Impeach Bush--Index 65
The media lost its credibility when it pushed pseudo scandals during the Clinton years and then when it pushed pseudo facts about Iraq being a threat to our national security. Surely few still they'll be honest when reporting political news. The media had degenerated into spewing endless GOP talking points. July 27, 2007 68% of Americans say the surge is a failure and 56% say the Iraq war is a failure. With numbers like this, it's time for some more propaganda. July 28, 2007 The Supreme Court took major hits in both the Gallup and Harris polls this year. July 29, 2007 July 27, 2007 July 29, 2007 A special prosector would take months to set up and years to finish a probe. There's no way that's going to happen unless Democrats have the same amount of courage as the Sacramento Bee. July 27, 2007 July 26, 2007 July 25, 2007An Impeachable Offense July 26, 2007 July 26, 2007An Impeachable Offense July 26, 2007 July 26, 2007An Impeachable Offense July 27, 2007An Impeachable Offense July 26, 2007 The military cut back on the number of health care workers to save money. They also cut back on programs to help vets who are homeless and they're even forcing amputee vets to return to service. All so Bush can have his war. July 26, 2007 The military can't even be trusted with telling the truth about how a soldier was killed. Can it be trusted with defending our nation? The entire military command structure (that allowed torture to go on under its collective noses) is in desperate need of repair. Heads have to roll and keep on rolling - until the truth comes out and sanity returns July 27, 2007 July 27, 2007 These are the same military advisors who said we'd be welcomed with open arms after we blew Iraq apart. Only a complete idiot trusts US military commanders these days. Not only did they July 24, 2007 July 23, 2007 Some of us require facts before we spout off our mouths about something - others simply guess or give their opinions. The general should be removed from command as soon as possible. Going to the press without a single fact and then hyping his beliefs about another terrorist attack is foolish and god knows we have enough fools in the command as it is. On the other side of the coin the military and Bush say we have to stay in Iraq so we can fight them over there instead of over here. If the general is correct, that assumption is wrong. We live in a world of too many assumptions and too few facts. July 25, 2007An Impeachable Offense July 25, 2007 July 25, 2007 A tough call. Every time Bush used intelligence he abuses it, cherry picks or simply lies about it. Is he lying about al Qaeda again? Probably, but we don't know for sure. The expert say he's lying and that's good enough for me. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 25, 2007 July 24, 2007 July 26, 2007 July 23, 2007An Impeachable Offense July 24, 2007An Impeachable Offense July 24, 2007 July 24, 2007 July 23, 2007An Impeachable Offense July 20, 2007An Impeachable Offense July 26, 2007 July 26, 2007 Can we call the Speaker a two-bit lazy incompetent whore yet? She is letting Bush get away with crap like this. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 20, 2007 July 21, 2007 July 21, 2007 July 20, 2007 July 21, 2007 Recall how the media cow towed to the notion that Bush was guided by his Christian faith. It seems they didn't need any proof. He cut taxes for the rich, increased the debt more than any president in history and took us to war using manufactured intelligence...but the media said he was a "good Christian man." Talk about idiots. July 22, 2007 July 20, 2007 July 20, 2007 From this point of view Democrats throw money at problems and fix it. The GOP throws money at their perceived problem and make it worse. July 22, 2007 July 22, 2007 For years it was in the best interest of the GOP to stay in Iraq, now they want out of that quagmire. Now Democrats say they want out of Iraq but they're not going to help the GOP since it's hurting the GOP in the polls. Dems could have withheld funds and/or forced the GOP to raise taxes to pay for the war and under the best of circumstances both would have resulted in the war ending quickly. But, Dems have nothing to gain from ending the war the war goes on. The central question has never changed. Is Iraq a threat to our national security? The answer has also never changed. No. Therefore both parties have been playing politics with this war for years and the media is eating it up. July 19, 2007 July 19, 2007 July 18, 2007 July 19, 2007 The good guys win another one. July 19, 2007 Apparently the neocons in the Pentagon haven't been reading any major newspapers in the past few months. If they had, they'd know just about everyone is supporting withdrawal, including newspapers that supported Bush's war from day one. The problem is the neocons listen to Rush Limbaugh and Fox and think the country is with them. They were delusional when they took us to war and they remain delusional today. July 20, 2007 The best part of Bush's wars is he hasn't been forced to raise taxes to pay for them. If they media had any balls they'd have asked him where he's going to get all the money he's spending, but alas the media remains brain dead. July 19, 2007 The Boston Globe understand that we must hold our representatives to their word. GOP senators say they're finally against the war but they voted again to keep it going. It's time to rid our country of every liar in the GOP - every republican in office. July 10, 2007 It's time to get caught up on some editorials from around the country. Most newspapers still think the GOP will do the right thing when push comes to shove. Boy are they delusional. July 10, 2007 It's important to understand how delusional the media remains. They still think the GOP gives a damn about this country or the war or the troops. The GOP had a chance to vote against the war and voted to keep it going. The same bullshit that got us into war is keeping us in the war and it's time for the media to call the GOP on it. July 15, 2007 July 13, 2007 First rule of politics: Never trust what a politician says, watch what he does. The Clinton camp likes to blame Bush for his war - the war she voted for and supported until most Americans opposed it. Is there any leaders left in Congress? July 18, 2007 July 18, 2007 July 18, 2007 Bush continues to say Afghanistan is a success story. In the real world, he's lying. Lying is an impeachable offense. An Impeachable OffenseJuly 18, 2007 July 18, 2007 July 15, 2007A War Crime July 18, 2007 July 16, 2007 July 18, 2007 July 18, 2007 |