Impeach Bush--Index 76
They told us the "surge" worked. No it didn't. One cleric stopped the civil war and he's about to start it back up again. So, why are our troops still in Iraq? Another Bush lie, another impeachable offense Impeachable OffenseFebruary 20, 2008 February 13, 2008 February 19, 2008 February 21, 2008 Bush has perfected the art of saying one thing and doing the exact opposite. February 19, 2008 This is the perfect court for an American Hitler. He can break the law, hide behind national security and the court looks the other way. It's time to seriously think about impeaching the Supreme Court. Impeachable OffenseFebruary 20, 2008 A man without character can say he's against torture and then vote for torture. Never believe what this man says, watch what he does. February 17, 2008Impeachable Offense February 14, 2008 February 13, 2008Impeachable Offense February 12, 2008 February 13, 2008 With the rise of Obama, the centrist who've done nothing since they were elected are forced to do something. The Dems thought impeachment would destroy their popularity. But doing nothing has resulted in a congress with the lowest approval ratings in history. History will show they should have impeached. Impeachable OffenseFebruary 14, 2008 February 15, 2008 Proving once again that tax cuts for the rich don't work. February 15, 2008 February 15, 2008 February 13, 2008Impeachable Offense February 9, 2008 February 11, 2008 February 12, 2008Impeachable Offense February 11, 2008 February 8, 2008 February 10, 2008 February 12, 2008 February 10, 2008 February 5, 2008 February 5, 2008 The courts are finally doing their jobs and forcing this White House to follow our law. The fact that they broke the law (unpunished) for so many years is testimony to how morally corrupt the courts and congress have become. Impeachable OffenseFebruary 8, 2008 Republicans are chicken hawks (they want war as long as they don't have to fight in it) while Democrats are chicken doves. Where are the giants? February 21, 2008 February 6, 2008 February 9, 2008 Simple question? What took them so long? It seems the Bush White House needed an excuse to keep Guantanamo Bay open so they refused to charge any of these high value targets. By any standard it was a sham. February 8, 2008 February 8, 2008 February 9, 2008 February 8, 2008 February 5, 2008Impeachable Offense February 9, 2008Impeachable Offense January 30, 2008 Bush even lies in the State of the Union, a legal document required by the Constitution. Impeachable OffenseFebruary 9, 2008 Where are the courts, the congress and the media? Have we ever had so many weak and morally corrupt people in power in our entire lives? Impeachable OffenseFebruary 8, 2008Impeachable Offense February 6, 2008 February 5, 2008 In this White House, failure is rewarded. Impeachable OffenseFebruary 6, 2008 February 2, 2008 February 2, 2008Impeachable Offense February 4, 2008 Another Bush lie. Bush and his White House tell us things are getting better in Iraq. Why don't Iraqis think so? Impeachable OffenseFebruary 6, 2008 The era of borrowing money and giving it away is finally coming to an end. Conservative tax cuts didn't work unless adding trillions to the debt is success. February 6, 2008 Americans treat their pets better than their POWs. Impeachable OffenseFebruary 7, 2008 Under International law the Red Cross is guaranteed access to all prisons and POWs. But secret prisons violate the core of the conventions. Besides, fascist need secret prisons, not Americans. Impeachable OffenseFebruary 7, 2008 Everything that comes out of this government has to seriously questioned. The facts remain the same, the US is giving aide to Pakistan at a time when it says Pakistan is becoming a greater threat to our national security. February 6, 2008 February 3, 2008 This White House is boarding on treason. First, they say Iran is a threat to our national security (which was a lie), then they give aide to Russia so it can aide Iran. What we're dealing with here is either incompetence or criminal behavior. Impeachable OffenseFebruary 6, 2008 February 3, 2008 February 2, 2008 Obama is sometimes called the "black JFK." February 1, 2008 February 1, 2008 January 22, 2008Impeachable Offense February 1, 2008Impeachable Offense January 28, 2008 January 28, 2008Impeachable Offense January 29, 2008 |