
US Anglicans prepare to name another gay bishop
A gay man living in an open relationship with his partner is top of the list of candidates for a bishopric announced yesterday by one of the most liberal dioceses in The Episcopal Church in the US.

In the highly likely event that Canon Michael Barlowe, a former Wall Street banker, is elected as Bishop of Newark, this will confirm fears that there can now be no reconciliation between the liberal and conservative wings of the worldwide Anglican Church.

June 29, 2006
Arkansas court backs gay foster parents
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Arkansas cannot ban homosexual from becoming foster parents because there is no link between their sexual orientation and a child's well-being, the state's high court ruled Thursday.

June 25, 2006
Banning anyone is unChristian.

Episcopal delegates reject ban on gay bishops
Episcopal Church delegates refused any concession to Anglican leaders' demand to put a temporary ban on electing gay bishops, batting down a compromise measure that stopped short of a moratorium. Conscious of eroding Anglican unity, the church's leader called a special session for Wednesday to try and work out a compromise.

June 8, 2006
U.S. debt grows 11% in first quarter
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Americans increased their household debt at an annual rate of 11% in the first quarter, the fastest growth in nearly 20 years, the Federal Reserve said in its quarterly flow of funds report.

Nonfinancial debt had risen at a 9.4% clip in the fourth quarter.

The first quarter's acceleration was primarily due to increased borrowing by businesses and the government.

June 21, 2006
Australia's economy and the US debt mountain
In the last quarter of 2005 — for only the sixth time since 1960 — US investments abroad delivered less income to their owners than did the assets of foreign investors in the US. For the whole year, this "net income balance" was in the black by only US$1.6 billion, a fall from $30.4 billion in 2004 and not a good profit result for the world's preeminent imperialist power.

Up until the 2001 recession, private capital looking for gain in the US "new economy" boom prevailed within this inflow. Since then an increasingly important component has been the purchase by Asian central banks, particularly those of China and Japan, of US public and commercial debt to limit their countries' exchange rates from appreciating against the US dollar. This component has risen to over 40% of total inflows, $718 billion between 2002 and 2004. Financial Times analyst Martin Wolf has called this "the largest 'foreign aid' program in history".

July 3-10, 2006 issue
White House staffers accepted $135,000 in free trips since November 2004
According to filings with the Office of Government Ethics, White House staffers have accepted nearly $135,000 in free trips since November 2004.

The most frequent traveler: Tim Goeglein, a White House point man for conservative groups, who reported $30,000 in free travel. Records show Goeglein's most frequent destination was Ft. Wayne, Ind., his hometown, where he reported five visits last year.

June 14, 2006
Audit finds $1.4 billion fraud in Katrina pay outs
As much as $1.4 billion intended for the victims of Hurricane Katrina was squandered on expensive hotels, sports tickets, a sex-change operation and a divorce, American government auditors will say today.

Eye-catching examples of fraudulent spending include an $8,000, two-month stay at a hotel in Hawaii, a $1,000 divorce in Houston, a bill for champagne at "Hooters", a strip bar in San Antonio, Texas, and a week-long luxury holiday in the Caribbean.

June 25, 2006
An Impeachable Offense - lies about a threat to our national security have become passe.

The plot to topple Chicago's Sears Tower was not all that it seemed
When the dust had settled barely 24 hours later, a rather more modest version of events had emerged. The seven young black men arrested at a warehouse in Miami and Atlanta had never been in touch with al-Qa'ida, and had no explosives. Their "plan" to destroy America's tallest building was little more than wishful thinking, expressed by one of them to an FBI informant purporting to be a member of Osama bin Laden's terrorist organisation.

June 21, 2006
CNN/ABC caught lying about war numbers

Americans agree with dems on war. Media portrays the opposite
As Senate Democrats debate two proposals regarding U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, news outlets have gone out of their way to frame the Democratic differences over how soon to redeploy forces as politically favorable for the Republicans while not reporting that the Democrats' position is shared by a majority of Americans, that the war supported by Republicans is deeply unpopular with the American public, and that the GOP's alternative plan appears to involve remaining in Iraq indefinitely.

