Impeach Bush--Index 33
September 8, 2006 September 7, 2006 In finding a 52 percent reduction, the military counted only murders of individuals "targeted as a result of sectarian-related violence," including executions, said Lt. Col. Barry Johnson, a spokesman for the American military here. Killings from other violent acts, like car bombings and mortar attacks, were not counted, he said. September 4, 2006 Berger, reached by phone after the screening, seconded Ben-Veniste's criticism. "It's a total fabrication," he said tersely. "It did not happen." September 5, 2006 "Stay the hell out of southern Arizona," said Mike Hellon, one of the candidates and a former state party chairman, in an interview following the news conference. September 6, 2006 Unit labor costs -- the cost of the labor needed to produce one unit of output -- had been subdued in the past few years, but now workers are capturing more of their share of the productivity bonanza September 5, 2006 The report concluded that poverty was driving people to support the Taliban which now had a "strong psychological and de facto military control" over half of Afghanistan. It also found that the international military coalitions in Afghanistan - the US-led Operation Enduring Freedom and the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) - were fuelling resentment and fear. September 5, 2006 September 7, 2006 The attention on Clinton's culpability arrives about halfway through Part I, following the successful prosecution of several men involved in the 1993 WTC bombing. Keitel, an FBI security expert and clearly a tough-guy hero in this story, mentions Osama bin Laden (or "the tall one") for the first time. Richard Clarke, the White House terrorism expert and another sage in this story, agrees "we're at war." August 30, 2006 August 21, 2006 September 5, 2006 Sept. 5-11, 2006 A senior GOP source said the money was part of Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove's strategy to maintain a Republican majority in the Senate in November. The source said Mr. Rove, together with Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, directed leading pro-Bush contributors to donate millions of dollars to Mr. Lieberman's campaign for re-election in Connecticut in an attempt that he would be a "Republican-leaning" senator. September 2, 2006 The film, "Death of a President," has been alternatively derided as a tasteless publicity grab and defended as a serious look at a plausible event that could have dramatic ramifications for the world. "It's a disturbing film," said Peter Dale, head of More4, the television channel that will telecast the film in England in October. It is scheduled to debut this month -- on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks -- at the Toronto Film Festival. "You will never, ever be able to overestimate the degree to which the British people loathe George Bush," Liddle said. "It will be a free round of drinks in every pub for the person who plays the assassin." September 3, 2006 September 3, 2006 The record crop yielded 6,100 tons of opium, or enough to make 610 tons of heroin -- outstripping the demand of the world's heroin users by a third, according to U.N. figures. September 11, 2006 issue September 3, 2006 And not just him. We've heard it from Vice President Dick Cheney and from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, among others. So there's not much doubt that this is part of a plan. Few administrations have perfected the notion of a drumbeat better than those in Bush 43. It's not every day, you know, when you come face to face with the threat of a fascist. September 4, 2006 Who are these supposed threats to America? No, not Osama bin Laden followers, but labor unions made up of millions of workers -- janitors, teachers, firefighters, police officers, you name it. September 4, 2006 September 3, 2006 September 3, 2006 Three of the five recruitment centers in the Bronx are in the South Bronx; six of eight in Brooklyn are in Crown Heights, Flatbush, East Flatbush, Fort Green, East New York and Greenpoint, and the four in Queens are in the immigrant neighborhoods of Elmhurst, Flushing, Jamaica and Long Island City. In Manhattan, three of six centers are in Hispanic and black areas. In Morris Heights, in the South Bronx, 58 people joined one of the three branches in 2004. "Yet, in the upper East Side, the richest neighborhood in the city, which is 77% white and has a per-capita income of $67,010, only seven people enlisted in 2004," Sanchis said. Not one center is located in this area. September 4, 2006 "It is from air bubbles that we know for sure that carbon dioxide has increased by about 35 percent in the last 200 years," said Dr Eric Wolff of the British Antarctic Survey and the leader of the science team for the 10-nation European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica. September 3, 2006 September 5, 2006 The attack comes as