Impeach Bush--Index 55
Let's give the GOP the benefit of the doubt - that is they were not coerced into voting for things they didn't want. This means they voted for trillions of dollars of tax cuts when we already had $5.7 trillion of debt. If any member of congress is this dumb they're unworthy of the office they hold. This leaves us with one of two possibilities either republicans are too dumb to do the right thing or they're too easily corrupted by power or influence to do the right thing. No matter how they cut it (or spin it), they're screwed. Under their watch our debt rose from $5.7 trillion of debt to $8.7 trillion - in just six years. April 11, 2007 Even if we excuse the sorry excuse for leadership by the military elite prior to war (when Bush was misusing intelligence) it became self-evident almost immediately that the generals had lost control of their men (Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay). The only thing we didn't is they had also lost control of the events on the ground. For failure to provide leadership in a time of war Bush should be impeached and removed from office. An Impeachable OffenseApril 25, 2007 The war has been lost for a long time and what is left is delusion. The people who advocated the war and said it was executed by incompetents in the White House are now saying we need to keep the defeat going for as long as possible. In the real world, each day we sit on this defeat we look weaker. The US military - especially its generals are utterly incompetent. When they can't win a war against a defenseless country we're all screwed. April 27, 2007 The former CIA Chief says the White House lied. It's not like it's a surprise but the idea that Tenet waited this long to expose the lie tells us more about his lack of character and integrity than anything else. Like all the cowards that helped Bush take us to war (including the media) Tenet could have told the president and the American people there was no evidence whatsoever to support war. Instead, he allowed the WH to lie to the American people, the congress and the UN. Recall too that the UN knew Bush was lying when their inspectors couldn't verify any of his intelligence. They called it "outdated" and "garbage." Finally, it's very important to understand the difference between "believing" Saddam had WMD and having evidence to support that belief. There was no evidence and you'd have to be a fool to think that a hunch justifies war. An Impeachable OffenseApril 27, 2007 The Supreme Court consistently denied executive privilege to Clinton appointees. Needless to say, they (SCOTUS) will most likely allow her to get away with not testifying and leaving as matter of fact that in previous testimony she lied to the Congress and the American people. Lying to Congress is no less a serious offense than lying to the Supreme Court itself, but they're conservatives and they don't care about the truth. April 26, 2007 When the investigators are being investigated, we know we're being screwed. An Impeachable OffenseApril 24, 2007 April 24, 2007 April 24, 2007 The sad fact is Congress is afraid of impeaching Bush because most of them fell for his lies. If he was wrong (and we know he was), what does that say about them? The Congress didn't have what it took to stop this war before it started and they don't have what it takes to stop it now, even though every excuse for war has been exposed as a lie. It's my firm belief we have to keep kicking Democrats and (small "r") republicans out of office until they start doing their jobs. Nearly every republican and the Democratic majority leaders must go. April 26, 2007 McConnel and others in the GOP don't support the war. We know this because they've never passed the revenue increases necessary to pay for the war. The entire GOP has become a party of blithering idiots. When they start raising taxes to pay for the war they say they support we can review this assessment, but until then it stands. April 26, 2007 April 24, 2007 The US military claims deaths have fallen. That's a known lie. The UN says Iraq is withholding death figures to make the surge look like it's working. Does anyone still trust the military? An Impeachable OffenseApril 25, 2007 April 24, 2007 What happened to faithfully executing the laws of the United States? An Impeachable OffenseApril 25, 2007 April 24, 2007An Impeachable Offense April 24, 2007An Impeachable Offense April 24, 2007 April 23, 2007 April 24, 2007 April 24, 2007 Bush wants to absolute power as commander in chief - so be it. The military lied and/or used propaganda on the American people in violation of US law. He's responsible for the illegal actions of the men under his