June 14, 2006
There's no new news of abuse from Guantanamo today - because journalists have been banned. An Impeachable Offense.

Journalists ordered out of Guantánamo
Journalists have been ordered to leave Guantánamo Bay and local military authorities have had their permission to invite reporters to the base overruled following last week's suicides at the US detention camp.

June 13, 2006
Why are republicans full of hate? Is it because they think personal attacks make up for so many policy failures?

Bush Aide's Hate Speech
Bill Clinton is a "virtuoso deceiver" and Hillary Rodham Clinton a "true chameleon" guilty of "self-serving behavior, comparative radicalism, and dubious personal morality."

Al Gore is a "mad dog" known to "foam at the mouth." John McCain is given to "showboating." And Jacques Chirac, Nelson Mandela, Gerhard Schroeder and Kofi Annan are all "feckless fools."

June 13, 2006
An Impeachable Offense

EPA Rule Loosened After Oil Chief's Letter to Rove
Environmentalists pointed to the Rove correspondence as evidence that the Bush White House, more than others, has mixed politics with policy decisions that are traditionally left to scientists and career regulators. At the time, Rove oversaw the White House political office and was directing strategy for the 2002 midterm elections.

June 18, 2006
Private military contractors make billions
Business is booming for those willing to tackle one of the most dangerous jobs on Earth. Lucrative U.S. government contracts go to firms called on to provide security for projects and personnel -- jobs that in previous conflicts have been done by the military

A single contract awarded to Britain's AEGIS Specialist Risk Management company by the Pentagon was worth $293 million, and while the government says it cannot provide a total amount for the contracts -- many of which are secret -- industry experts estimate Iraq's security business costs tens of billions of dollars.

June 13, 2006
Pew Poll: America's Image Slips, But Allies Share U.S. Concerns Over Iran, Hamas
America's global image has again slipped and support for the war on terrorism has declined even among close U.S. allies like Japan. The war in Iraq is a continuing drag on opinions of the United States, not only in predominantly Muslim countries but in Europe and Asia as well. And despite growing concern over Iran's nuclear ambitions, the U.S. presence in Iraq is cited at least as often as Iran - and in many countries much more often - as a danger to world peace.

June 14, 2006
US 'biggest global peace threat'
The latest survey shows the worldwide reputation of the US continues to suffer over its prosecution of the "war on terror".

Sharp declines in the public perception of the US were particularly apparent in India, Spain and Turkey.

Goodwill towards the US had fallen from 71% to 56% in India, from 41% to 23% in Spain and from 23% to 12% in Turkey.

A majority of people in 10 of the 14 countries outside the US surveyed said the war in Iraq had made the world a more dangerous place.

June 14, 2006
Ex-Reagan Aide to Take on Va. GOP Senator
RICHMOND, Va. Jun 14, 2006 (AP)— James Webb, a former Reagan Navy secretary who broke with the GOP over the invasion of Iraq, won the Democratic nomination to challenge Republican U.S. Sen. George Allen, a man he had endorsed six years earlier.

June 18, 2006
From the Embassy, a Grim Report
This cable, marked "sensitive" and obtained by The Washington Post, outlines in spare prose the daily-worsening conditions for those who live outside the heavily guarded international zone: harassment, threats and the employees' constant fears that their neighbors will discover they work for the U.S. government.

June 18, 2006
The Times should strongly consider not printing Bush's lies on their front page.

NY Times: Iraq policy is a mess
While Mr. Bush holds out visions of Iraqi security forces standing up so that Americans can stand down, Iraq's deputy justice minister more candidly told The Washington Post last week that "we cannot control the prisons; it's as simple as that." He added that "our jails are infiltrated by the militias from top to bottom, from Basra to Baghdad."