the country's 29 million workers are paying huge amounts of tax, having over more than £130 billion in income tax in the last tax year. August 31, 2006 About 60 governments and aid organizations are meeting in Stockholm hoping to raise £262 million ($500 million) to help Lebanon rebuild roads, bridges and homes left shattered by the war. August 31, 2006 International law bans the use of such weapons in civilian areas. Unexploded bomblets from Israeli cluster shells made in the United States now litter parts of Lebanon after the conflict with Hizbollah guerrillas. August 31, 2006 Corporal Marshall Magincalda, 23, and Private First Class John Jokda, 20, are charged with killing Hashim Ibrahim Awad on April 26 in Hamdania, north of Baghdad, then altering the crime scene to make it appear the victim was an insurgent ready to plant a bomb. August 30, 2006 Several members of Congress had been urging Rumsfeld's to resign long before he asserted to the American Legion on Tuesday that war opponents displayed the kind of thinking that delayed military action against Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany. August 30, 2006 In 2005, the CEOs of the largest 15 oil companies averaged $32.7 million in compensation, compared with $11.6 million for all large U.S. firms, according to the study, released today by the Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy. August 29, 2006 After speaking with CCC founder and former White Citizens Council organizer Gordon Lee Baum and two of his cohorts, Allen suggested that they pose for a photograph with then-National Rifle Association spokesman and actor Charlton Heston. The photo appeared in the Summer 1996 issue of the CCC's newsletter, the Citizens Informer. August 29, 2006 Aug. 29-Sept. 4, 2006 August 29, 2006 August 28, 2006 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made the offer to George Bush on Tuesday. Thursday is the deadline set by the UN Security Council for Iran to suspend all uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities, and Iran faces possible sanctions if it fails to comply. August 30, 2006 August 29, 2006 The fall in August was sharper than expected. Economists expected the index to drop to 102.7 from the initial estimate of 106.5 in July. August 30, 2006 August 27, 2006 He went on: "The bottom line is that the designers of this system didn't begin to contemplate the realistic conditions under which the X-Band would have to operate. When you look at all the facts, you really have to wonder what the people who designed this thing were thinking." There are doubts that the SBX will ever make it to Alaska. "I increasingly suspect it may not ever leave Hawaii," said Coyle, the former assistant secretary of defense. August 27, 2006 The study, based on data from 2003 on students' performance on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, found charter school students significantly behind their non-charter-school counterparts. But the real stunner was the performance of free-standing charter schools, which have no affiliation with public school systems and are often school districts unto themselves. It was this grouping that showed the worst performance. August 28, 2006 The median hourly wage for American workers has declined 2 percent since 2003, after factoring in inflation. As a result, wages and salaries now make up the lowest share of the nation's gross domestic product since the government began recording the data in 1947, while corporate profits have climbed to their highest share since the 1960's. August 27, 2006 "We now have a situation where America is so unpopular overseas that even in countries like Egypt and Jordan our approval ratings are less than five per cent. It's a shameful and pitiful state of affairs and I hold your British Prime Minister to be substantially responsible for being so compliant and subservient." August 19, 2006 Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary described some of the security measures as "farcical, Keystone Kops-like and completely insane and ineffectual". August 25, 2006 August 25, 2006 August 29, 2006 August 25, 2006 August 25, 2006 Since the terrorist attacks of 2001, authorities have worked to tighten controls over nonimmigrant visas like those granted to students, tourists and workers. Friday's indictment, however, describes a scheme in which O'Keefe fast-tracked applications for Agrawal's company, New York-based STS Jewels. August 28, 2006 The curious omission underscores the Justice Department's decision, so far, to not seek formal criminal charges against bin Laden for approving al-Qaeda's most notorious and successful terrorist attack. The notice says bin Laden is "a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world" but does not provide details. August 27, 2006 An independent inquiry commissioned by Reuters concluded that the soldiers' shooting of television soundman Waleed Khaled on August 