Impeach Bush--Index 59
This is the same military that took years investigation gross violations of the Geneva Conventions by US soldiers and commanders, but in a few days was able to recommend a discharge for someone who tells the truth about the liar who took us to war and the liars who continue to command that illegal war. June 4, 2007 The media continues to ignore the fact that Bush's war on terror isn't finding or prosecuting any real terrorists. An Impeachable OffenseJune 5, 2007 Even an oaf knows global warming poses a bigger threat to our national security than terrorism ever has. So what is Bush doing about it? He's insuring we don't have accurate scientific data, which would be similar to gutting our intelligence agencies so they'd give him what he wanted to hear about WMD. An Impeachable OffenseJune 4, 2007 The Federal Reserve remains utterly delusional about what's really going on in the economy - prices are soaring, or put another way, we have massive inflation working its way through our entire economy. If the Fed doesn't increase interest rates to combat this inflation (caused by Bush's war and high energy costs associated with war in the Middle East) we're heading towards stagflation, followed by a very deep recession. It's important to remember that US wages adjusted for inflation stopped increasing in 1973 when the first oil shock started. In other words we still haven't recovered. June 4, 2007 Since US commanders are now giving amnesty to insurgents/terrorists and they're under orders to seek a cease fire with insurgents/terrorists. For all practical purposes the war is coming to an end and what the Dems are doing has little value. They pissed off the entire anti war movement and they think a few hearings and votes will change our opinions...they're in for a rude awaking. They had a chance to make things happen and didn't do anything. Now the GOP is bailing on Bush and that's what's forcing the change in policy. June 4, 2007 For all practical purposes the war in Iraq is winding down and now Guantanamo is exposed for what it's always been - a farce and gross violation of US and International Law. June 4, 2007 Only three people have been charged with terrorism and yet the Bush White House says it's absolutely necessary to keep the prison open. In what world does this man live? Why hasn't the Supreme Court or the cowards in congress done anything to shut it down? An Impeachable OffenseJune 5, 2007 May 31, 2007 June 4, 2007 June 4, 2007 June 4, 2007 June 3, 2007 May 31, 2007 In spite of themselves the Dems seem to have forced the Bush White House into surrender. Now they have to figure out a way to take credit for it. The GOP won't stop supporting this war until they think it'll hurt them in the next election and that should be very soon. Dems don't get much credit for this fact...but still, they should try to take credit for getting us out of that mess, even if they didn't lift a finger. June 1, 2007 We didn't reach this point in a few years. The facts were well known but the Bush White House, the GOP and the media censored the truth. In fact, it's only been within the past year or so that the media stopped inserting fake science in their global warming stories. May 30, 2007 If the military could win wars we wouldn't have anti war vets. June 1, 2007 May 31, 2007 If the Dems had the noise machine the GOP has, this scandal would be headline news on every network for months. An Impeachable OffenseMay 24, 2007 The GOP continues to tell us Americans don't want to hear the war is lost. Are they going to be delusional for the rest of time or are they still in denial? June 4, 2007 When the Taliban attack US forces, will Bush say "no one connected the dots" again? June 3, 2007 What do we call the people who are defending their homeland - terrorists, which is what the Bush White House has been saying or do we now call them "insurgents?" "Bush offers amnesty to terrorists" won't cut it so the word smiths simply change the words. Right wingers will accept that the party tells them. June 3, 2007 I see the AP is using the more GOP friendly phrase "climate change" (something they said wasn't real) instead of "global warming." May 29, 2007 C-O-N-F-O-R-M May 31, 2007 The embassy will be around for a very long time and future generations can marvel at how much the GOP and Bush spent. Let it be their final legacy - the party that bankrupted America. June 1, 2007 May 29, 2007 There's no way anyone can convince me the GOP, Democrats or Bush care about the troops. They're more interested in protecting the backsides. Let's hope history records that our entire leadership in Washington is made up of cowards and imbecile. May 29, 2007 Now that Dems have put their stamp of approval on this war they're responsible for forcing amputates to fight in the war they support. If Dems had the an ounce of courage they'd stop this war. But we've known for years the Democratic Party is made up of cowards and misfits. When given an opportunity to fix health care when they controlled the entire government what did they do? They went on vacation and let republicans destroy the Clinton Health Care Plan. Within months they