Impeach Bush--Index 44
If and/or when Iran responds militarily, Israel will do what it does best - play the victim.
Republicans say they support the war and the troops but then refuse to support the taxes necessary to pay for that support. An Impeachable Offense
This article is on par with reporting these days. Murtha says we need $100 billion more taxes to pay for Bush's war. Gingrich talks about not winning and is never asked how he'd pay for the war he says he supports. The media needs to grow up. Gingrich also says "perception of defeat could embolden American enemies." Cute, but a return to reality may help. We're losing a war in a country that has no military to speak of. Bush has already made us look weak and he's already embolden our enemies. Besides, even right wingers like William F. Buckley say the war is lost.
The Bush White House broke the law but promises to stop now that Democrats have regained control of congress. Presidents that break the law should be impeached and removed from office. An Impeachable Offense
Proving once again that military justice is an oxymoron.
An Impeachable Offense
An Impeachable Offense An Impeachable Offense
Another huge story ignored by the US media. An Impeachable Offense
At a minimum the FBI lied. I don't see heads rolling. Why do you think that is?
Bush will lie his ass off and the media will let him get away with it. Watch! He'll try to take credit for the falling deficits, but in reality social security surpluses caused the entire drop. The Comptroller says massive tax increases, massive spending cuts and entitlement reform are necessary. He also says Congress has to do all three at the same time. The GOP also passed an unfunded multi-trillion dollar Medicare Rx plan which forced 15 states to sue. The GOP should be ignored on budget issues (and foreign policy). The Bush debt stands at just a hair under $3 trillion. Republicans don't have the moral authority to talk about balanced budgets after what they've done.
With another election less than two years away the GOP came to understand their reality has changed.
The lawlessness in this White House went under reported for years so just about everyone thought they could get away with breaking our laws. Guess again. An Impeachable Offense
Did we cause the Soviet Union to fall? That's nonsense. The people of the former USSR were given the right to "free elections" for the first time in over 70 years and they "voted" communists out of office. Suggesting we won the Cold War is uninformed opinion.
Why did it take the White House so long to inform us? The launch took place January 11 and this article is dated the 19th. A few basic realities; first, the US can't do squat because we need their money to finance the Bush debt. Second, we need their markets to keep our economy humming and third, we need their cheap products so US business can continue to make record profits off of their cheap labor.
This White House says one thing one day and then does the exact opposite the next day. Never before has our government lied to our faces so often and without consequences. The media (and the Democrats) need to take Bush down a few more notches. An Impeachable Offense
No law passed by Congress can remove or tamper with previous treaties signed by the US, including the Geneva Conventions. Torture of any kind is strictly forbidden; name, rank and serial number, period. An Impeachable Offense
Republican presidents try to delude us into thinking they're making us safer, but in the REAL world both Reagan and Bush made the US and the world less safe.
During the 2004 presidential election cycle (and debate) disputes between John Kerry and the Catholic Church were widely reported. But reports about the Methodist Church opposing nearly everything Bush was doing were ignored by the media and pundits. Had the media done their job, Bush wouldn't have gotten away with saying he was a Christian.
The Bush White House is attempting to get away with breaking the law after they were caught. If a bank robber promises to give the money back after he's caught doesn't he still deserve to go to jail? The Democratic Congress is forcing Bush to follow the law. What does that say about the GOP? An Impeachable Offense
Using this logic, the White House and Attorney General should defer matters of law to the Judiciary and not themselves. But in their little world, they think they get to decide everything without the consent of congress or review by the Courts. Power grabs from the other branches of government are gross violations of the Constitution. An Impeachable Offense
Why didn't republicans keep pay as you go? Because republicans wanted to cut taxes and they knew tax cuts would blow a hole in the budget the size of the Grand Canyon. This leads us to the next question, why does anyone vote for morons?
Unlike the Concord Coalition I opposed the Bush and Reagan debt creating tax cuts from day one. The Coalition seems to gear up after republicans spend years failing and before it seems likely a Democratic will be in the White House and or Democrats take control of the Congress. Where was the Coalition when Bush cut taxes; when he created the first trillion of debt, the second trillion of debt, and now just days away from three trillions of debt? They were deep in their slumber - waiting for Democrats to take power so they'd be saddled with fixing what Republicans have done. My opinion of the Coalition is it's worthless.
The problems still remains unsolved. The US still lacks intelligence on the insurgency and without good intelligence they can't be defeated. The killing of civilians by US forces only created resentment and hate so Patraeus is partially correct.
We live in strange times; failure is rewarded and success to ridiculed. It's in the media, the White House and slowly leaving Congress.