June 19, 2006
Bush can't afford to be caught with his pants down again, so we must conclude the threat is a lie.

Schumer: NYC Is 'Prime Target' for Attack After Budget Cuts
A Democratic lawmaker seized on a reported plot by al-Qaida terrorists to kill thousands in the city's subways to renew his call for the Homeland Security Department to restore New York's anti-terrorism funds.

June 16, 2006
An Impeachable Offense
Military commanders must be held accountable also. Someone needs to fire them.

Inquiry Finds Use of Abusive Interrogation Techniques in Iraq
WASHINGTON, June 16 — American Special Operations soldiers employed a set of harsh, unauthorized interrogation techniques against detainees in Iraq during a four-month period in early 2004, long after approval for their use was rescinded, according to a Pentagon inquiry released today.

June 11, 2006
Translation: Dumb is good. The pope would make a excellent republican.

Pope to Hawking: Don't study the origins of the universe
HONG KONG - Famed physicist Stephen Hawking said Thursday that Pope John Paul II tried to discourage him and other scientists attending a cosmology conference at the Vatican from trying to figure out how the universe began.

June 15, 2006
The media that helped Bush take us to war is partially responsible - cowards.

Gallup: 60% say Image of US has declined
The result for that final category was the most clearcut: 6 in 10 Americans said the image of the U.S. was "worse off," with only 11% saying "better off."

Significantly, 42% said that the people of our own country were worse off, with 26% saying better off and 31% "the same." Gallup called this "a decidedly negative tilt in attitudes about the impact of the war on the home front." While in this category, as in all others, Republicans had a more positive view, still only 48% would say that Americans were "better off" because of the war.

June 16, 2006
Will republicans push for an investigation like they did with Whitewater? Will the media? Not a chance.

Land Deal Gives Hastert 300% Profit
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R-IL) realized an estimated $2 million dollar profit last year on an Illinois land deal that included acreage near a future interstate highway Hastert pushed to build.

June 16, 2006
US probes Iraqi prisoner deaths in Salahuddin province
A top US commander has ordered an inquiry into the deaths of three Iraqi prisoners in military custody.

The three died in early May while being held by coalition forces in Salahuddin province, north of Baghdad.

The probe was triggered by soldiers who raised suspicions about the deaths, said Lt Gen Peter W Chiarelli, head of multinational forces in Iraq.

June 15, 2006
Democrats that voted for Roberts and Alito on the Supreme Court are equally responsible for the continued destruction of the constitution.

Court Rules Police can Break the Law: Illegal Entry
June 15 (Bloomberg) -- Prosecutors can use evidence seized by police during a home search even though officers violated the Constitution by failing to knock or announce their presence before entering, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled.

June 14, 2006
Impeach the media for not doing their jobs. An Impeachable Offense - censorship and the continued decline of a free press.

Fox claims Bush didn't use protective gear after media was banned from taking pictures of gear
After the release of a picture depicting White House counselor Dan Bartlett and press secretary Tony Snow wearing helmets and flak jackets while riding in a helicopter in Iraq, CNN chief national correspondent John King reported that President Bush also wore protective gear during the helicopter ride, but that members of the media "did not get to photograph" Bush because official personnel "didn't want us to get any pictures" of him.

June 11, 2006
An Impeachable Offense

Guantanamo Suicide not on military list
According to state-run SPA news agency, Saudi Interior Ministry announced the Guantanamo detainees that committed suicide were Manii Shaman al Utaybi (not on list) and Yaser Talal al Zahrani.

June 10, 2006
Foreign insurgency has always been a very small part of the problem. Not a big story.

Al-Zarqawi's Death Will Not Stop the Insurgency
Iraqi and U.S. leaders have acknowledged that Wednesday's killing of the al-Qaida in Iraq leader was not likely to stop the bloodshed that has ransacked the country..

June 7, 2006
Why does NBC give Coulter and Limbaugh a platform to spew their hate?