28 last year appeared "unlawful." But the Pentagon has failed to respond to requests to review the local commander's ruling, which said the firing of shots at the car was "appropriate." August 25, 2006 The U.S. Chamber of Commerce claims credit for the ads, although a spokesman refused repeatedly to say whether it had received any funds from the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. August 26, 2006 Since the 14 August ceasefire between Israel and Hizbollah, eight Lebanese - including two children - have been killed by cluster bombs, and 38 injured. August 26, 2006 August 26, 2006 • Raped on recruiting office couches • Assaulted in government cars • Groped en route to entrance exams August 25, 2006 August 24, 2006 The review was provoked by families who complained they weren't always given accurate information about the loss of loved ones in the service. August 23, 2006 About 4 percent of the male cadets also reported being sexually assaulted since joining the formerly all-male school, according to the results of the survey. August 24, 2006 August 24, 2006 Other Bush appellate judges have ruled to deny protection to workers who file claims of race and disability discrimination, made it harder to protect the environment, and issued other decisions that will affect our lives and liberties for decades. August 24, 2006 Having told the public that Iraq is central to a war on terror, the worse things go in Iraq, the more the public thinks the war on terror goes badly. Asked at his press conference what invading Iraq had to do with September 11, Bush seemed so dumbfounded that at first he answered directly. "Nothing," he said, before sliding into a falsely aggrieved self-defence: "Except for it's part of - and nobody has ever suggested in this administration that Saddam Hussein ordered the attack." August 17, 2006 August 23, 2006 Eric Hamlin said the flags of China, Mexico and the United Nations were relevant to the unit on the fundamentals of geography he teaches during the first six weeks of the semester. He's used the same display for most of the nine years he's taught in Jefferson County, Hamlin said. August 25, 2006 August 24, 2006 Senator John McCain, a Republican who is expected to run for the presidency in two years' time, focused his anger on statements from Mr Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, the defence secretary, and the vice-president, Dick Cheney, since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein three years ago. August 24, 2006 August 23, 2006 Article 2: Don't Marry A Lazy Man: If the last new skill your guy learned was how to tie his shoes in the second grade, dump him. If he can pick up new ideas faster than your puppy, you've got a winner. August 23, 2006 A report published by Chatham House said the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had removed Iran's main rival regimes in the region. August 22, 2006 Government sources said the Israeli failure has led to deep pessimism within the National Security Council and Pentagon regarding U.S. goals in the Middle East, particularly the effort to stop Iran's advance in Iraq and toward nuclear weapons. The sources said the Israeli experience has been used by the Pentagon to explain the U.S. difficulty in halting the deterioration of order in Iraq. August 17 & 23, 2006 Israeli police have questioned President Moshe Katsav over allegations of sexual harassment and corruption. Associates of Olmert added that they were surprised by the comptroller's intention of summoning the prime minister's wife for questioning as well, since she does not hold any public office. August 22, 2006
Meanwhile, can anyone think of a single bad-news-for-Kerry story that news outlets politely sat on during the 2004 campaign? August 21, 2006 "He has tried to say abortion should not exist because families and churches should step in," Jamiel Terry said. "When his own daughter is pregnant, he refuses to help her." August 22, 2006 And there are politicians with great instincts as followers -- those who are the first to stick their fingers in the air and notice even the slightest shift in the wind of popular opinion. (And these followership instincts are a political consultant's wet dream.) August 22, 2006 August 23, 2006 It is the first time the Marines have resorted to involuntary call-ups since the initial invasion of Iraq in March 2003, when about 2,000 Marines were ordered into service for a short duration. It means thousands of Marines across the country who have left active service could soon be forced to return. August 22, 2006 I contacted eight "religious right" organizations and asked them to send me a copy of their position paper on (President) Bush's use of torture against enemy combatants. I received a reply from two -- the Family Research Council and the Institute on Religion and Democracy. Both defended the Bush administration's position on torture. First of