Impeach Bush--Index 40
The GOP congress accumulated over $2.9 trillion of debt so far - more than the disastrous Reagan years ($1.6 trillion). There is no such thing as a tax cut, but there is debt. Debt can also be called "future taxes plus interest" so republicans passed the largest tax increase in human history - $2.9 trillion and counting. It seems fitting that they couldn't write a budget (much less a balanced budget) but they found time to give away money. GOP = RIP. The next generation will pay the taxes the GOP failed to raise so it's unlikely republicans will ever have power again.
Democrats will be as corrupt as Republicans if we let them get away with it.
Are all conservatives bigots? The facts may show otherwise. We have conservatives accepting gay marriage in Canada, conservative rabbis accepting gay rabbis and a conservative lesbian who's pregnant. Times are a changing!
December 6, 2006 But a third allows same-sex ceremonies and ordination of gay men and lesbians, while maintaining a ban on anal sex. The author is a military historian.
Lieberman must think war is better than diplomacy even after the war is lost. The man is hopeless.
A republican president lost Vietnam and another lost Iraq. Afghanistan looks like it'll be a loss also, but the media will pretend Republicans are strong on defense during the next election. It's always been a sham. The media repeats this lie so many times it becomes an accepted truth - it's not true.
Here begins the five part series on the question of Bush being the worst president in history. The Washington Posted printed all five on the same day. I find it disheartening that conservative pundit ignore and praise the record deficits of Reagan and Bush.
It can just as easily be armed Democratic leaders are cowards.
Bush reduced the US military to a "paper tiger." Shame on him.
A US citizen denied access to a lawyer for 21 months? It's shameless. Even war criminals like George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Condi Rice deserve lawyers.
Clearly everyone in the Bush White House knew they were lying when they tried to convince us everything was going fine in Iraq just before the election. They knew the truth and they chose not to speak it. For lying to the American people Bush should be impeached and removed from office.
The media is finally going after the right wing nuts on talk radio. What took them so long.
It looks like we're losing the "war on terror" and the "war on drugs" in Afghanistan.
It appears a lot of people in the media don't care about the facts. These same people helped Bush take us to war for no reason. We might want to tell them to shut up.
The US can't keep Iraqis safe, how can the small Iraqi military?
Bush has been butchering the English language for the past six years. Where was George Will? Bush and Cheney even used foul words to address a US senator and reporters. Where was George Will? The cesspool we call public discourse has gotten as bad as it is because republicans have spent the past 25 years attacking liberals over the smallest transgressions while allowing their side to heap mountains of sins upon us. These disagreements about about substance, they're about the myth-making and lies. We have over $8.5 trillion of debt - most of created by Reagan and Bush 43. Why isn't Will outraged at his own party? We now return to the real world.
Read the following article if you don't know the name "Martin van Creveld." If you're familiar with his work jump to the next two articles. The second article (third in this series) is very long so if your time is limited go to the conclusion near the bottom. I'd suggest you read at least the final few paragraphs. Military Historian: Impeach Bush and Remove Him From Office
Americans don't want to fund education so educators are forced to beg for money from Exxon Mobil. Exxon Mobil is more than willing to donate millions of dollar to make up these short-falls but in exchange teachers can't teach the truth - they must teach corporate propaganda. Gore's movie is based on the best science available - just about everyone agrees. Denying children access to real science is shameful. NSTA should be ashamed of itself. The Royal Society (UK) recently attacked Exxon Mobil for funding "junk science" and demanded they stop. This alone tells us what these educators are doing to students in this country.
Anbar has been lost for months. History will probably record Anbar as the place where the US was defeated in Iraq.
One of the first things the new congress should do is condemn Bush for allowing the CIA to torture POWs. A rapid condemnation would help restore our our reputation, but it must be done soon. We know the facts, now all we need is senators and congressmen with the integrity to do the right thing.
"I was just following orders" doesn't work anymore - especially when it involved war crimes. Bush and the criminals in the CIA must go to jail.
Bush won't follow the recommendations because they're based on known facts. Bush and GOP supporters don't live in the real world (yet). Perhaps, we can help them a bit. Draft Bush's daughters to fight in Iraq and the war will end over night. Coward!
I get a kick out of the hypocrisy of pseudo Christians. First, there is no "Thou shall hate gays" commandment, but they still do. Then there's the commandment about keeping the Sabbath holy. Very few people give a damn about that one. Keeping the Sabbath holy means absolutely no work on Saturday (not Sunday). Finally, why don't these people put these monuments in their churches where they belong? I can honestly say I've never seen "a six-ton block of granite" slab in any church, but they insist on putting them in public buildings. Hypocrites.
Anti-immigration people, it's time for you to step up and be counted. We need about 29,000 of you in Iraq, fighting a war you say you support. Otherwise, shut up.
Martha Stewart went to trial, was found guilty and went to jail in less time than it took the US military to figure out Halliburton took millions of dollars from US taxpayers. Something is seriously wrong with this picture. Why isn't Cheney in jail yet? He was running Halliburton when this happened.
Bush cronies said we can fight this war by ourselves. They're getting their wish.
Justice is no more able to investigate itself than the US military. Only outside investigators will find the truth.
Big losers - McCain, retired generals who pop up on TV talk shows after being dead wrong for three years, the GOP, Bush, DLC and the pro war media.
Remember how right wingers wanted to hear good news from Iraq? Talk about delusional.
In both 1994 and 2006, voters voted against the party in power, not for the opposite party. Republicans misread the election and so have many liberals. The country will follow liberals because we want change - we want to move forward. Conservatism has always been about moving backwards. There's no reason for republicans to ever control the presidency or either House of Congress for the rest of my life. They lost wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam and under Reagan and Bush 43 they created over half of our $8.5 trillion of debt. Put simply, they've done enough damage for one lifetime.
Pelosi says there will be no impeachment. By saying those words she's given Bush a free pass to do whatever he wants. The facts show he's broken our laws many times (the signing statements alone are enough to impeach). Anyone who says Bush can't or shouldn't be impeached isn't worthy of high office.
A president must "faithfully execute the law" of our land. Bush put in place people who knowingly broke our laws.