Where's the civility in political discourse?
"It's the ugliness of the charge that she's making and the ugliness of the words she's using that are drawing attention to her, but it's almost like she's a figure in a circus and you say, 'Oh my God, can you believe that?'" says former White House adviser David Gergen.

June 8, 2006
Media figures, GOP strategists defend Coulter's attacks on 9-11 widows
On the June 7 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, Fox News contributor Sandy Rios stated that Coulter's "words are laser-focused on the truth," comparing them to "Holocaust pictures" that "we have to see ... to understand what happened." Rios also compared Coulter's words to a "clarion wake-up call," and "cold water" that -- in O'Reilly's words -- "wakes you up." Rios further praised Coulter's "gift of words and imagery," calling her "unique" and "frank" and adding that "she plays an important role."

June 7, 2006
Ashcroft was Told Libby and Rove Lied to FBI
Then-Attorney General John Ashcroft continued to oversee the Valerie Plame-CIA leak probe for more than two months in late 2003 after he learned in extensive briefings that FBI agents suspected White House aides Karl Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby of trying to mislead the FBI to conceal their roles in the leak, according to government records and interviews. Despite these briefings, which took place between October and December 2003, and despite the fact that senior White House aides might become central to the leak case, Ashcroft did not recuse himself from the matter until December 30, when he allowed the appointment of a special prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, to take over the investigation.

June 7, 2006
An Impeachable Offense

Senate Won't Ask Phone Companies About Illegal Spying
The United States Senate is backing away from plans to ask the heads of major telecommunications companies to testify about the National Security Agency's domestic spying program. Verizon, BellSouth and AT&T were accused in a USA Today report last month of sharing customer data with the NSA.

June 7, 2006
An Impeachable Offense

Specter: Cheney interfering with investigation
WASHINGTON — In an unusually pointed letter, Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, accused Vice President Dick Cheney of interfering with his panel's attempts to examine the National Security Agency's use of private phone records.

June 7, 2006
Europe's role in terror abductions
The UK stands accused of not only allowing the use of British airspace and airports, but of providing information that was used during the torture of one suspect. The report adds that there is strong evidence to suspect two European states, Poland and Romania, of permitting the CIA to operate secret prisons on their soil, despite official denials.

June 7, 2006
Gitmo detainee says clash involved Qurans
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - A Guantanamo Bay detainee who participated in a clash with U.S. military guards last month said it was sparked when guards tried to search prisoners' Qurans, contradicting the military's account of the melee, his defense attorney said Wednesday.

June 6, 2006
Congress and Courts Push Back Against Bush
After five years of a concerted White House campaign, there are tentative signs that Congress and the courts are beginning to push back against what has been the greatest expansion of presidential powers in a generation or more.

Those pushing back include some congressional Republicans and conservative jurists who have been among President Bush's chief allies. The efforts surely would intensify if Democrats won control of the House or Senate in November's elections - and with it the power to convene

June 8, 2006
Harvard defies Bush with therapeutic cloning program
THE richest university in the US has thrown its reputation and financial resources behind efforts to clone human embryos for medical science.

Scientists at Harvard University were yesterday awarded ethical approval and private funds to pursue therapeutic cloning experiments that are strongly opposed by the Bush administration and the US's religious Right.

June 7, 2006
An Impeachable Offense - more proof US tortured POWs.

Europe played active or passive role in secret CIA flights
Poland and Romania were cited on the running of secret detention centres; Germany, Turkey, Spain and Cyprus for being "staging points" for flights; Ireland, Britain, Portugal, Greece and Italy for being "stopovers."

Fourteen European countries colluded in a "global spider's web" of secret CIA prisons and transfers of terrorism suspects, a European rights watchdog said in a report released on Wednesday.

June 12, 2006
US Releases 230 Prisoners in Iraq
The 230 detainees being released Sunday from U.S.-run prisons around the country were among 2,500 detainees that Prime Minister Nouri Maliki had promised to release by June 30. The first batch of 594 was freed Wednesday.