lost the election and were consigned to minority status for 12 years. You'd think they'd have grown some balls in 12 years but they're still as weak as they were 12 years ago. We can blame Bush all we want, but it's no different with Dems in control. They're just as bad as Bush. May 29, 2007 It's becoming increasingly clear that Democrats weren't misled by Bush's lies, but instead, knew he was lying and didn't care. If it were possible to impeach an entire political party, I'd support it. Any politician associated with this war can't be trusted. May 29, 2007 Now that we know violence is on the rise and we know Democrats own this war because they're funding it, what's left to be done? May 31, 2007 Confronted with the fact that the world sees the US as anti human rights, what have the Democrats done...nothing. Does anyone still think we have a two-party system? An Impeachable OffenseJune 1, 2007 Confronted with this reality, what did the Democrats do...they gave Bush more money for his war. They're pathetic. Would it be any different if republicans ran the government? May 30, 2007 This man still didn't have a lawyer even though he's been a POW for five years. The US Supreme Court remains utterly worthless. An Impeachable OffenseMay 29, 2007 Will GOP candidates running for the presidency be asked to denounce the politicalization of the Justice Department? May 31, 2007 May 29, 2007 May 30, 2007 The assault of science is also taking place in the Bush White House. What are the Democrats doing about it? Nothing. If they were forced to vote on the fake science of creationism they would in favor. There's a sad irony to all this. Democrats are mostly the pro science anti religion party and republicans are mostly the anti science pro religion party. The problem is and republicans, not science. May 24, 2007 Since the Speaker of House is allowing the lawlessness in this White House to continue without threats of impeachment, she should be removed from office as soon as possible. An Impeachable OffenseMay 29, 2007 Which begs the question; why are our intelligence agencies using torture? Is it because they're run by outmoded, amateurish and unreliable leaders? An Impeachable OffenseMay 30, 2007 Americans saw our wounded and dead during previous wars. We even honored our dead upon their return. Now, the media allows the military to hide the truth from the American people and instead they're given a script - Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch etc. It's disgusting. An Impeachable OffenseMay 28, 2007 We know crimes were committed at the highest levels and the Speaker of the House said she took impeachment off the table. With any luck she'll either lose the speakership or her seat in the next election. An Impeachable OffenseMay 29, 2007 When confronted with the fact that the GOP has bankrupted America (both fiscally and morally) what did the Democrats do...they gave Bush more money to fight his phantom war on terror - a war that creates more terrorism. Kick the bums soon as possible. We need new leaders...Pelosi and Reid have to go. May 28, 2007 Bush and the GOP say they support the troops when it's politically expedient and convenient. The fact that Democrats are afraid of these attacks continues to show us how utterly inept they are. They need another decade in the minority. Maybe then they'll grow up and govern. May 28, 2007 The law says there shall be no discrimination based on sex. The Supreme Court thinks otherwise and effectively rewrote the law without the consent of the American people. They should be impeached and removed from office. An Impeachable OffenseMay 29, 2007 The lawlessness in this White House is so common the media doesn't even cover it anymore. An Impeachable OffenseNovember 15, 2005 (posted May 31,2007) Criminals work for the Secret Service. They need to be fired - everyone of them. An Impeachable OffenseMay 29, 2007 May 28, 2007 Homeland Security is a joke. How long will it take to dismantle that monstrosity? May 28, 2007 May 28, 2007 May 28, 2007 And while the reputation of the US decays under Bush, the GOP candidates for president want to torture more POWs and the Democrats do little or nothing to lead their party in a new direction. Where are our leaders...they've been whipped by conservatives and centrists into doing nothing. Cowards. May 26, 2007 The fact that Gonzales hasn't been impeached or tried for war crimes will be noted by historians who will no doubt wonder if there were any moral leaders left in the United States. An Impeachable OffenseMay 25, 2007 While this carnage continues members of Congress can go to bed knowing they voted to keep the war going and confident they won't be hit with anti war ad from the GOP or endless whining from Limbaugh and Fox News. An Impeachable OffenseMay 29, 2007 May 28, 2007 Faced with a "wrong track" record high, what did the Democrats do? They continued funding Bush's war. Throw the bums out. May 24, 2007 May 24, 2007 May 26, 2007 Certain types of people don't care if something is right or not. In an attempt to be "fair and balanced" they report (or repeat) knowable lies. May 25, 2007An Impeachable Offense May 25, 2007 |