all, that's morally bankrupt. It's also aligning the faith too closely with a particular ideology. August 22, 2006 U.S. District Judge Charles R. Breyer sided with state Attorney General Bill Lockyer and environmental groups that sued the U.S. Forest Service over plans to log about 3,200 acres of the 328,000-acre preserve, home to 38 Sequoia groves in Central California. August 17, 2006 In the last one, in 2004, Ohio was the state that assured Republican President George W. Bush of a second term in the White House. But Bush won the state with just 51 percent of the vote, and Ohio can swing the other way too. Ohio has had a Republican governor since 1991, but corruption scandals have rocked the party. Gov. Bob Taft pleaded no contest last year to ethics violations. August 15, 2006 August 15, 2006 August 18, 2006 But for now, with a careful, thoroughly grounded opinion, one judge in Michigan has done what 535 members of Congress have so abysmally failed to do. She has reasserted the rule of law over a lawless administration and shown why issues of this kind belong within the constitutional process created more than two centuries ago to handle them. August 20, 2006 But the host was no liberal media elitist. It was Joe Scarborough, a former Republican congressman turned MSNBC political pundit. And his answer to the captioned question was hardly "no." While other presidents have been called stupid, Scarborough said: "I think George Bush is in a league by himself. I don't think he has the intellectual depth as these other people." Bush aides were bothered by a George F. Will column last week mocking neoconservative desires to transform the Middle East: "Foreign policy 'realists' considered Middle East stability the goal. The realists' critics, who regard realism as reprehensibly unambitious, considered stability the problem. That problem has been solved." The White House responded with a 2,432-word rebuttal -- three times as long as the column -- e-mailed to supporters and journalists. "Mr. Will's kind of 'stability' and 'realism' -- a kind of world-weary belief that nothing can be done and so nothing should be tried -- would eventually lead to death and destruction on a scale that is almost unimaginable," wrote White House strategic initiatives director Peter H. Wehner. Few have struck a nerve more than Scarborough, who questioned the president's intelligence on his show, "Scarborough Country." He showed a montage of clips of Bush's famously inarticulate verbal miscues and then explored with guests John Fund and Lawrence O'Donnell Jr. whether Bush is smart enough to be president. August 20, 2006 Refugees are not merely a humanitarian burden. They often continue the wars from their new homes, thus spreading the violence to other countries. At times, armed units move from one side of the border to the other. The war in Iraq has proved to be a disaster for the struggle against Osama bin Laden. Fighters there are receiving training, building networks and becoming further radicalized -- and the U.S. occupation is proving a dream recruiting tool for young Muslims worldwide. As bad as this is, a wide-scale civil war in Iraq could make the terrorism problem even worse. Much as Americans may want to believe that the United States can just walk away from Iraq should it slide into all-out civil war, the threat of spillover from such a conflict throughout the Middle East means it can't. Instead, Washington will have to devise strategies to deal with refugees, minimize terrorist attacks emanating from Iraq, dampen the anger in neighboring populations caused by the conflict, prevent secession fever and keep Iraq's neighbors from intervening. The odds of success are poor, but, nonetheless, we have to try. August 18, 2006 "I think that John Prescott is to be commended for the quality of his political analysis. His comment on American policy is brief and accurate. Britain has got to ensure that it is no longer seen as simply being the glove puppet of the United States." August 17, 2006 "I am the elected representative of the people," he said. August 17, 2006 August 22, 2006 Rashid Rauf, whose detention in Pakistan was the trigger for the arrest of 23 suspects in Britain, has been accused of taking orders from Al Qaeda's 'No3' in Afghanistan and sending money back to the UK to allow the alleged bombers to buy plane tickets. August 20, 2006 August 20, 2006 A six-month Associated Press investigation found that more than 80 military recruiters were disciplined last year for sexual misconduct with potential enlistees. The cases occurred across all branches of the military and in all regions of the country. August 13, 2006 Of the estimated 1,200 mostly Arab and Muslim men detained nationwide as potential suspects or witnesses in the Sept. 11 investigation, Benatta would earn a dubious distinction: Human rights groups say the former Algerian air force lieutenant was locked up the longest. |