Poll: 80% Don't Want Congressional Family
Members Congress Lobbying Congress
USA Today By Peter Eisler and Matt Kelley, USA TODAY October 17, 2006 An overwhelming majority of Americans believe it's wrong for lawmakers and their staffs to have contact with relatives who are lobbyists regarding government matters. But a survey of lawmakers suggests they don't see a problem. A USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows that 80% of respondents believe such actions are inappropriate. By contrast, few members of the House and Senate appropriations committees say they have policies that prevent lobbying by relatives. SURVEY: Where lawmakers stand Four committee members who responded to a USA TODAY survey have policies that prevent relatives from lobbying them or their staffs. All are senators: Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Arlen Specter, R-Pa. None of the House members who responded reported having such a policy. The newspaper surveyed all 94 members of the appropriations committees; 37 answered the survey. "We have clearly seen some potential problem areas in this Congress in terms of the role being played by spouses and relatives," says Fred Wertheimer, head of the ethics watchdog group Democracy 21. "That really needs to be examined now to see what kind of rules are necessary to address it." The USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, taken earlier this month, shows that 72% of respondents are concerned "a great deal" or "a fair amount" about such lobbyist contacts. An investigation by the newspaper found 53 cases last year in which members of the appropriations committees or their top aides had relatives in the lobbying business. Of the relatives who sought money in appropriations bills for their clients, 22 succeeded in getting specific language inserted in the bills that guaranteed money for the relatives' clients. "We handle (potential conflicts of interest) by hiring good, professional, ethical people," says John Scofield, spokesman for the House Appropriations Committee. "If there's any instance in which there's some sort of inappropriate action being taken at the behest of whoever, that (staffer) would be shown the door." he said. "Everyone around here knows we won't tolerate that." Where the lawmakers stand Only four lawmakers on the House and Senate appropriations committees who responded to a USA TODAY survey say they have policies to prevent relatives from lobbying them or their staff members.
Contributing: Will Risser and Catherine Rampell Commentary: |