command. He should be impeached and removed from office. An Impeachable OffenseApril 23, 2007 Will Dems be able to get republicans to vote for their legislation? I doubt it. Will the GOP help Dems override Bush's veto? I doubt it. It appears this legislation is nothing more than a ploy, destined to fail. April 23, 2007 Now it comes down to which side wins the spin. Will Dems demand a plan from republicans to end the war or will the GOP demand the Dems support a war everyone knows is already lost? The Dems have a history of giving in. I don't expect them to change any time soon. April 23, 2007 It needs to be repeated ad nauseum - Walter Reed worked before Bush and his cronies took over. April 23, 2007 April 24, 2007 Another ploy. Rove can claim he's under investigation so he can't answer questions from Congress. April 24, 2007 The US started building a wall in Iraq without the permission of the Iraqi PM? What kind of morons are running this war? It's time for a new Sec. of Defense, a new Commander in Chief and new generals on the ground. They've made us look like idiots. An Impeachable OffenseApril 23, 2007 With scandals now raging in all departments of the government, we have to start asking a basic question, "are conservatives too incompetent and immoral to govern?" An Impeachable OffenseApril 23, 2007 When will the media stop quoting this "shock jock?" At some point the media is responsible for allowing these mean-spirited, hate-mongers on their shows so they spew more hate and venom. ABC, which received the "Misinformer of the Year" award from Media Matters still thinks the rantings of a raving lunatic are news worthy. Someone should tell them to stop. April 23, 2007 Republicans say government doesn't work. Then they get elected to show us how easy it is to break it. Walter Reed used to work. So did FEMA. So did our intelligence agencies and the Defense Department. Now, nothing works. Topping it off it's costing us a fortune...meaning Bush and his cronies are using government to enrich themselves. The Bush debt is $3.1 trillion - more than any president in history. An Impeachable OffenseApril 21, 2007 The media let Bush get away with lying about working with Democrats. If anyone is to blame for the utter hypocrisy and lies of this president, it is the media. After losing all the debates with Gore and Kerry the media carried his water. April 22, 2007An Impeachable Offense April 22, 2007 It can easily be proven Gonzales is incompetent and Bush won't fire him. The same can be said about Bush. No matter how inept he is the GOP stands by their man. At some point this disloyalty to their oath of office and the constitution reflects badly on the entire party. April 20, 2007 Conservatives still hold a majority in the South, it's the only region they're holding. Look at what they've done. If conservatism worked the South would be the richest region of the country and infant mortality would be dropping. The right to life crowd also has a lot of explaining to do. They say life is sacred but when it comes to walking the walk, they're all talk the talk. April 22, 2007 Bush, Lieberman and McCain said we were going to train Iraqis to take over. That was a olie. Was it a known lie? It sure looks like it. At a minimum it was spin - something to use against the opposition, while knowing full well that after four years of failure it was impossible. Lying to congress and the American people is an impeachable offense. An Impeachable OffenseApril 19, 2007An Impeachable Offense The US military lied to us and Bush knew it was a lie. Bush did nothing to stop the lie because the war was going badly and he needed a diversion. April 19, 2007 April 20, 2007 Senator Reid said the war in Iraq is lost. Our generals say there can be no military solution, Kissinger said the war is lost, Bill Buckley said the war is a failure and is lost and Bush said the war on terror can't be won. But only one is called a defeatist - Reid. When will sanity return to our public discourse? Sept. 2, 2004 A president swears to faithfully execute our laws. Bush used his Justice Department to restrict voters turnout and undermine our democracy. Is there anyone in the country who can honestly say this man deserves to be in the White House? While the media is starting to expose more of his crimes...where are the calls for impeachment? Cowards. An Impeachable OffenseApril 19, 2007 April 20, 2007 April 21, 2007 April 21, 2007 April 20, 2007 It's becoming increasingly clear government statistics are as bogus as budget surpluses and WMD intelligence. The era of make-believe is upon us. April 20, 2007 April 19, 2007 If Wolfowitz had an ounce of integrity he'd resign. April 20, 2007 |