Bush--Index 36
Clearly this young man hasn't learned how the US media works. They report a threat - don't check the facts and both Homeland Security and the media have egg on their face. When the next so called threat comes up, will you believe them. I won't. I haven't believed one of their threats so far and I refuse to give in to this insanity.
The media is shameless in their promotion of the GOP agenda - even when it requires them to rewrite history.
It seems obvious - broadcast and cable news care more about ratings and profits than facts. Running political ads for the GOP in their news segments has been common for a very long time. The GOP knows where to buy ads, on the news networks. Then they get free air time to boot.
The GOP thinks they're better suited to tell you how, when and where you can spend your money. The nanny state is alive and well. Social conservative need government to push their religious beliefs down our throats.
White Phosphorus is banned by the Chemical Weapons Convention. The US signed and ratified the Convention and then used chemical weapons (WMD) in Iraq. Now we have confirmation that Israel used chemical weapons. This White House claimed chemical weapons are so bad we had to destroy a country to find them and we had to use those same banned weapons in our search for banned weapons that never existed. As usual the US media let the Bush White House lie about using chemical weapons (WMD) in Iraq and allowed them to get away with blatant hypocrisy.
The problem is singular. Republicans truly believe the purpose of a free press is solely to promote their version of reality, no matter how unreal it is. It wasn't long ago that Bush challenged the media to go to Guantanamo Bay and see for themselves. CNN took up the challenge and had their equipment ceased by the Pentagon. Bush says one thing, then orders the military to do the opposite.
His office is part of an ongoing criminal investigation. Why is this man in charge of investigating waste, fraud and abuse?
First rule of GOP politics; "don't get caught." Second rule: "when you get caught blame Democrats." Rule #3: "When Rule 1 and 2 fail, you're screwed."
We have secret courts that let the government spy on us and they're allowed to spy on us without court orders. But, we're not allowed to see what the government is doing. So much for government "of, by and for the people."
Another reason why conservatives should never hold office. Our rights don't have to be enumerated. U.S.
Constitution: Ninth Amendment
Only 16 members of the Senate voted against Crawford. Apparently, the rest of the Senate thought it was ok for him to be breaking the law because they sure as hell didn't do their jobs and see what was up. If Democrats want respect they're going to have to work for it. As of now, the Democrat party is as lazy as the Republican party is corrupt. Needless to say the US media, the White House and Republicans in the Senate are just as bad, if not worse. When did the media think it was their job to roll over and let the GOP appoint corrupt people to congress?
The republican propaganda machine is gearing up for around the clock hate spewed at a new Democrat congress. It's what they do best - hate. Now we wait to see if the media will fall for their lies again. My best guess is yes - they can't help themselves. Conservatives know the US media is lazy and if they provide a narrative the media will push it around the clock.
The only way Bush can make "missile defense" work is by violating the "Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies." Article I
Note how long it took congress to investigate one of its own. When Bill Clinton was in office they investigated every person he every met and every penny he made. The GOP waited until Cunningham was in jail before the investigated him.
Most liberal blogs and web sites spend countless hours pushing for a Democrat congress. Why? 12 Democrat senators and 32 Democrat house members voted in favor of torture and ending the writ of habeas corpus - they voted to end the constitution as we know it. While we need Democrats to take control again, we also need to insure that those senators and house members who voted for Bush's agenda never hold positions of power in either chamber. In the end it comes down to one thing - the more new Democrats elected, the better. Newly elected Democrats can force pro torture Democrats off of committees and deny them chairmanships. If you can donate, give to the new guys, they are our future.
I've been ashamed to be an American only once before - when Bush took us to war for no reason. Now I'm ashamed for my country again. Not only has the congress disavowed the Geneva Conventions but they're eliminated the writ of habeas corpus - and suspended the Constitution. An Impeachable Offense. The Supreme Court has already ruled in favor of the Geneva Conventions - they must be followed. Members of congress who voted to destroy the Constitution must be eliminated as soon as possible. Their names are listed at the top of this page.
Sen. McConnell is your typical republican senator. He doesn't believe in anything and he sells his vote to the highest bidder. They used to call it bribery. I don't know what they call it now.
It sounding more and more like an excuse to go to war than a justification. If he'd only told the truth we wouldn't be talking about this mess.
The White House, the Senate and the House are sold to the highest bidder. Our founding fathers would be appalled by what the GOP has done to our government.
Not to worry, the GOP never looks at the facts - they just make it up. Their base is all too willing to obey what the party preaches. Was the GOP right about global warming, tax cuts, deficits, paying down the debt, war in Iraq, Whitewater, terrorism?
All the GOP has to do is stop lying. Stop lying about balanced budgets, tax cuts, threats to our national security and threats to marriage. It's that simple. If their base can't deal with reality - tough!
Let's be honest. The GOP says they're for a lot of things and then they turn around and do the opposite. They say they're fiscal conservatives and then they create mountains of debt. They say they hate gays but then cover up the crimes of a gay congressman. The GOP will do anything to get and maintain power. It believes in nothing - never has and never will.
Who'd have thought. The GOP won't allow gays to get married but they refer to the parent of a gay spouse as "mother-in-law." Does this make sense?
Americans get it. It's too bad the media is still so far behind the rest of us.
It's easy to see why Democrats vote for Bush's agenda. He buys them off. In the mean time, the deficit and debt soar. In fiscal year 2006 we spent $405 billion to finance our debt. Passing a republican agenda has already cost us nearly $3 trillion in new debt.
Why does Afghanistan have 10-foot-high marijuana plants? Because the Bush White House doesn't care about the war on drugs.
CNN fired the head of its news division- Eason Jordan when he
said the US targeted journalists. He told the truth and he was fired. At CNN,
news is only news AFTER the government approves it.
In Iraq the enemy uses poison. In the US, corporations poison us (read the next article for more)
When republicans are forced to choose between record corporate profits and safety, they chose profits. These profits fund their campaigns