Impeach Bush--Index 49
Under Bush, the innocent are assumed guilty, therefore, Bush is held to the same standard...guilty until proven innocent. An Impeachable OffenseMay 15, 2007An Impeachable Offense May 15, 2007An Impeachable Offense May 15, 2007 May 15, 2007 May 9, 2007 May 13, 2007 May 14, 2007 May 12, 2007 May 13, 2007 US soldiers are being sent into Iraq with little or no training, yet Iraqis have had years to train a new army and have refused to do so. What makes anyone think they ever will and why should we fight a war they're unwilling to fight? May 12, 2007 Maybe one of the reasons liberals refuse to watch CBS is because they only hire pro war consultants. During the lead- up to war, most of the networks hired "experts" who had a financial interest in war-making. If Gen. Batiste did a pro war commercial you can bet your bottom dollar he'd still be working for CBS and they'd give him a pay raise. I strongly suggest that liberal leaning peoples boycott the CBS Evening News. When their rating fall far enough they'll figure out the problem is and has been their pro war and anti truth positions. May 11, 2007An Impeachable Offense May 12, 2007 May 12, 2007 Recall a few years ago when the US insisted that Saddam turn over every piece of information about his weapons programs - programs that didn't exist. Today, oil is missing and there's no accountability. Where is Bush and why won't he turn over every piece of information? May12, 2007 May 12, 2007 May 11, 2007 May 13, 2007 May 12, 2007 May 12, 2007 May 12, 2007 May 9, 2007 When this is a void in leadership someone or something fills it. There is clearly a void in leadership in both political parties. The White House seems clueless and unconcerned about its legacy of failure but these other guys have to run for reelection next year and time is running out. The next election will be the "anti Bush" election so Dems should solidify their majority but from the looks of things they seem too afraid to do anything with the power we gave them. May 8, 2007 May 10, 2007 The GOP listened to the generals who told them what they wanted to it's a little late. May 9, 2007 May 3, 2007 May 8, 2007 May 8, 2007 May 9, 2007 May 9, 2007 May 6, 2007 Read the full letter. April 28, 2007 April 29, 2007 May 8, 2007 May 8, 2007 Infant morality is rising in the South (US) and in Iraq. What do they have in common besides conservative government? May 8, 2007 May 8, 2007 The surge has failed. What more needs to be said? May 8, 2007 May 7, 2007 How many Americans died needlessly in Katrina and other US natural disasters because of Bush's man made disaster in Iraq? May 7, 2007 Another corrupt neocon is going's going to be a good day. May 4, 2007 May 7, 2007 A neocon broke the rules? Wow...what a shocker. These self-righteous bigots think the law doesn't apply to them. May 7, 2007 May 7, 2007 Since it's a war crime for Iraq to illegally imprison Iraqis, then surely it's a war crime when the US does the same. Besides, the US can't complain about Iraqi war crimes since the US military is doing the same thing. An Impeachable OffenseMay 6, 2007 First the US ceased to be the leader of the free world because very few countries are willing to follow us. Now, it looks like we won't be able to afford another war - matter how good the reason for war might be. The debt stands at $8.8 trillion, social programs are about to explode because of baby boomers and we have Bush's war machine that needs trillions of dollars. The next generation is saddled with the cost of this war, the cost of the tax cuts and the cost of social programs because Bush was interested in helping the rich. What does the next generation get in return - higher taxes and the knowledge that conservatives did this to them. May 7, 2007 May 4, 2007 IMO, career soldiers, including generals are responsible for the break down in ethics and morals in the military. The next president will have fire a lot people, especially the person is charge of the Marine Corps (Marines are in almost every scandal). May 4, 2007 May 2, 2007 We've all seen it...a heckler taunting a comedian or politician. It's as American as apple pie. Usually the heckler is escorted out of the building and the assembly continues. But not anymore. It appears that if you disagree with the governing party, you'll end up in jail. For pushing closer to a fascist state Bush should be impeached and removed from office. FBI Director Robert S. Mueller should also be impeached. An Impeachable OffenseApril 30, 2007 May 5, 2007 In previous wars we knew who the good guys, it seems the world has gone mad. Israel, the US and the Iraqi government torture prisoners. Are the Geneva Conventions dead? It looks like it. A War CrimeMay 6, 2007 May 4, 2007 May 5, 2007 The American Bar Association still thinks there are lawyers on the US Supreme Court - there are not. We have ideologues, who've allowed this farce to continue by letting Bush keep POWs in jail without being charged for years. Blame Bush if you must (and I do) but also blame those lazy bastards on the US Supreme Court. What they have done is unforgivable and history will damn them for all time. An Impeachable OffenseApril 30, 2007 Impeach the US Supreme Court - they allowed the Justice Department to destroy justice. May 5, 2007 The Courts have to know by now that Bush will veto any legislation that will offer protection the POWs Guantánamo Bay. Their refusal to stop the DOJ and the Bush White House from destroying our justice system speaks volumes about the utter corruption on display in the US Supreme Court. Supreme Court justices must be impeached and removed from office. An Impeachable OffenseApril 26, 2007 I have my own theory - I think the gun nuts and their supporters in the Bush White House want another terrorist attack...that's why they supporting arming terrorist suspects. May 4, 2007 The bible says man and animal were created on the same day but the first dinosaur roamed the earth hundreds of millions of years before the first man. The bible is wrong. It's time for people to get over it. May 4, 2007 Back in 1992 Al Gore wrote a book about global warming. The GOP, with the help of the media tried to create the illusion that global warming wasn't real. That was 14 years ago. Now, it's evolution. There are absolutely no facts supporting the creation theory, yet conservatives are still arguing over it. It's like WMD or tax article of faith based on beliefs and not facts. May 5, 2007 |